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WCW Monday Nitro (Live) - May 13, 1996


Live from Nashville, Tennessee

Hosted by Eric Bischoff, Bobby Heenan, and Steve McMichael


Footage of Lex Luger camping outside the arena overnight airs, with Luger making sure he was at the arena, since he missed his last two World Title shots.


The Steiner Brothers Vs. The Public Enemy

Scott and Rocco start, with Rock avoiding power moves early but ultimately getting gorilla pressed onto Grunge. Rick comes in with a double-Steinerline on TPE. Rick and Grunge are in, and Grunge stupidly jumps into the overhead powerslam. Scotty in, overhead belly-to-belly for Grunge. Now we get a brawl on the floor, which favors TPE. Grunge accidently gets decked by Rocco, but TPE keeps control on Rick inside the ring. Scott tags in and hits the tilt-a-whirl suplex on Rocco. Up to the top, but Grunge electric chairs Scott and Rocco delivers a flying headbutt. Apparently, Ric Flair & Steve McMichael had an altercation in the locker room this weekend. Rocco & Grunge hit the "Drive By" (assisted Cannonball) from the top rope on Scott, a move that would later be their finisher. Rocco goes up and misses a wild somersault senton. Nitro is 2 hours every week starting Memorial Day weekend. Rick comes in with a Steinerline for Grunge, and a belly-to-belly for Rocco. Scott eventually hits the Frankensteiner on Rock for the pin at 6:55 for the pin. Not bad, I think their first Nitro match was a little more interesting, however. **.


"Squire" David Taylor (with Geeves) Vs. Chris Benoit

Taylor replaces The Belfast Bruiser at Slamboree, and Dallas Page has a benefactor with money that got him on his feet, and subsequently a slot in Slamboree due to Bobby Walker's injury. Commercial before the match. They trade takedowns to start. Enzugiri from Benoit, but Taylor comes back with European uppercuts. Criss-cross ends with a boot to Benoit's face. Benoit slingshots Taylor into the corner and hits a big chop, but misses a charge into the same corner. Axehandle to the floor by Taylor. Taylor hits Benoit with an electric chair drop. Fallaway slam gets Taylor two. McMichael leaves to find Randy Savage, who is outside the building. Taylor misses a crossbody attempt, and Benoit finishes him with the Dragon Suplex at 4:16. **, as four minutes with Regal Lite wasn't getting any more, obviously.


Gene Okerlund Interview with "Macho Man" Randy Savage

Savage is banned from the building and security is lined up outside to keep him out. Steve McMichael interrupts and tells Savage he can sympathize with him, as Flair has also been pissing him off by going after his wife. McMichael has "a plan!" Savage says Okerlund hasn't seen crazy, yet. Savage says he doesn't have a problem teaming with Flair, and won't mind "dragging a dead tag team partner to the ring".


Our World is About to Change. Blood Runs Cold. Coming to WCW.


V.K. Wallstreet Vs. "Nature Boy" Ric Flair (with Woman & Miss Elizabeth)

McMichael won't reveal his plan for Flair, but it probably involves Kevin Greene. This would've ruled all in 1988. Some nice mat wrestling, which Wallstreet takes command of and Flair's off his game. If Wallstreet woulda went back to his amateur wrestler gimmick he'd have been much better off than his stupid Million Dollar Man ripoff nonsense in 1996. Backdrop (shock!) on Flair, and Naitch goes to the floor. Wallstreet again takes Flair to the mat, and this is much different than most of Flair's matches in '96. Commercial. Back, and Flair gets flipped over the corner to the floor. Wallstreet slugs away at him and Flair does his flop on the floor. Flair goes up top and gets thrown off. Big backdrop on Flair. Now we're back to Flair repeating every match. Wallstreets slowly hits the Samoan Drop (Wallstreet Crash, I think), but Flair's in the ropes. Sunset flip over the ropes gets Wallstreet 2. Backslide gets him 2. Wallstreet clotheslines Flair to the floor. On the floor, Flair moves and Wallstreet's flying knee attack hits the ringpost. Back in, Flair locks on the Figure Four, with Woman pulling his arms for leverage. Wallstreet submits at 6:24. **, as has become a trend for this show, as it was pretty decent but way too short to be that good. Hopefully the 2 hour format changed this immediately on Memorial Day. Post-match, Flair and the ladies go to their VIP table to speak with Gene Okerlund. Flair says Tennessee hasn't liked him since he made Dolly Parton ride Space Mountain. Flair kisses Elizabeth all over his arms and tells Savage that a dead man wouldn't do that. He'll "knock WCW on its ass" at Slamboree. Flair then mocks Steve McMichael, calling him a worthless defensive lineman daring to talk back to the quarterback.


