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Meltzer TNA notes from F4Daily

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I don't remember off hand why they didn't have Joe use the choke, but with what has happenen since I think it was so they could prolong the feud and I suspect they are saving the choke out finish for their second match. And it wasn't the muscle buster because Steiner, due to his injuries, didn't feel physically up to taking the move.


Oh I know the muscle buster was out of the question. And I understand that the match needed to have a "quick, surprise" pin to prolong the feud. But that's typically done with a roll-up or schoolboy or something... just felt odd to me, I guess :huh:

It's not really odd that they used the powerslam given that Joe uses it a lot.


Not to mention winning by roll-up or school boy would have left a horrible taste in everyone's mouth. The powerslam didn't go down smooth but it's a fresher ending than the roll up. I'm tired of feuds continuing by roll up or school boy. Joe getting the pin out of nowhere allowed Steiner to say it was a fluke that Joe beat him while Joe is able to say I overpowered you and beat you but I'll do it again if you want me too.

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Fair enough.

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Considering Jarrett already put Joe over clean a few ppvs ago, I would bet when/if the time comes again, its time for Joe to lose via screwjob to him, Jarrett can brag about ending the streak (this would bring back visions of Goldberg losing to Nash at Starrcade all over again) and then well after its too late to mean anything, Jarrett will put Joe over in a rematch. I hope, instead, we just dont get Jarrett/Joe at all for the belt, and instead Sting is fed to Joe to give him the belt (meaning Sting would beat Jarrett at the Aug ppv leading to Sting/Joe at BFG in October) and Jarrett/Joe just NEVER HAPPENS, PERIOD. It doesnt smell of anything near a money match at all to me.

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Jarrett/Joe has to happen if they really want to get joe over. Joe has to beat Jarrett. If he doesn't, he will turn into another monty brown.

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Jarrett/Joe has to happen if they really want to get joe over. Joe has to beat Jarrett. If he doesn't, he will turn into another monty brown.


I think beating Sting clean would mean just as if not more than him beating Jarrett.

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Joe isn't going to go over Sting, another guy the crowd likes. The fact that he'll be vanquishing the one person marks and smarks alike detest is what they're banking on.


Sting/Joe would be a good match once Joe is champion, sure. But not for his big title win, which will be essential to his babyface/company poster boy transition.

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Sting chasing Joe's title won't work. It doesn't make sense, and the crowd won't cheer him the same. Plus, if Joe beats Sting for it, Jarrett could challenge him later if he really has to get involved.

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Joe beating Sting will mean more than Joe beating Jarrett, whether it’s for the title or not. The fans have twice seen someone beat Jarrett for the title and then Jarrett wind up getting the belt back relatively quickly. Having Joe beat Jarrett for the belt runs a very real risk of people thinking that they’re going to see the same thing again, with Joe getting the belt for a few months before it goes back to Jarrett again.


What the fans have not seen before is Joe beating Sting. Joe vs. Sting makes sense because they have still to resolve the issue of Joe shaking Sting’s hand at Sacrifice only to leave him to get laid out by Jarrett and Steiner. After Joe beats Sting for the title, the next night on Impact they can have Joe shake Sting’s hand, before teasing Joe leaving Sting to get another beatdown from Jarrett and Steiner, only for Joe to finally make the save. Joe can then tell Sting he’s earned his respect at last because he finally faced him in the ring, while Sting can tell Joe, and the fans, that Joe has proven he’s the man and that he is the man to carry TNA. This can bring out Jarrett and Steiner, they can go back and forth to set up Sting/Joe vs. Jarrett/Steiner as the main event that night, and they can run an angle at the end of the match to set up Joe vs. Jarrett as the main event of the next PPV.


Samoa Joe beating Sting for the belt means people will see Joe beating a guy who was seen as one of the top names from wrestling’s boom period, and that alone means Joe’s big World title win will mean far more if it’s against Sting than Jarrett. It will not just be Joe winning the World title, but it will be the rubber-stamping of the new face of wrestling, Joe, beating the old face of wrestling, Sting, and that will do wonders for the perception that TNA is about the new rather than the old.

