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On wildpegasus

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Guest wildpegasus
Oh yeah? I'm not gonna get into this since i'm a n00b but may I ask why you are like 30 and haven't experienced the touch of a woman??


Loooooong story short. I am extremely shy and I believe I have social anxiety as well as some depression. Last year I did feel the touch of a woman at a stripclub.



I wasn't really getting at anything...I just like to see myself post wink.gif


Me too.

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Guest DRH 502

Don't feel bad dude, I suffer from the social anxiety/shyness as well...start smoking pot or taking copious amounts of xanax.

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Guest wildpegasus
Don't feel bad dude, I suffer from the social anxiety/shyness as well...start smoking pot or taking copious amounts of xanax.


I will admit to not even having close to the best diet of all time but one thing I always adhere to is keeping myself drugfree as possible since it's a handicap to training. Plus I have some addicted people in my family on both sides. Stories that just scare the crap out of ya. My uncle died in a snowbank. I almost got molested by a family member there last year while driving on the TransCanada due to them being so out of it that they thought I was their wife. In about 15 mins or less they had gone from walking to not being able to lift their head up. I thought he might even die. Stuff like that scares ya. Rant over.

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Guest DRH 502

Having at one time been on LOTS of different drugs and having a mother who is addicted to pills I can honestly say in my opinion, the only people addicted to drugs are the people who want to be...

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Guest DRH 502

Also its not a handicap to training brother, looking at your picture my physique is as strong as yours and I smoke weed all day some days...its all mental.

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Guest wildpegasus
Having at one time been on LOTS of different drugs and having a mother who is addicted to pills I can honestly say in my opinion, the only people addicted to drugs are the people who want to be...


I don't know really. Yes and no I guess.

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Guest wildpegasus
Also its not a handicap to training brother, looking at your picture my physique is as strong as yours and I smoke weed all day some days...its all mental.


My genetics aren't the best ever. Yes, a lot of it is indeed mental.


Ciggarettes have been proven as a detriment to building muscle. I can't imagine pot being any better.


Maybe I should start selling that stuff to you. It's grown all over the place here.

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Guest Princess Leena
WP was on the cusp of surpassing DJ Jeff as the best "personality" gimmick created on the board, but he blew it by going overboard. The attention was just to much for him.




It was great when he toned it down enough to where some thought he was real/some didn't.


Now we all know.

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Guest wildpegasus

WP was on the cusp of surpassing DJ Jeff as the best "personality" gimmick created on the board, but he blew it by going overboard. The attention was just to much for him.




It was great when he toned it down enough to where some thought he was real/some didn't.


Now we all know.


People don't want me to tone it down though. I had toned down the talk of my crazier life stories as of the last 2 or 3 weeks but there's a good amount of people here that don't seem to like it despite saying the exact opposite. I mean, when FRIEND started this thread he had to have known what was going to happen.



Seriously, I think there are some people here that are jealous of my ability to say anything about my life which is kind of ironic since I'm the shyest person once I'm off this board. People online are what I am offline which is self concious. Everybody here has got a reputation or personality that they don't want to have diminished in front of their peers. I don't have that problem. Well, some may say I do but you know what I mean. With that comes jealousy because they can't truly express themselves on the board.


It was my sole intent to not talk about my "weird" life stories/thoughts/experiences and concentrate more on being a "serious" poster/concentrate a little more on wrestling talk but everybody just drags me back in because all they want is the more extravagent, out there WP. And I will admit I can't resist that.

My reason for wanting to diminish the "crazy" talk is because I want everybody to help me out the day I finally get a girlfriend. I'm going to need all the help in the world when that day comes. If I diminish the "crazy" talk than I feel people won't be already jaded from all my previous talk and a little more willing to help me out. That is of utmost importance to me because I don't want to screwup the once chance I get with a girl if I ever do get it.

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Guest wildpegasus
wildpegasus, you should be reassigned to the Pit.



"I belong to nobody!!!!"


Sorry, I just had to get in another Transformers quote. I thnk that's about 8 or 9 now.




You guys will all help me when the time comes, right? I can count on everyone, correct? I know I could ask for help on some other boards I got to but nobody knows me there as well as people know me here.

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Guest DRH 502

Coming from me this is a bit rich but...honestly you are a fucked up bunch of people. I haven't made up my mind whether or not thats good or bad but this thread makes me not like the internet anymore...

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Hey, you aint alone man.


To me, this place is like crack. I'd had some fun making nonsensical posts today, anyway. OK, I'm done.

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WP: Thanks to you and Family Guy, I am now embaressed to be a Transformers fan.

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Guest wildpegasus

Edited quote


People don't want me to tone it down though. I had toned down the talk of my crazier life stories as of the last 2 or 3 weeks but there's a good amount of people here that don't seem to like it despite saying the exact opposite. I mean, when FRIEND started this thread he had to have known what was going to happen.




It was my sole intent to not talk about my "weird" life stories/thoughts/experiences and concentrate more on being a "serious" poster/concentrate a little more on wrestling talk but everybody just drags me back in because all they want is the more extravagent, out there WP. And I will admit I can't resist that.

My reason for wanting to diminish the "crazy" talk is because .....



See what I mean?



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It's NHB.....does there really need to be a reason? I guess Hemme wasn't punching back enough, so WP became the new whipping boy.

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Guest Felonies!

wildpegasus has been not punching back enough since Hemme was in short pants. s'nothin' new.

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Guest wildpegasus


WP, Megatron would like to have a moment with you


cardsfan, Optimus Prime would like to have a word with you.




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Guest wildpegasus

Someone name pildwegasus is reading this thread. I think he must've spent too much time watching that HeMan episode where He-Man went into Orko's home land to find everything backwards. Like when Adam had to turn into He-Man he would go "Grayskull of power the by".




I admit. I laughed pretty hard when I read the profile. ROLFHHVSABIT hard!

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Guest Felonies!

3 User(s) are reading this topic (0 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users)

3 Members: Felonies!, Adam, pildwegasus


Jumped the shark.

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Guest wildpegasus

I REALLY want to know who spent all that time making an account that mocks me. But in a good, funny way. :)


Who's in charge of letting new members on the board?

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