WCW World Heavyweight Champion The Giant (with Jimmy Hart) Vs. WCW Television Champion Lex Luger

We return from commercial with both men in the ring already. Luger bounces off Giant with two shoulderblocks and then gets clotheslined. His slam attempt doesn't work either and Lex gets thrown to the floor. Back in, Lex hits two clotheslined, but gets caught off the second rope and Giant hits a proper Oklahoma Stampede! Luger gets a TON of momentum, running the ropes three times, and drills The Giant with the bionic forearm, but Giant no sells it! Giant tosses him to the floor, and Bischoff mentions Luger knocked Yokozuna out with that forearm for 10 minutes. Flair and ladies dine at the VIP table. Luger keeps fighting and nails Giant with punches and shoulders to the mid-section. Giant no-sells and chokes Lex, then brings him to the floor near the VIP table. Giant clears the table and chokeslams Luger through it as Flair and the ladies freak out! Luger is dead! Jimmy Hart is on Giant's back trying to stop him. The referee throws the match out at 4:15, presumably a no-contest. * Sting arrives to come to Luger's side, with Bischoff claiming Lex proved himself by giving it his all against The Giant. Sting yells at Gene Okerlund to get lost as officials tend to Luger and a replay is shown.

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In case you were wondering, my "star" scale is as follows:


DUD - Insulting and awful.


* - Not good at all, but they tried.


** - Acceptable, just too short or had problems.


*** - Good match.


**** - REALLY good match, plenty of suspense, lots of time given, and drama.


***** - Flawless match.

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WCW Monday Nitro (Live) - May 20, 1996


Live from Unannounced

Hosted by Eric Bischoff and Bobby Heenan


Special 90-Minute Edition


Footage of the Slamboree confrontation between Ric Flair & Arn Anderson and Steve McMichael & Kevin Greene. McMichael isn't at the announcer's table, as he is training for their upcoming match.


Fire & Ice Vs. The Steiner Brothers

Train and Scott start, with each overpowering the other until Train eats a Steinerline. Train comes back with a big clothesline and a belly-to-belly for two. Scott hits a beautiful overhead belly-to-belly on Train, as Rick & Norton tag in. Norton brings the aggression, then hits a big clothesline and splash off the top rope. Norton's in total control, then gets dropped on his head with a release belly-to-back suplex. Rick hits a Steinerline and tags Scott in. Holy crap, Scott drops Norton on his head with a Dragon Suplex. Scott goes up and drops a forearm onto Norton, on the arena floor. This is fun. Norton catches Scott with a Samoan Drop and tags Train in. Release Northern Lights suplex on Ice Train! Rick in, but he & Train clothesline each other. A four-way brawl erupts, with everyone on the floor. Norton delivers the shoulderbreaker to Scott on the floor as Rick & Train brawl. The referee issues a double-countout at 5:27. ** Scott gives Norton a German suplex as Train & Rick fight to the back. If they had more time and Train was much better, these two could tear the house down.


