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I really miss Chris Benoit.

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This is a pretty random post, but I really miss him. I haven't been following Smackdown for quite some time (even with Chris on the show) and I know that they've done nothing with him for a while....but the fact he's been gone for this long without hearing anything about him sucks. I hope when he returns they give him a rightful push up to main event status on a show that needs it, and hopefully another title run before it's all over and done with.


So here's a thread until he comes back.

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I miss dude too, but there's one of these threads like every week.


They should all be merged and pinned.


Then when peeps need to dicuss thier Benoit love, they'll have one place to (hopefully) contain it all.

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Guest wildpegasus

Benoit had shoulder surgery and perhaps a hernia surgery as well just recently. Word out on the street is that he'll be back in the fall.


I haven't heard any contract news at all as of late.



Wrestling's just not the same without Benoit. Let's hope they finally do something when he comes back.

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Guest wildpegasus
"Word out on the street"?


Or Da Meltz if you prefer. I just like saying "word out on the street".

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Duh, the word on the mean streets of Standford, Connecticut.

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Guest wildpegasus

I don't think Benoit's a follower anymore as it doesn't fit in his personality and wouldn't do him any good since he's on a higher level kayfabe wise than almost anyone on the Smackdown roster. He's either got to be the leader of the group (if the WWE want to go that way) or out on his own.



WP -- Still waiting for the first REAL Benoit vs Undertaker match.

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Benoit should have been part of the resistance to the Court. Who wouldn't want various combos of Booker, Regal, and Finlay vs. Benoit, Lashley, and Rey (replaced by Gunner Scott when Rey moved to the Chavo program)? When Batista moves in to face Booker, have Kennedy occupy one of the faces to keep things even. That would be good tv right there.


I imagine Benoit will get a decent push when he comes back. At least a title shot at a throwaway ppv or something.

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Guest panthermatt7
I miss dude too, but there's one of these threads like every week.


They should all be merged and pinned.


Then when peeps need to dicuss thier Benoit love, they'll have one place to (hopefully) contain it all.


What are you talking about? I've never seen any threads about Benoit in this forum. Especially any hoping that he's pushed to the main event. The internet hates Benoit.

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I miss dude too, but there's one of these threads like every week.


They should all be merged and pinned.


Then when peeps need to dicuss thier Benoit love, they'll have one place to (hopefully) contain it all.


What are you talking about? I've never seen any threads about Benoit in this forum. Especially any hoping that he's pushed to the main event. The internet hates Benoit.


That was sarcasm right? My detector is a little broken.

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Guest wildpegasus
people act like this dude's been gone since the night after Summerslam 05.


He may has well as been. Wrestling's just not been the same without him.


Benoit now is actually like the Undertaker in that he is a face, is protected, has the respect of the locker room and is a grizzled old veteran who has the respect of the fans. They can't put them in main events because if they do they might lose some of their "indestructability" credibility so they almost keep them as side attractions to the main roster. Of course, Benoit can lose easier than the Undertaker.



But I think it's time for Benoit to have another run with the belt. Everybody on the net and this includes forums that aren't wrestling based to start with are plain old fed up and just want to see him in the main event having another title reign. If Batista goes out again, than there's absolutely no reason to not give Benoit the belt.

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Does this really need its own thread? Seriously, I like Benoit just as much as the next guy, but come on. There have been 2 threads about him (nothing news worthy) since he's been out. I don't understand it.

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Benoit should come back as a major heel and have one last run where he wins the WHC and has a well booked run with it.


As much as I love Benoit, Angle and a few other guys, I really want them to get out before they end up like Benoit's hero.

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I think they have no plans for him



i had to buy a bunch of dvds from 2004 just to prove to my friends that stopped watching that he really did win the world title.


being on Raw for a long period is a career killer


all i remember about him the last couple of years is he and Christian were drafted to Smackdown so they could alternate working Velocity. Once Christian bolted and Benoit was either feuding with midcarders or not doing anything, I figured they gave up on doing anything at all progressive with him.

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Guest wildpegasus

Rumors are starting to come to fruitition now. I imagine everyone's heard by now that Benoit's been booked on house shows in late October.


In other Benoit news, apparantly Meltzer has said that creative are actually working on ideas for his return. Well, that'd be a first.


Should I be petrified or happy? Just don't put him on Raw because that suck beyond what words can describe.


Benoit vs Undertaker, Regal, Batista, Kennedy and Finlay. That my friend is where it's at.

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