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Rick Scaia

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It seems that Wikipedia is the latest tool for those who just can't get enough of themselves. Those who never tire of blatant self promotion and shameless masturbatory ego stroking. I found this article the other day on Rick Scaia. Note to The Rick - you aren't supposed to write Wikipedia entries about yourself. If you are important and relevant enough, somebody else will write about you. My favorite part was this:


His tendency to point out the negatives about current wrestling stories while also suggesting positive alternatives separates his writing from the larger crop of cynical bitter-mindedness that often characterizes online wrestling commentary. The more balanced and patient take may be responsible for Scaia's allegedly considerable audience of current WWE employees.


The old standby of insecure Internet wrestling columnists... whenever your importance is in doubt, point out that you have people in the business who are fans of your writing! So sad.

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It seems that Wikipedia is the latest tool for those who just can't get enough of themselves. Those who never tire of blatant self promotion and shameless masturbatory ego stroking. I found this article the other day on Rick Scaia. Note to The Rick - you aren't supposed to write Wikipedia entries about yourself. If you are important and relevant enough, somebody else will write about you. My favorite part was this:


His tendency to point out the negatives about current wrestling stories while also suggesting positive alternatives separates his writing from the larger crop of cynical bitter-mindedness that often characterizes online wrestling commentary. The more balanced and patient take may be responsible for Scaia's allegedly considerable audience of current WWE employees.


The old standby of insecure Internet wrestling columnists... whenever your importance is in doubt, point out that you have people in the business who are fans of your writing! So sad.



Oh where is Hyatte when you need him?

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Guest NYankees

I used to read Rick all the time on OnlineOnslaught 7-8 years ago. I haven't been on that site since maybe 2000.

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I didn't even know the site was still around. I just went there and it look like they're using the same layout they had six years ago, except with more ads. I guess I find it amazing that in 2006 anybody can still find the energy/motivation to devote time to a wrestling website, but hey, to each his own. I haven't followed wrestling since 2001, so maybe the product is good again. Who the hell knows.

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Online Onslaught was finished around the time Wrestleline folded. The major guys from Wrestleline retained their audience elsewhere (like the original Smarks/Rantsylvania or 411) whereas Scaia just kept his site and nobody really cared because his writing always lacked real opinions. Which is ironic since that's what he praised so much about himself, his ability to point out positives and negatives.


Thing is, when the product isn't so good anymore people are less inclined to wanna hear about the so called "good" aspects. So even keeled guys like Scaia went by the wayside, while bitter bastards like Scott Keith retained an audience.

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I still read him semi-regularly and to call him "even-keeled" anymore couldn't be further from the truth. His writing is bloated, unfocused and rambling. He claims to not like fantasy booking, then goes on tangents in the middle of recaps about how he would book a situation, explaining that his way is CLEARLY better (when in reality, it's not).


Why do I still read him, you ask? I dunno. Car crash appeal. You don't want to look, but you can't turn away.

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Guest netslob

It seems that Wikipedia is the latest tool for those who just can't get enough of themselves. Those who never tire of blatant self promotion and shameless masturbatory ego stroking. I found this article the other day on Rick Scaia. Note to The Rick - you aren't supposed to write Wikipedia entries about yourself. If you are important and relevant enough, somebody else will write about you. My favorite part was this:


His tendency to point out the negatives about current wrestling stories while also suggesting positive alternatives separates his writing from the larger crop of cynical bitter-mindedness that often characterizes online wrestling commentary. The more balanced and patient take may be responsible for Scaia's allegedly considerable audience of current WWE employees.


The old standby of insecure Internet wrestling columnists... whenever your importance is in doubt, point out that you have people in the business who are fans of your writing! So sad.



Oh where is Hyatte when you need him?



someone should send it to him...he might pick it apart in an upcoming column.

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Rick loves to hate the southern promotions,seriously. Just look at all his work going back from 1995 until now ( http://rspw.org/nfd/ ), see the common theme. He have a problem with "southern hicks" as he like to call us. If it's not fancy production(WWE) or cutting edge(ECW), he will never like you. He still feel that way today. I don't even think he passionate about wrestling.

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Wasn't Tommy Fierro the one who blew all his money gambling one night or something?


I hope so, because if he did it may have inspired him to commit suicide.

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Guest DRH 502
Rick loves to hate the southern promotions,seriously. Just look at all his work going back from 1995 until now ( http://rspw.org/nfd/ ), see the common theme. He have a problem with "southern hicks" as he like to call us. If it's not fancy production(WWE) or cutting edge(ECW), he will never like you. He still feel that way today. I don't even think he passionate about wrestling.


I'm assume you jokin so I say nothin. He have a problem with them southern hicks I agree.

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