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A-fuckin-men HTQ, you spelled it out to a tee. Jarrett is NOT the guy to do the lowly job to Joe for him to take the title. Whats so fucking wrong with Joe being a tweener and feuding with Sting? He can go full face AFTER the win. Jarrett needs out of the title scene ASAP, and that means by jobbing to Sting to blow off that program, STAT. Then from there, TNA can run with a few months with Sting on top (which is a good thing if it is short term) and the Joe over Sting will mean MUCH more than Joe over Jarrett, guaranteed.

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Come on. Let's be serious here. Jarret WILL NEVER be out of the title scene. I agree about sting/joe should be the feud. But to really become face, he has to beat jarrett. Joe beating sting will make him into a bigger superstar but Joe beat jarrett will make him the biggest star there.

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I totally agree with HTQ. If i was on the booking committee, id have booked it that way.

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Joe beating Sting will mean more than Joe beating Jarrett, whether it’s for the title or not. The fans have twice seen someone beat Jarrett for the title and then Jarrett wind up getting the belt back relatively quickly. Having Joe beat Jarrett for the belt runs a very real risk of people thinking that they’re going to see the same thing again, with Joe getting the belt for a few months before it goes back to Jarrett again.


What the fans have not seen before is Joe beating Sting. Joe vs. Sting makes sense because they have still to resolve the issue of Joe shaking Sting’s hand at Sacrifice only to leave him to get laid out by Jarrett and Steiner. After Joe beats Sting for the title, the next night on Impact they can have Joe shake Sting’s hand, before teasing Joe leaving Sting to get another beatdown from Jarrett and Steiner, only for Joe to finally make the save. Joe can then tell Sting he’s earned his respect at last because he finally faced him in the ring, while Sting can tell Joe, and the fans, that Joe has proven he’s the man and that he is the man to carry TNA. This can bring out Jarrett and Steiner, they can go back and forth to set up Sting/Joe vs. Jarrett/Steiner as the main event that night, and they can run an angle at the end of the match to set up Joe vs. Jarrett as the main event of the next PPV.


Samoa Joe beating Sting for the belt means people will see Joe beating a guy who was seen as one of the top names from wrestling’s boom period, and that alone means Joe’s big World title win will mean far more if it’s against Sting than Jarrett. It will not just be Joe winning the World title, but it will be the rubber-stamping of the new face of wrestling, Joe, beating the old face of wrestling, Sting, and that will do wonders for the perception that TNA is about the new rather than the old.


This is one of the better posts I've read about wrestling in a while. Good work.

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I was a bit sceptic about Steiner at first, but he won me over when he said to Joe:


"(pointing at his muscles) You see that, thats a vein, something you havet got you fat bastard"


Genuis, on like a Nash/Shelley level.

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I use that one on my mate because he is fat. And i do with a scott steiner voice so its even funnier.

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Do you tell him you only care about two things in this world; your freaks and your peaks, and you don't give a shit about his fatass, then give him a spinning belly to belly, kiss your bicept, elbow drop him then do 10 push-ups while you scream obsenities at him afterwords?

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Do you tell him you only care about two things in this world; your freaks and your peaks, and you don't give a shit about his fatass, then give him a spinning belly to belly, kiss your bicept, elbow drop him then do 10 push-ups while you scream obsenities at him afterwords?


describing Steiner like you just did made me realize his character is more awesome than I thought.

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Yeah, he's pretty goddamn awesome, man. Really, I swear.


When you factor in that the guy pretty much is just himself out there: a roid-raging 'genetic freak' who's a few tablets short of a full medicine cabinet.

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Im still so surprised how much ive warmed to him. Considering i didnt watch his "big poppa pump" days in WCW and only saw his run in WWE.

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