Eddie Guerrero Vs. "Nature Boy" Ric Flair (with Woman & Elizabeth)

Wow, Woman is totally decked out and Elizabeth is smokin' as usual. This could be okay but Eddie's just so bland and Flair wrestles every match the same way. Eddie keeps on a headlock for several nearfalls. Criss-cross ends with a nice dropkick from Eddie for two. Eddie stays with the headlock and keeps Flair on the mat. They trade chops and punches. Eddie wins that battle and they seperate, as Eddie has had the match in hand so far. Eddie gets more chops, a big backdrop, and two dropkicks that send Flair to the floor. Flair goes to the VIP table and grabs a chair, but the referee takes it away and shoves him. Flair throws a tantrum and it seems they're giving this a lot of time. Back in, Eddie is back in control, then taunts Flair by doing his strut on the floor. "Eddie!" chant. Eddie chops away and Flair flops on the mat. Eddie's really dominating here and getting a nice rub. Flair goes to the eyes and we go to commercial. We're back with Eddie fighting to escape a chinlock. Eddie does and hits three clotheslines, then goes up top. Top rope sunset flip gets two for Eddie. Flair with an inverted atomic drop slows Eddie down. Elbowdrop gets Flair two. Eddie tries to fight back but Flair's a step ahead. Eddie gets in a backslide for two. Small package gets Eddie two. Back suplex by Flair. Eddie should really win this thing, it'd do wonders for him, plus Flair won't be crushed by the loss. Eddie avoids the figure-four leglock and puts it on Flair himself! Flair gets into the ropes and it's broken. Eddie to the top rope, leaps at Flair on the floor, but Flair moves and Eddie hits the guardrail. Looks like Eddie may have hurt his knee. Flair suplexes Eddie on the floor. Eddie's knee is a wreck and Flair goes to work on it. Eddie still gets an O'Connor roll for two. Flair gets flipped over to the apron and Eddie dropkicks him to the floor. Eddie hits a tornado DDT off the second rope for two! Eddie leaps to the top rope and comes flying off with a "Frankensteiner" on Flair, then signals for the Frogsplash! He hits it! But Eddie messed up his knee in the process and is writhing in pain. Flair takes advantage and locks on the Figure Four! Eddie fights, but Woman grabs Flair's hands, and Eddie is pinned at 17:04. That had to get 20 minutes with commercials. Really good little match, we'll go with *** 1/2 for a pretty good outing between the two. Wrong guy went over, though. Post-match, Gene Okerlund interviews Flair at the VIP table. Savage is in town, but Flair says he's nuts and starts kissing Liz & Woman. Greene & McMichael have no chance of becoming two-sports stars, and Greene won't make it to his next NFL mini-camp. After the commercial, Flair brings a candelabra & plate of fruit to the announcer's table, where he joins the team for the rest of the show.


The Faces of Fear Vs. WCW World Tag Team Champions Sting & Lex Luger

Lex is okay after Giant's chokeslam last week. He's still TV Champ, by the way. In sokme tragic forshadowing, Flair says he caught Elizabeth looking at Luger and she thinks he's cute. Lex and Meng start and Meng gains the advantage until Lex powerslams him for 2. Meng with a back suplex, then tags in Barbarian. Sting tags in and we go to commercial. Flair exclaims "Debbie does The Nature Boy!" We're back and Sting hits both opponents with clotheslines. Sting bearhugs Barbarian (wha?), then misses a standing dropkick. Meng tags in and puts on a modified Boston crab, then stomps away. Barbarian comes in with the Kick of Fear on Sting, but Lex breaks it up. Barbarian takes Sting to the top and hits a HUGE overhead belly-to-belly suplex for two! Sting got huge height on that! Meng and Barbarian both go up top and hit simultaneous flying headbutts. Luger has the referee distracted, though, and Meng only gets two. Sting remains unable to make the tag as the match slows down. Barbarian goes up and misses a flying headbutt, allowing Sting to make the tag. Worst backdrop ever on Barbarian. Good one on Meng by Lex. Big clotheslines for all. Bionic forearm gets two on Babarian. Sting hits a huge flying splash on Barbarian, and Lex gets the pin at 7:50. Good little formula matc on a pretty good Nitro so far. ** 1/2


Gene Okerlund Interview with "Macho Man" Randy Savage

We're outside the building because Savage is banned. WCW Executives are meeting about Savage's future with the company. Savage's fines outweigh all the other professional sports stars' fines, of course. Police stop Savage from rushing the door.


