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Man Who Sold The World

Well, shit...

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From Netslob on Teh Pit~!:

y'know what's really funny about all of this? you wanna know what the real knee-slapper about this whole situation is?


how ridiculously easy it was.


all i said was that i didn't care about 9/11. i didn't say i supported the attacks. i didn't say they were justified. i didn't even say they were funny. all i said was i didn't care. but it was enough, wasn't it? i say i don't care, and the attack-dogs come a-running.


see, i knew this would happen. you are all that predictable. all i had to say was that i didn't agree with you, and it was enough. and that's what this is really all about, isn't it?


you can't handle it when someone disagrees with you, can you? it really gets your goat when there's discension in the ranks, doesn't it? you call the TSM political folder a "circle-jerk", and the sheer irony in that is laughable. this had nothing to do with being "cool", or "looking tough" or being "goth" or any of that shit. this was just my honest, unadulterated opinion. and what i really find laughable is the fact that this the only thing i've ever said here that got this kind of reaction. why does it matter what one guy, who you've never met and (if i'm lucky) never will think about something? i'll tell you why. because you don't agree with him. and that makes him the bad guy.


and the best any of you douche-bags could do about it was question my hygiene and point out spelling errors. good job. you sure showed me.


imagine if i called you kids AIDS-babies. would you have orgainized a lynch-mob and marched to northern Florida to string up the heretic? no probably not. you'd just call me a doody-face and insinuate that my parents were brother and sister. although that may be giving you too much credit.


here's a question: how many of you has contacted Jingus and demanded i be banned? i'll bet it was more then one.


last night was the single most fun i ever had on this board. i had you all in the palm of my hand. i played you all like one big collective ukulele. and you did exactly what i knew you would do. i rang the bell and you drooled me a fuckin river. you called me names, you made fun of me, you belittled me and questioned my humanity. let me clue you in on something:


i don't consider myself a human. i've had my humanity forcibly removed long ago. i'm a freak. that doesn't make me any better or worse then any of you. it just makes me different. and i pride myself on that, as silly as it may sound. i don't need your approval. i don't need validation in anyone's eyes.


and for the record, i do have a personal connection to 9/11. i had a friend growing up who lived in my neighborhood. in alot of ways, he was my best friend. even when i moved away, we kept (however limited) contact. he has since grown up and is a detective in the NYPD. he was there that day. he wasn't killed, but he could've been. he was right in the thick of it, helping out. and you wanna know something?


i still don't fucking care.


if that makes me a monster, so be it. but i was a monster long before 9/11 ever happened. and you wanna know something else?


i like it. it's the only way to be.


that's all i have to say about this. i'm bored with this subject now. feel free to resume your circle-jerk.




btw, Jesus was a faggot. Mary Magdalene was just his beard. PRAISE ALLAH~!



If only wrestling promos were that great. :wub:

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So I take it no stranger killed you in your sleep?


Alive and well. Apparently, it was an old buddy from high school who needed material for a stand up skit. I didn't feel the need to share that since it was a potential let down to those who were looking for a juicy ending.

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Good ol Czech Republic! BOOOO! Little bitch! Let's get that Czech Republic and give him what-for! Clique B~! Tools. Don't blame me, I'd heard elsewhere that the license expired in July. Shame that it's not; this place had such high potential when it started and became a cesspool of inane banal crap. You have MikeSC going off the deep end w/r/t rape victims to such an extent that not even the other conservatives really want to associate with him any longer. Boardum is TSM's punchline. All the other folders are basically abandoned. What you've got here is a low-rent WDI. Everything about WDI is here in B-grade, watered-down, uncompelling form.


To whom it may concern:

You're wasting money on this place. There is nothing unique or valuable whatsoever about this message board that necessitates any modicum of financial expenditure. Get a Hosted Forum again, don't piss off the shitty English guy, and just do your 500 pages of lobotomized banter there. It's a failed venture in every sense. Total money pit. The only saving grace is that if you guys weren't here, you'd be at TSM, and by delegating all your shit to this niche, it means the high levels of shit at TSM remain almost manageable. But why pump money into keeping this board alive when one folder and one thread are all that get used? Someday, you're gonna be strapped for cash, and when you wonder where that money went, you'll look back on hundreds of pages of "JUGS~!" "Leena is a cunt!" "I called her Wifey!" "TSM sucks!" "Vyce is a lawyer!" "We don't have to impress them!" "Let's have a Pit party!", and are you going to feel that those were dollars well spent? Be honest here. I don't think you're a bad guy. I'm just looking out for you. There are plenty of people/places/things that can be a laughingstock for the board without being a financial burden on you.


I remember trying to help out with board design and stuff early on thinking that this place could've been something cool, but now it's 3/4-vacant, and laden with broken-image-link red Xs that have gone unfixed longer than they were initially there. Nobody's bothered to change it. It's been brought up in Feedback, but nobody cared enough to fix it. I slapped together some new buttons, but nobody replied. This was in January. It's almost May. Still a little red X. But hey, if you guys are proud of your little corner of the world, then nothing that any of us say or do can take that away from you.

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fkaRickJamesB1tch gets an F for posting that here

It was a solid heel turn there and was very effective.

Assuming that someone that fat made a whole turn is, well, a big assumption.


And that's my shitty joke for the day!

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i don't consider myself a human. i've had my humanity forcibly removed long ago. i'm a freak. that doesn't make me any better or worse then any of you. it just makes me different. and i pride myself on that, as silly as it may sound. i don't need your approval. i don't need validation in anyone's eyes.


You laugh at me because I'm


d i f f e r e n t

I laugh at you because you're

all the same

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I don't know why but I get the feeling he's a REALLY big fan of KORN. I mean REALLY big, like the kind that threatens to beat up people who say they don't like Korn. Over the internet.

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i don't consider myself a human. i've had my humanity forcibly removed long ago. i'm a freak. that doesn't make me any better or worse then any of you. it just makes me different. and i pride myself on that, as silly as it may sound. i don't need your approval. i don't need validation in anyone's eyes.


You laugh at me because I'm


d i f f e r e n t

I laugh at you because you're

all the same


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fkaRickJamesB1tch gets an F for posting that here

Show me a better heel promo out there. You can't. He dissed Jesus, 9/11, the internet, AND name dropped AIDS-babies. It was a solid heel turn there and was very effective.

Now fkaRickJamesB1tch gets an F for completely missing the reference from the same damn thread

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Netslob: That was one of the most pathetic pieces of attention whoring I've ever read. Honestly, why post on The Pit? It's worthless anyways.


Also, that whole screed sounds like an something an annoying teenager would post to try and sound cool and edgy.

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