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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster

OAO ECW TV Week 10 Thread - August/15th/2006.

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That was quite a surreal match. Like its been suggested, I think both of them were stoned as all hell working this match, it seemed. Very sloppy and just random bumps taken with no rhyme or reason. Match had zero flow but was interesting to watch in a car crash way. Finish was corny but I guess it worked, as Sabu-Show is the match they've been building on TV. But I swear you could hear a pin drop when Sabu won the match. Van Dam needs to chase that belt for a good 2-3 months, I think, and hopefully not against Show, as that is not a $$$ match at all.

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It's a shame that we won't get a Three-Way or Triple Threat at Summerslam, because that way Big Show could take a break during a lengthy match and let Van Dam/Sabu wow the crowd with their spots.


I just hope the match at Summerslam ends clean. No Sabu-winning tease before Heyman runs in or something.


Common sense says The Big Show walks away champ because it is much easier to book a super over face in RVD chasing the hated(figuratively and literally) Big Show for the title. Plus that would make the crowd 200% behind RVD in December, assuming Big Show holds it that long.


Overall, another "meh" ECW show, and reason #837283 why ECW needs it's OWN TAPINGS!

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Did anyone else hear a "Are you retarded" yell from a guy in the crowd during the match? I laughed hard at that.


god, this was the most hillarious, badly, botchfilled match I've ever saw, a pin attempt by RVD(with the ref actually counting), RVD jumping to get the contract, Sabu's weakass crotch between-the-ropes attempt, Sabu fucking up the triple jump moonsault from the ladder, hell even Big Show sliding in the ring as fast as he did from out of nowhere got a laugh out of me. Thank god for the Hardcore Hangerover!

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I loved the Main Event.


I was high as well, so it's like I was on thier level, and understood all the spots that seemed blown to all of you sober people.


That was a nice cover-up by RVD, jumping for the contract. I think he did that in a ladder match in WWE once before.


The ending was cool for the originality of it. But I wanted RVD to get the belt at SS, mainly because the second biggest show of the year needs something halfway memorable to happen.


I would love for Sabu to win the belt but I doubt it. I've read that Vince loves the guy, so maybe.

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I loved the Main Event.


I was high as well, so it's like I was on thier level, and understood all the spots that seemed blown to all of you sober people.


That was a nice cover-up by RVD, jumping for the contract. I think he did that in a ladder match in WWE once before.


The ending was cool for the originality of it. But I wanted RVD to get the belt at SS, mainly because the second biggest show of the year needs something halfway memorable to happen.


I would love for Sabu to win the belt but I doubt it. I've read that Vince loves the guy, so maybe.



I hope I lived up to your smoky expectactions.

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Well, after tonight I'm almost thinking RVD does show up at SS on Sunday and will cost Big Show the title against Sabu. Hopefully that match is at least extreme because I have no clue why you'd book an ECW title match on a Big 4 PPV without it being violent. Big Show having the title till Dec. for that PPV is a decent idea in theory, until you look at the fact that the BIG SHOW will have a world title till Dec. Five months is roughly one month longer than Wight has ever been able to hold anyone's attention as champion (his longest run was 4 months in WCW circa 1996).


What the hell, this show was fun as hell tonight. The main event was a riotous match with an original finish to say the least. Who didn't think it was hysterical to see Sabu eating the contract? I have to admit I saw at least a couple of things I've never seen before in that match:


--RVD leaping for the contract from the top rope. Really weird.

--RVD monkey flipping the LADDER onto Sabu, a spot that cracked me up to no end.

--Obviously the finish with Sabu on Show's shoulders retrieving the contract, then eating it.


If they actually void the match at SS due to Sabu eating the contract I'll laugh my ass off, since it'd make total sense.

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That was a nice cover-up by RVD, jumping for the contract. I think he did that in a ladder match in WWE once before.

I don't think he's ever jumped for the contract before.


I think what you're remembering is SS, Jeff Hardy hanging from the belt, and RVD goes for a back kick off the top rope, completely missing.

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I loved the Main Event.


I was high as well, so it's like I was on thier level, and understood all the spots that seemed blown to all of you sober people.


That was a nice cover-up by RVD, jumping for the contract. I think he did that in a ladder match in WWE once before.


The ending was cool for the originality of it. But I wanted RVD to get the belt at SS, mainly because the second biggest show of the year needs something halfway memorable to happen.


I would love for Sabu to win the belt but I doubt it. I've read that Vince loves the guy, so maybe.



I hope I lived up to your smoky expectactions.


Yes, yes you did.



the fan yelling "ARE YOU GUYS RETARDED" was sadly the highlight of that main event, and the show in general.



It was "ARE YOU RETARDED" to Sabu when he was setting up the ladder dor a triple jump moonsault.


Then Sabu answered the dude's question by crashing and burning.


I kinda think that was a planned fuck up, though. It just looked worse because of the actual botches before and after it.


I loved the match though.

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The only excuse that I can see why this match was so OUT there was the fact that this was supposed to have Angle involved until his injury so they kind of had to wing it at the last second. Imagine if Angle was supposed to win the match too.