Brad Armstrong Vs. WCW Lord of the Ring "Diamond" Dallas Page

This would be day two of DDP's push to the moon. Flair continues to taunt Savage on commentary. Bischoff claims Page came from "virtual as-curity". Page controls with some matwork, but Armstrong dropkicks him to the apron. Page comes back with a neckbreaker as the crowd sleeps. We go to commercial. Armstrong fights back and gets a backslide for two. Page runs into the ringpost and Armstrong rams his head into the turnbuckles 10 times. Brad hits a flying bodypress for two. Page gets an elbow and the Diamond Cutter for the pin at 4:35. * 1/2, I guess, for a really basic match. Postmatch, Gene Okerlund is in the ring to speak to Page. Last night Page shocked the world and won Battlebowl. He thanks himself with a "Self High-Five". Page says The Giant's going down, but Gene Okerlund tells him the WCW Championship Committee reviewed the tapes and will not be awarding him a World Title match at The Great American Bash. Lex Luger is getting the title match, since Page cheated to win Battlebowl. Thus, rendering the already 99.9% pointless Slamboree show 100% pointless. Alright!


Arn Anderson (with Kevin Sullivan) Vs. WCW World Heavyweight Champion The Giant (with Jimmy Hart)

Flair senses a title switch, ha. Sullivan explains that he is just out there to ensure Arn Anderson gets a fair shot at the title, and that there's no interference for either man. Go behind obviously doesn't work for Arn. Giant no-sells a flurry of shots in the corner. Giant dominates Arn, using his power. Arn gets tossed to the floor. Arn crotches Giant on the top rope and then hits three second-rope axehandles. Arn with punches. Arn tries the DDT, but Giant easily blocks and chokeslams him for the pin at 3:38. * for the squash. Sullivan did not interfere and checks on Arn after the match. Heenan steals the candelabra and heads for Flair's private party as the show ends.

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Flair takes advantage and locks on the Figure Four! Eddie fights, but Woman grabs Flair's hands, and Eddie is pinned at 17:04. That had to get 20 minutes with commercials. Really good little match, we'll go with *** 1/2 for a pretty good outing between the two. Wrong guy went over, though.


I think that's a bit much, super dork era Eddy had no reason to win this match.

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Well, I look at it this way.


Flair was out of the title picture, feuding with football players, his mind on Savage.


Eddie got screwed over the night before and was slowly being pushed to the top of the mid-card. Why give him 20 minutes with Flair to end it as usual?


An upset loss to Eddie would have elevated Eddie and done no damage to Flair. Plus Flair could've gotten the win back at Hog Wild '96.


As it was, it was just Eddie losing twice. The Hog Wild match would've actually had some heat instead of being a random title defense.

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"Flair says Tennessee hasn't liked him since he made Dolly Parton ride Space Mountain."


Now that made me laugh. I've never given a tape or show review like these before, but I'm tempted to give it a shot on the Nitro episode I've found on a tape. It was during the rap is crap stuff so it might not be pretty. If the show is complete, I'll try it in the next day or two.

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A Nitro from 1999. Yes, this just goes over the first couple of minutes, not even to the start of the show. This takes a lot longer than I thought, especially trying to think of jokes. I'll put more on later, maybe.


