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NFL Week 2

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Guest Princess Leena

The game to settle things (at least in the first half in the season) is the Sunday night game in Chicago in a couple weeks. If the Bears want any realistic chance at home field in the playoffs, they have to win that one.

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I just got home from a BBQ so I didn't see any of the early games. I just wanted to say that I'm stunned that New Orleans only beat the Packers by 7 today as they improved to 2-0.


I am most interested in knowing how the Giants won a game that they clearly were losing to the soon to be Super Bowl Champion Philadelphia Eagles. I mean, the way the Eagles fans here were going on, I thought we'd be watching their victory parade on ESPN tomorrow. How did we ever manage to beat the super terrific unbeatable team of the millenium?

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Anyone else think the Saints could put together 6 more wins this year?



I think they've got legitimate shots against the Bucs (twice), Carolina (one win early in the season, possible loss to end the year), and the 49ers, but the rest of their games are against stiff competition like the Steelers, Ravens, Giants, Bengals, and Eagles.


They could gut out a few of those games and slink into the playoffs as the #6 seed, provided the NFC East teams beat each other up badly.

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Anyone else think the Saints could put together 6 more wins this year?



I think they've got legitimate shots against the Bucs (twice), Carolina (one win early in the season, possible loss to end the year), and the 49ers, but the rest of their games are against stiff competition like the Steelers, Ravens, Giants, Bengals, and Eagles.


They could gut out a few of those games and slink into the playoffs as the #6 seed, provided the NFC East teams beat each other up badly.


Even if NO wins 6 more, it's still gonna take more than 8 wins to make the playoffs in the NFC. They'll need at least 9 and some tiebreakers.

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Guest Felonies!

How did the Patriots manage to draft that running back? Does anything go wrong for these people?

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It seems like the Panthers always start shitty and end up in the playoffs anyways.

Over the last several years, no 0-2 team has made the playoffs. Not even Carolina when they ended the season with 7 straight wins a few years ago.



Not saying they're out of it now, but trends in recent history don't support them.

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If you listen to the "Analysts" the Pats do no right lately.


"Losing Branch, Mcginnest, Law, Milloy, Givens, Woody, Andruzzi, etc. is going to come back and bite them eventually"

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Guest Felonies!

Yeah but they don't have STEVE SMITH STEVE SMITH STEVE SMITH, so that's why they're losing. Once he gets back, they'll win like 12.

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How did the Patriots manage to draft that running back? Does anything go wrong for these people?


Well, they DID draft Bethel Johnson (bust), then trade him for Jon Sullivan (bigger bust)...

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Guest Felonies!
If you listen to the "Analysts" the Pats do no right lately.

Yeah, well if I listen to you, the Patriots are going to lose every single game at every single minute.

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The AFC Central looks like one hell of a fight this year...


The Steelers, Bengals, and Ravens all look great right now.



That could end up being the big competitive division this year instead of the NFC East.

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Lets not all forget that they are playing the Jets here, awful football team. I wouldn;t be suprised to see Mangini back as a coordinator somewhere in the next year or two.


Edit: and as I say that they score a 71 yard TD. WEEEEEEEEEE!

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Guest Felonies!
That was stupid how close the Lions were to putting up 40.

The Lions really need to get their shit together w/r/t penalties. They would've scored a touchdown on defense, but it was called back.

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I am most interested in knowing how the Giants won a game that they clearly were losing to the soon to be Super Bowl Champion Philadelphia Eagles. I mean, the way the Eagles fans here were going on, I thought we'd be watching their victory parade on ESPN tomorrow. How did we ever manage to beat the super terrific unbeatable team of the millenium?


Can you show me where these posts are?

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The Patriots will put together some wins, mainly because they may be in the worst division in football today. Think about this for a minute: The Bills might finish 2nd in that division. As I look at the schedule I'm feeling about 11-5 for the Patriots this year. The losses will be to Cincy, Indy, Jacksonville on the road, Minnesota, and the Bills.

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I am most interested in knowing how the Giants won a game that they clearly were losing to the soon to be Super Bowl Champion Philadelphia Eagles. I mean, the way the Eagles fans here were going on, I thought we'd be watching their victory parade on ESPN tomorrow. How did we ever manage to beat the super terrific unbeatable team of the millenium?


Can you show me where these posts are?


grossman just threw his 4h td. the seahawks offense did nothing against the lions while the bears are absolutely shredding it. the favorite out of the nfc has to be the bears. to say otherwise is pure folly.


The way the Eagles are playing, you can't count them out.



i don't think the bears really have to worry about the eagles. sorry. and the bears proved themselves last year defensively, these first two games have shown that grossman has the potential (which a lot of people questioned) to shred a defense. keep in mind the favorite seahawks barely squeaked by with a meagre 9 points agianst the lions.


Eagles are a better defensive and offensive team then both the Lions and Packers. They would have alot of worry about, espically with Donte Stallworth coming along. With the Eagles you don't have to worry about 1 recieving threat, you have to worry about alot of threats, because they spread the ball around. Eagles D-Line, I think would give the Bears O-Line problems.


And as I type this, the Giants got a touchdown from a fumble recovery, what the fuck.


Maybe the Eagles should beat a team better than the Tejans before we proclaim them to be (one of) the favorite(s) in the NFC.


The rest of the posts were Dama and EHME having simultaneous orgasms about how great the Eagles were playing today. If normal fans had posted these things it would have been isolated, but there were at least 10 posts about "Eagles are TEH awesome!" and Dama proclaiming them 2-0 and the division leader in what must have been the end of the first half/early 3rd quarter. By all accounts the Giants have played like shit and are also 1-1 with the tiebreaker right now. NONE of the NFC East teams are locks to make the playoffs at this point.

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Did the Patriots secretly sign the Giants' secondary? How many missed tackles has that been in the last few minutes?

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I can't figure what's up with Hasselbeck and Alexander today. Matt came out great, with pinpoint passes and then...something just started going wrong. Shaun hasn't been able to get anything going all day either.


If it wasn't for the Seahawk's badass defense, they'd be FUCKED right now. Oh and the Cardnials playing like morons.

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