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You have to kind of think Sabu planned that fuck-up, I mean the guy has worked with Tables, Ladders, and Chairs his entire career, and to think that is REALLY his first time attempting that move is a bit unbelievable. Plus, I mean when he went back and did it the normal way with the chair, he hit it just fine and the crowd basically forgot about the botch earlier in the match.

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That was a nice cover-up by RVD, jumping for the contract. I think he did that in a ladder match in WWE once before.

I don't think he's ever jumped for the contract before.


I think what you're remembering is SS, Jeff Hardy hanging from the belt, and RVD goes for a back kick off the top rope, completely missing.



Could be. I do remember that. I was thinking he jumped for a title once, but I probably am just thinking of the Hardy spot.




Big show getting pissed at how slow the contract was being lowered was funny.


Mostly because that's what most people scream at thier tv's during his matches.

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You have to kind of think Sabu planned that fuck-up, I mean the guy has worked with Tables, Ladders, and Chairs his entire career, and to think that is REALLY his first time attempting that move is a bit unbelievable.


This is a major reason why I think both of these guys were working this match loaded, as trying a move like that should not even be attempted, and purposely botching a move, especially on tv, isn't smart. The Van Dam monkey flip with the ladder was another example of this. PLUS the fact that Sabu waited to jump on Shows shoulders forever on the top rope there makes me think there was some smokin goin on!

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Dear God, can you imagine what this would have been like with an injured, deteriorated Angle involved? Someone would have gotten seriously fucked up tonight. What the hell, throw in the returning Jeff Hardy and do a sequel to Monster's Ball from the TNA PPV.


I don't mind blown spots in matches like these, because it's like a demolition derby. Where else in the year 2006 are you gonna see this kinda crazy shit? I'll take it over anything on Raw last night.

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I seriously want to see RVD vs Sabu vs Hardy in a TLC match.


and I bet TLC Doesnt stand for Tables Ladders and Chairs..


Don't you mean a THC match?! hahahahahhaha.

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Guest Kobe24KGold

Sabu did look like a retard in there with his two awful botches.




Worst Ladder Match ever. I felt sad for the faces of ECW, and it's a shame, because I wanted them to stick it to RAW and Smackdown wrestlers by putting on an incredible show. You can't put on a great show when you're toking on some bong loads.

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I'm going to go into Tony Schiavone mode and proclaim this as, "The greatest train wreck in the history of our sport!" I'm saving it to my DVR just so I can watch it and laugh all over again. I'm sorry to say it, but I loved that match in a guilty pleasure sort of way.

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I could watch that match for days. I can see why Angle was taking out of it... he would have been out a year if he was in it. Sabu's fuckups at least work for his gimmick.


All this match needed was for Shannon Moore to jump out of the crowd, hop into the ring, and say, "Question Authority..." while Sabu throws a chair at him. Then have Jeff Hardy doing his raver dance on top of the announcing table while Taz and Joey Styles don't mention him... at all.

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Guest Kobe24KGold

They were trying some shit with a degree of difficulty of about an 11 out of 10. Props for that. They weren't going for the kind of simplistic bullshit that you saw in any Shawn Michaels ladder match.


I wonder what Vince's reaction was to the match?

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I thought tonights show was decent at best. It wasn't a bad show, but it could have been a whole lot better. My thoughts.


Opening promo: That could have been done at Raw but it was worth it to see Mick arkwardly dance.


CM Punk vs Justin Credible: Decent short match, Punk looked pretty good but Credible came off (to me at least) sloppy. Everything he did was just slow and looked arkward. I did however like the fact it was a competitive match and also that it had the backstory of Credible wanting a rematch.


FBI vs Knox/Test: Could have been much better, I knew it was going to be a typical squash, so I didn't care for it.


Shannon Moore: Get off my tv.


Sabu vs RVD: This was a fun match to watch, I enjoyed it for what it was worth. I'm not one of those who, when a botch happens, it ruins the match for me. If a botch happens, it happens and I move on. However, the ending of the match sucked and what bugged me the most about the match. It could have been done so much better. It would have made sense if Big Show caught Sabu near the corner, then Sabu started punching the head of Show which would have backed Show up to the contract and Sabu could have grabbed it, then Show could have powerbombed Sabu off of him, that would have been a better finish than what was used tonight.



But hey, Sabu vs Big show at Summerslam and hopefully Sabu wins the title but for some reason I think Big Show is going to retain.

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Is Punk a really really good seller, or did he legit injure himself on that semi-botched clothesline thing from the top rope? He landed on Credible's knee, and while Credible limped on it for like 20 seconds, Punk sold the gut injury for the rest of the match, and the ending felt a bit rushed.

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Punk's corner shining wizard was cool, until the replay showed him smacking his thigh to make the sound. The roundhouse kick (and running bootscrape--thanks Joe!) were fucking sicknasty, though. Now give him someone like Mamaluke or Guido so they can really go.

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As I said, RVD and Sabu are better off being tag partners than being opponents. Going against one another they tend to do the exact ultra difficult and insane spots you saw last night. It's watching one guy who does crazy spots against another guy doing crazy spots.

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The match would of been better if there wasn't 8 minutes of commercials of comicbook hero and eureka preempting Sabu and RVD fighting outside the ring and when they did comeback from commerical it was a resthold!

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