The end of ER before Nitro includes George Clooney, one of the guys from Revenge of the Nerds, a crying Asian woman and a nurse who reminds of me of the fat female bailiff from Night Court. There are some patients being treated, I'm not sure why because it's being forwarded, but I'm guessing it's because they're in a hospital.


Finally it's over. The nerd was sitting on a porch swing with some woman and her baby as it ended. Ads for Suzuki, with a horse featured instead of a motorcycle, some Hugh Grant movie (no Divine Brown to be seen) and DeBeers diamonds. Too bad it didn't have a thing to do with Colonel DeBeers, he could have feuded with Hardbody Harrison, or Master P for that matter.


Preview of tomorrow's ER, but I missed it due to typing.


Here we go: 1999 Nitro symbol says it's time for the show.

HIGHLIGHTS FROM LAST MONDAY: Press conference with Master P: "I'm glad to be here in WCW, I'm here to have a lot of fun, it's gonna be exciting." (Sure.)

"Iiiiiiiiiiiii, hate rap," sing the wanna-be cowboys, including Minnesota's Mr. Perfect, who at least appears to be having a good time with this bullcrap. Boy, was his last relatively big run wasted.

"You still want me cowboys?!" P yells from the ring, to the cowboys.


Ric Flair announces a major coup, the Nature Boy, Roddy Piper, becoming one. I think the Spice Girls sang about that (come on, I had a daughter idolizing them at around that time). Flair makes Piper the vice-president of the world and they beat down someone, but the highlights cut to Bagwell hitting the blockbuster to pin the Nature Boy. Tony screams this is Buff's biggest win ever. I scream at Bagwell pinning Flair, apparently cleanly.


Cut to Savage and Sid getting out of the Hummer (remember that?) with three ladies, I think the future Molly Holly is one of them. In the ring, Savage tells Big Sexy from now on, he'll be more vicious than Nash will ever understand.

Nash in the ring, challenges Sid to wrestle for Nash's world title. That leads (surprise) to a Savage-Sid beatdown on Nash. Crow Sting makes the save, cleans house with the bat. Tenay says Sting is "definitely back in black."

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WCW Monday Nitro - May 27, 1996


Live from Unannounced

Hosted by Tony Schiavone and Larry Zbyszko (Hour 1)

Hosted by Eric Bischoff and Bobby Heenan (Hour 2)


First 2-Hour Edition of Monday Nitro


The American Males Vs. Ric Flair & Arn Anderson (with Woman & Miss Elizabeth)

The American Males come out doing "the clap" and a few male fans in the crowd do so, as well, ensuring a beatdown the next morning from their classmates. Flair and Riggs start, and Ric dumps him to the floor where the Horsemen work him over. They try it again but the Males fight back, with Bagwell dropkicking Flair repeatedly and Riggs punching Arn to the floor. My God, the whole arena is doing the "Clap". Bagwell and Arn fight on the floor, with Anderson getting the worst of it. We go to commercial. We're back with Bagwell fighting out of the Horsemen corner, dominating both wrestlers, and backdropping Flair. Riggs gets tagged in and almost immediately gets beaten down by Arn & Flair. Arn works on his right leg. Flair pours Schiavone & Zbyszko some champagne while he's wrestling Riggs. All year Riggs has been portrayed as the much "weaker" member of the team. Arn continues to work the leg. Flair delivers the shinbreaker. Riggs hits a desperation enzugiri on Anderson and sends him to the floor. Riggs crawls as Flair and the referee shove each other...and...finally...tags Bagwell! Bagwell with big right hands for the Horsemen. Dropkick for Arn. Backdrop for Flair. Beautiful missle dropkick off the top for Flair! Small package gets reversed several times, but only gets Bagwell two. Bagwell delivers the fisherman's suplex, his finishing maneuever, but Anderson breaks up the count. Bagwell attempts a pin on Flair, but Woman rakes his eyes, and Anderson hits a DDT. Flair makes the easy pin at 9:55. **. Okay match, end result never in doubt. With commercials this was about 14 minutes, so you can see the result of giving Nitro two hours already. Post-match, Gene Okerlund interviews the Horsemen. Anderson doesn't fear football players and Flair can easily get Mongo's wife. They don't need any special pads or gear. Flair sings! "Skyrockets at night, WHOOO! Afternoon delight!" Flair is ranting like a lunatic about baseball, then starts kissing the women and insulting McMichael. Classic crazy Flair. Okerlund cuts Flair off towards the end of the interview as he rants about Elizabeth's bankroll.


