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OAO ECW TV Day 91 Thread - September/5th/2006.

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So is Moore basically buried then, or where are they going with that? I hope its just a simple CM Punk squash match and left at that. It made no sense why the dude was even hired back in the first place other than to spite TNA. Didn't he blatanty say his TNA trademarked name last night too - "Prince of Punk"?

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After Punk squashes Moore (probably next week at MSG), I have to imagine Moore either gets canned since they don't care for him and he can't work as evidenced by all the matches he's blown in ECW house shows or they make him one of Thorn's disciples.

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Moore actually had the prince of punk chrachter (and hair) before he got canned by wwe last year. It was actually Josh Matthews on Velocity who dubbed him that (after Shannon "All That And" Moore) but he was in TNA for literally a cop of coffee so why would they need to bury him. I think they just signed him to screw over TNA and that's about as far as they thought.


Joey not even mentioning that sabu and rvd were the tag champs in ecw was quite odd. But of course the idea here is to push Test and Knox.


and isnt sabu a little mad about that time when RVD hit sabu with a chair during his return (while Sabu was wrestling Angle for the #1contenders spot)?


But it was good ot see them team again as they work well together, I wish they would bring back the gimmick of how Sabu doesnt really like RVD and RVD is only about himself that used to make their matches fun.


Bingo comments HHH? Come on that arena looked bigger than the one used for raw this week.


at least the crowd seemed into the show last night I guess.




and if anyone missed any of the matches , ecw.com has that hardcore hangover thing throughout the week where every night they put up a match from the show. You can even download them to your pc

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The story goes that Moore was hired because his girlfriend (a WWE make-up woman) pushed the idea to Vince that Moore was able to be signed away from TNA AND had just pinned the face of TNA, AJ Styles.

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I can't believe TNA would put a guy not even under contract over one of their biggest stars.


Is that Punk/Moore segment online anywhere? I was taking a bathroom break at the time and missed it.


I too have wondered about this Sabu/RVD thing, why Sabu isn't pissed over being attacked a couple weeks ago. But then again, this is Sabu and RVD we're talking about here. Back in the day they would fight each other, then team the next week. If they are going to revive the cocky RVD though they need Bill Alfonso.

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I can't believe TNA would put a guy not even under contract over one of their biggest stars.


Is that Punk/Moore segment online anywhere? I was taking a bathroom break at the time and missed it.


I too have wondered about this Sabu/RVD thing, why Sabu isn't pissed over being attacked a couple weeks ago. But then again, this is Sabu and RVD we're talking about here. Back in the day they would fight each other, then team the next week. If they are going to revive the cocky RVD though they need Bill Alfonso.


The video is on ECW.com.


As for Sabu being pissed off at RVD for the attack.. maybe it's a mutual respect thing. Sabu knows that he was screwed out of the title so he can understand why he did what he did in an effort to get the title back.

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After Punk squashes Moore (probably next week at MSG), I have to imagine Moore either gets canned since they don't care for him and he can't work as evidenced by all the matches he's blown in ECW house shows or they make him one of Thorn's disciples.

Moore will be turned into a vampire by lapdance?

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Striker isn't much different then Shane Douglas, in that he has excellent timing verbally and ability to say the right thing to get heat (cheap or not). I'm not making the comparison because the gimmick but if anything, Matt Striker is the closest thing to Shane Douglas for this current incarnation. It also helps that they were each sub-par workers (For Douglas in ECW) that relied or will on their promo skills.


I think if Striker can shed the teacher gimmick and just be a dick heel, he'll be a huge heel.


Raven, in any incarnation would own Striker but that's simply the case of Raven having the ability to own 90% of everyone who had ever attempted a promo in wrestling.

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Striker isn't much different then Shane Douglas, in that he has excellent timing verbally and ability to say the right thing to get heat (cheap or not). I'm not making the comparison because the gimmick but if anything, Matt Striker is the closest thing to Shane Douglas for this current incarnation. It also helps that they were each sub-par workers (For Douglas in ECW) that relied or will on their promo skills.


I think if Striker can shed the teacher gimmick and just be a dick heel, he'll be a huge heel.


Raven, in any incarnation would own Striker but that's simply the case of Raven having the ability to own 90% of everyone who had ever attempted a promo in wrestling.



The only problem there is Striker has yet to show he can be a major player in the new ECW, while Shane Douglas was an established ECW Star, it remains to be seen what Striker can or can't do when he is not taking cues from a ready-made script. All Striker really does now is the cheap "hardcore/extreme is stupid and I am so smart" heat. It's not hard, but it also doesn't necessarily mean Strike CAN'T do it, but he just hasn't shown it yet.

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There is also a problem with Striker that he's a well established Raw jobber. I can't see him really beating the Sandman, Sabu, or RVD. Well maybe Sandman if the Sandman is really drunk.

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I wouldn't call Striker a "well established Raw Jobber" because he really didn't wrestle all that often on Raw. He did a lot of promo's but didn't do to many matches. To call him a jobber, is a bit much, but thats just because he did really NOTHING on Raw.


I'm still waiting for Conway to show up on ECW.

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Due to Matt Striker's extensive vocabulary and overall vocal skills he looks more credible than Test or Mike Knox. Come on all it would take is a few wins over Justin Credible and a few debates against Stevie Richards to get Matt Striker over with the Smackdown audience. Its not like WWE is dumb enough to have him work infront of the worst wrestling audience in the country (according to Creative) at Hammerstein or the Bingo Hall unless they want to see if Matt Striker can handle the stress of legit heel heat instead of the weak standard WWE sheep boos which is nothing more than conditioned Pavlovian responses.

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From PWI:


This week's ECW on Sci Fi did a 2.1 cable rating, with a three share. The rating was up from last week's 1.9, but was down from the usual 2.2-2.3 that the show does, probably because of the holiday weekend and the Raw number being down this week. It's interesting to note that even with DX headlining the show, it still did under its average. The quarter hours were a 1.8, 2.0, 2.0, 2.2 and a 2.4 for the overrun.

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I watched ECW last night. CM Punk should've been given ring-time. DX/Big-show was crap. I'm glad WWE at least apologised for the disrespectful Irwin comment during Striker's promo. I know Striker didn't write it, but whoever did should not have been given the all- clear by Mcmahon.

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Um, keep Striker and his 1995 Superstars gimmick on ECW, please. Not on Smackdown! where there's actual talent.


I love how every week when the ratings are announed and they get lower there's a "probably down because..." attached.

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Yeah though I'd say the ratings being down over Labor Day is a legit reason. When it comes to ECW it's just a drop from roughly 2.3-2.4 to a 2.1, so it's not a huge deal. If the ratings decline further on regular weeks then it becomes a disturbing trend.

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I love how every week when the ratings are announed and they get lower there's a "probably down because..." attached.


I thought I was the only one who noticed that. For two weeks now, the ratings have been down, but that's been brushed aside with a weakass excuse and "they should be back up to normal next week".


As a sidenote, unless I just missed it, the Irwin reference was edited out of the Australian showing of ECDub.


It was edited out of the Australian broadcast. But it still aired in the Canadian and UK syndicated replays. For some reason the WWE thinks the comment was bad enough to apologize for, but not bad enough to cut out of the show anywhere except Irwin's home country.

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