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Guest bigjon44202

wreestling media

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Guest bigjon44202

Hey guys i dont know if this is me or if this was talked about and i missed it but my computer crashed and i just got it up lastnight i could not remember my old name on here as i only posted a few times and one of the post i did was mickie jamies theme BOTN...anyways i resigned up because i like this site but now that im back i can not find the wrestling media section was it takein down?? or i`m i missing something? i`m useing the last skin so mabey i will try to use the first one like i did last time any help would be great..Ps I sent a E-mail to the head of the site and told him what was going on with my old user name and and said how i can not remember my name or password and i saved the e-mail i got from when i first signed up and its not in there so i do not know whats going but agian any help on the wrestling media sec would be good news..thank you..PS can someone move this to the help SEC i thought i had it in there..sorry

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Guest bigjon44202

ok so i messed up with the topic name..so can someone just tell me what i want to know rather then acting like little kids..thanks

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Guest Felonies!

I've never seen you before and we never had a wrestling media section. You're probably at the wrong board.

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Guest bigjon44202

well like i said i lost my first user name i can not remember it..i know it had a media sec because i posted mickie jamies botn....also i know this is the site because owmf closed and wyw does not work for me anymore and this is the last site that i know of..i remember it because one it was only a few days ago that it had one and two i remember it because i remember thinking to myself that they post more wrestling matchs then they do themes and i wanted to help by posting themes

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Guest Felonies!

So, did you type like a fucking retard on your old account too? That might narrow it down a little bit.


EDIT: Wait, not in the WWE folder it won't.

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well like i said i lost my first user name i can not remember it..i know it had a media sec because i posted mickie jamies botn....also i know this is the site because owmf closed and wyw does not work for me anymore and this is the last site that i know of..i remember it because one it was only a few days ago that it had one and two i remember it because i remember thinking to myself that they post more wrestling matchs then they do themes and i wanted to help by posting themes


I think we would know more than you whether this place had a section like that. We're not trying to put one over on you, there's never been anything like that.

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Guest Felonies!

The Media Section must've been merged at the same time as the Bitch-Slapping Czech folder.

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well like i said i lost my first user name i can not remember it..i know it had a media sec because i posted mickie jamies botn....also i know this is the site because owmf closed and wyw does not work for me anymore and this is the last site that i know of..i remember it because one it was only a few days ago that it had one and two i remember it because i remember thinking to myself that they post more wrestling matchs then they do themes and i wanted to help by posting themes


*After reading this post 4 times very slowly*


I think you've got the wrong place, chief.


Seriously, have English and grammar teachers just vanished from the face of the Earth since the internet boom?

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Guest Felonies!

Is this that Pistons guy that I always made fun of? He can't write to save his life either.

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Guest Felonies!

See, that's the dead giveaway that you don't know which board you're supposed to be at. If you'd been here before, you'd know what you were in for.

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Guest Felonies!

It's short for boughten, which is the past participle of buy when you're a dumbshit. I buy gas, I bought clothes, I have boughten food.

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Guest bigjon44202

just for Felonies who is an :asshole2: BOTN stands for Best On The Net..........and chazz1998 thanks for trying to help

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They took down the wrestling media section two weeks ago because of lawsuit threats. Vince said he didn't want his material being seen without his consent among people who say words like "takein" or "mabey." Even he has standards, guys.

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Guest Princess Leena
Is this that Pistons guy that I always made fun of? He can't write to save his life either.


He must be.


I can't recall anyone else who was this bad.


Or, this is just a poor gimmick.

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Sorry, it was me, I've now found the correct combination. I'm now drinking from the golden cup of posting decadence, hopefully I don't drown in the filth of my words. My avarice for posting glory forced this thread upon all of you, for the posting greed that engulfs my soul is exposed in a thin, sticky, stream of sweat slowly dripping from my brow onto my keyboard and into your minds.


As I slowly trudge back down the long winding road of posting bliss remember my words more than my actions. For what I say, or in this case write, is my true self. A self not littered with insecurities and forced actions brought on by years of hypnosis by a society drowning in the filth of its own actions.

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