An incredibly boring "workout video" airs showing Steve McMichael & Kevin Greene hitting the weights in the gym.


Steve Doll Vs. The Mauler (with Col. Rob Parker)

Good God, who's idea was THIS match? The Mauler is Mike Enos with leather chaps over his tights. He pounds away on Doll, screams a lot, and then hits a sick fallaway slam off the second rope. Mauler charges at Doll and both men go over the top rope, then do some brawling on the floor. It's like a time vortex sucked in some AWA wrestlers with no heat and put them on this Nitro. Mauler posts Doll. We go to commercial. During THIS? Mauler drops Doll across the top-rope as the crowd is reacting to something. And it's the wrestler formerly known as Razor Ramon from the WWF, in a denim outfit walking through the crowd toward the ring! "Razor" hops the guardrail, gets a microphone, and enters the ring. Doll has disappeared and Mauler stands there pissed off, but Parker persuades him to head for the locker room. * at 3:15 for a no-contest and not the best choice for a match to hook viewers for what seems like a big angle with "Razor". He's on the mic...you know who he is but not why he's there. He mocks Ted Turner and Randy Savage, then says he goes wherever he wants. The announcers are sppechless. He has a scoop for "Scheme Gene", and threatens to lay down a challenge later to "that Ken Doll wannabe" Eric Bischoff. The challenge is for "Dubya-See-Dubya, A Yuck Yuck", because if they wanted a war, they just got one. Schiavone and Zbyszko can't explain what's happened.


Sgt. Craig Pittman (with Teddy Long) Vs. "Diamond" Dallas Page

Page mocks Pittman, but that's a mistake, firing up the "Pitbull" and getting into a losing battle on the mat. Pittman has an awful mohawk haircut, and Zbyszko claims Long has softened him up. They do some silly, sloppy wrestling, and Page hits an ultra-sloppy "neck snap" on the top rope to take Pittman down. Pittman alledgedly locks on the "Code Red", but it's on wrong. Page shoves Teddy Long, and Pittman goes to check on him, allowing Page to hit a nice "Diamond Cutter" to absolute silence for the pin at 2:59. * for an awful match.


A special video takes a look at Randy Savage's mental instability, attack on a WCW referee, confrontation with an executive, arrests on television, banishment from the arena, and losing his money to Elizabeth & Flair.


Gene Okerlund Interview with The Shark

Shark says Kevin Sullivan threw him out of the Dungeon of Doom, so Shark is angry and wants to take Giant's WCW World Title tonight. Giant's just the new "big man on campus".


A special video takes a look at Hulk Hogan and his celebrity friends. George Foreman, Shaquille O'Neal, Dennis Rodman, Kevin Greene, "Sugar" Ray Leonard are shown. Hogan's TV work in "Thunder in Paradise" and "Baywatch" are shown, and his movies are mentioned.


Bischoff & Heenan welcome Hour #2, with Heenan ranting about how Flair & Anderson will embarass the football players. Bischoff won't even dignify the earlier interruption by the former Razor Ramon.


