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Guest Connzilla

ECW's next PPV 'December To Dismember'

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When they wanted to go full-on ECW they didnt want to announce matches for ONS or promote it much. When they still ran their own ppvs they wouldnt announce the card at all towards the end, just the title and the date.

But I think that had to do with the controversy at the time that the cable company would not let them charge more than 20 bucks for a ppv, even when it was clear that if they raised the price to 30 (which was how much they cost back in the day) they would still get the exact same number of buys. And when they stopped announcing a full card, it was true, the number of buys still stayed the same.

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It doesn't appear to really matter, the ECW crowd tends to stick around the 1.7 mark and Lashley won't effect that rating as a negative if he sticks around as the face, which is highly improbable. RVD isn't the guy anymore and with the reaction that Punk is getting with the crowds, they have no choice but to do Lashley/Punk.


Short of moving RAW/SD talent over to ECW for good, they don't have much else to work with. Still sad that a 1 hour show and limited roster still beats Raw everyweek in quality.

There must be something wrong with the audio on my tv because I could swear that RVD was still the most over guy in ECW or WWE for that matter. Punk is a good wrestler but he's just finally getting over with the WWE fans to give him the ball to carry WWECW, giving the belt to Punk now would be a bad idea since the fans love for the wrestler to earn his spot the old fashion way, by working his way up the ladder. The only choice right now is RVD since he is still more over with the fans and has entertaining matches (even with guys like Test and Holly), like I said Punk is a great wrestler but he hasn't been able to showcase his skills to the WWE crowd and he needs to do that first to see if the fans will want him as the top WWECW guy.


I never said putting the title on Punk was the route to go with. Punk/Lashley, does need to be the main program right now because RVD isn't capable of carrying Lashley. It'd be a completely ugly match and program. RVD Vs Heyman didn't exactly work like it should have and extending it for another 4 months is a formula for disaster.


They missed the boat on RVD but they know what they got with Punk and unlike RVD, Punk plays the political game well and has Vince and HHH on his side. They can't blow it with Punk because RVD just happens to be standing around still getting pops.

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There was a free-for-all pre-game show on DirecTV after all, at least right before the show.


Stevie Richards b Rene Dupree in the dark match


MNM vs. Hardys are opening the show. Maybe they can do a two hour draw. They actually went more than 22 minutes with Jeff pinning Nitro after doing a swanton on both guys at the same time. Some good moves. Crowd went from being into it to losing interest at different times because it went long and some spots didn't get over. Good near falls throughout. All four worked very hard. Good opener.


Matt Striker vs. Balls Mahoney is next. It's an unextreme rules match, no foul language, no top rope moves, no hair pulling, no eye gouging.

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Now a very loud "BULLSHIT" chant after that cheap out.


Maybe Sabu was nust taking a nap, and everyone just thought that he had been knocked out?

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