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Booking for 10/12

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X-Division Match

Ramone Juan Jesus Gutierez Vs Space Tiger


And more to come later.


Side note: I've added a list of "warm bodies" to the stats thread (well I replaced the S.I.T. entry) so now we've got guys that'll actually fit in the X-Division and who are not teams since most of the "free characters" seem to be tag-teams.

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Brock Ausstin lays out a challenge to Alfdogg for Syndicated.


Also, Jumbo takes on a member of the Burrough Boys TBD, as well as Thunderkid and Team Canada in action.

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Remember that technically Bruce, Bloodshed, and Landon can't be around....because they'll be at SWF Lockdown on the 12th.


That's never stopped us before. Continuity is great when you only use it sometimes. :P



Jamie O'Hara vs. Stephen Joseph Popick

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