The Shark Vs. WCW World Heavyweight Champion The Giant (with Jimmy Hart)

Giant's really ripped here. Shark has shark teeth painted on his face. Shark jumps him but a Giant headbutt shrugs him off. Giant takes him off his feet with a clothesline, then stands on him. Shark with a double-axehandle from the second rope and some big forearms. Shark can't bodyslam The Giant. But The Giant can bodyslam The Shark with ease! More shoulderblocks in the corner from Giant. This is horrible. Shark with some thrilling shoulderblocks. Giant eats a big boot in the corner. Shark hits a clothesline off the second rope. Shark grabs Jimmy Hart, but Giant is up, delivers the Chokeslam, and gets the pin at 4:01. A generous *. Big Bubba comes into the ring and cuts/shaves half of The Shark's head bald.


Maxx Vs. WCW Television Champion Lex Luger

Maxx looks like Mike Awesome with a mohawk. Luger's still one-half of the World Tag Team Champions with Sting. Lex is in full babyface mode, slapping all the fans' hands and waving hello. Maxx is DDP's ex-bodyguard and generic big 'roid monster. Even Bischoff makes fun of his hair. Maxx hits some shoulderblocks. Wow, this Nitro has just been hideous. Lex with a running clothesline. And another. But he runs into a Maxx powerslam. Maxx kicks him many times. Yawn. Side-slam gets Maxx two. Maxx gets a headbutt. And elbowdrop. And clothesline. The #1 Contender to the WCW World Title is getting worked over by a guy called "Maxx". Maxx eats a boot in the corner. Luger with the running bionic forearm, which Bischoff claims "dropped Yokozuna like a sack of rocks". Luger alledgedly hits a powerslam. He tries once, then again to lift up Maxx in the "Torture Rack", and finally gets him up, with Maxx submitting after 5:44 of putting me through hell. * for remembering they have a Television title for a week. Gene Okerlund interviews Lex Luger afterwards. Luger doesn't make the matches, so don't blame him for suddenly getting DDP's title shot out of nowhere. They replay Luger getting chokeslammed through the table from 2 weeks ago. Luger can't believe he did it and tried to take him out. Luger wants every "big man" WCW has before he wrestles The Giant!


This couldn't get any worse.


Wait...this is great...


"Hardwork" Bobby Walker Vs. Brad Armstrong

"He's been training very hard. Probably harder than anyone else. Hence the handle - 'Hardwork' Bobby Walker", claims Bischoff. Arm drag from Walker, but Armstrong gets one of his own. Armstrong isn't giving Walker any clean breaks. Armstrong monkey flips Walker, but Walker lands on his feet, and falls. Then Walker leaps to the top rope, and slips off, then gets back up and hitting a cross-body for two. Armstrong slows down Captain Botch with an armbar. Walker gets a headscissors on the mat. You can hear a pin drop in the arena. More basic matwork. Brad seems to be heeling out here. Small package and a backslide both get Walker a two count. Backdrop by Walker. Walker jumps to the second rope...WAIT FOR IT...then hops to the top and falls AGAIN (!), then gets back up and dives towards Armstrong with a headbutt. Walker gets the pin at 4:26 to end this. * for some mat stuff, but wow did Walker aggrivate the 5 people paying attention with his slipping all over the place. Bischoff tries to cover for him, at least.


Lord Steven Regal (with Jeeves) Vs. Alex Wright

This should be good. Regal with a fancy arm-drag, but Wright kips up and cartwheels to regain the momentum. Wright does it again to escape a Regal take-down. Two high-arching flying headscissors take Regal to the arena floor. Wright hits Regal with a baseball slide, then delivers a plancha as we go to commercial break. We're back with Regal poking the eyes to gain control. Regal grinds Wright into the mat with a headlock and palm strikes. Wright dodges a European Uppercut and hits a belly-to-belly suplex, but Regal's back in control quickly after. Bischoff apologizes for the interruption earlier, then calls Wright "green". They trade European Uppercuts, Wright backflips off the top rope, and gets a roll-up for two. Wright gets a high dropkick. Backdrop on Regal. Running elbow in the corner, and then, uh, a "standing, jumping back wheel kick". What? Wright tries a monkey flip out of the corner, but Regal blocks it and rolls him up nicely for the pin at 7:15. **, they tried, but the crowd is asleep and they've done better. Gene Okerlund is in the ring to interview Regal. Regal calls Alex Wright "Junior Adolf", HA! He talks about all the wackiness going on in WCW, and wants to have his say. Regal lays down a challenge to Sting, so that he can beat him and get a shot at the "bloody circus freak we have for a champion".


