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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster

Pepsi Jazz.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

All the pop I drank in the tropics was made with cane sugar instead of high fructose syrup. Tasted better.

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I once had an idea back in 2002 that Pepsi should build themselves around the "Blue" idea (since I liked it) and change the colours of their cola. Pepsi would be the same, but cherry would be Pepsi Red, twist would be Pepsi Yellow. It would also have opened the door to Crystal Pepsi returning. It was not to be.

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I remember the first time I had Pepsi Blue was on my trip to Toronto in August '02 (hence it doubled as "Pepsi Bleu"), and when I tried it I nearly gagged because it tasted like carbonated cough syrup. When I came back to the states though, I decided to give it a second chance, especially I've heard the Canadian wings of Coke/Pepsi use slightly differing recipes than down here (one of my Canadian friends kept insisting that Canadian Coke was better than US Coke, but I couldn't taste any discernable difference when I was there). I tried it here and enjoyed it immensely, only to be disappointed when production ceased not long thereafter.


I don't know about Canadian & US Coke being different but I do know that we do have different laws that's for sure. Our Mountain Dew has NO caffeine in it. I didn't even know for years that the US put caffeine in it and always wondered why their commercials were all "Extreme" and whatnot.


Hence why we had Mountain Dew Energy (which I believe has been rebranded Dew Feul). It got around our clear (or almost clear, I guess) beverage regulations of being caffeine free. I guess because they new had a caffeinated Dew product out, they had to pute "CAFFEINE FREE" on the regular Dew cans.

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All the pop I drank in the tropics was made with cane sugar instead of high fructose syrup. Tasted better.


We seriously need to outlaw high fructose corn syrup. I want me some plantation sugar, dammit!

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Im not sure what Pepsi was thinking trying to sell a drink that looked like Windex.




Looking like Windex wasn't its problem. It's that it tasted like Windex.

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