Scott Steiner Vs. Sting

First-ever singles match between these two. Sting is half of the World Tag Team Champions with Luger. The Steiners want the belts. They shake hands. Armdrag from Scott. Hiptoss from Sting. Scott hits two forearm smashes and a gorilla press! Nice criss-cross sequence ends with a Sting dropkick. Nice flying back elbow off the second-rope by Sting, and a clothesline sends Scott to the floor. Slingshot plancha by the "Stinger" takes Scott down! Back in, Scott hits an awesome double-underhook powerbomb. Spinning belly-to-belly suplex sends Sting to the floor. Scott flies off the top with a double-axehandle to the floor. Good match so far. Scott runs full steam into a Sting boot, but catches Sting with an overhead release belly-to-belly suplex. Crowd's still asleep. Bischoff mentions WCW always has back-up microphones for the anouncers, and I'm guessing the mics went out on Monday Night Raw a week ago or something. Scott works over Sting on the mat as things have slowed way down. Scott tries a suplex but Sting reverses it into an inverted DDT. Stinger Splash! But a second one misses! Holy crap Sting just took a Dragon Suplex from Scott! Here comes Lex Luger to cheer on Sting. And here comes Rick Steiner to even things up. Scott delivers a Samoan Drop off the second-rope. Sting dodges the "Frankensteiner" and puts the Scorpion Deathlock on, but Scott's in the ropes. Scotty tries a tombstone piledriver, but Sting reverses it and kills Scott with one of his own! Sting gets caught attempting a splash and goes to the apron. Sting suplexes Scott to the arena floor, and Luger gets involved, breaking up another suplex attempt. Lex and Rick get into a slugfest, and Lex runs into the ring. The Steiners and Sting & Luger get into a big brawl as the undercarders hit the ring to break it up at 10:14. ** 1/2 for a good little bout that was killed by the dead crowd, ending in a no-contest.


At the announcer's table, the former "Razor Ramon" hits the booth and claims that "WE are sick of your big mouth." Get three of Billionaire Ted's best, like "The Nacho Man" or "The Stinger" to stand up for WCW. "...'cause WE are taking over. You want a war? You got one. Let's do it in the ring where it matters. 'Cuz WE are coming down here, and like it or not, we are taking over." Bischoff gets a toothpick flicked at his face as they sign off.

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WCW Monday Nitro - May 27, 1996


Live from Unannounced

Hosted by Tony Schiavone and Larry Zbyszko (Hour 1)

Hosted by Eric Bischoff and Bobby Heenan (Hour 2)


First 2-Hour Edition of Monday Nitro


The American Males Vs. Ric Flair & Arn Anderson (with Woman & Miss Elizabeth)

The American Males come out doing "the clap" and a few male fans in the crowd do so, as well, ensuring a beatdown the next morning from their classmates. Flair and Riggs start, and Ric dumps him to the floor where the Horsemen work him over. They try it again but the Males fight back, with Bagwell dropkicking Flair repeatedly and Riggs punching Arn to the floor. My God, the whole arena is doing the "Clap". Bagwell and Arn fight on the floor, with Anderson getting the worst of it. We go to commercial. We're back with Bagwell fighting out of the Horsemen corner, dominating both wrestlers, and backdropping Flair. Riggs gets tagged in and almost immediately gets beaten down by Arn & Flair. Arn works on his right leg. Flair pours Schiavone & Zbyszko some champagne while he's wrestling Riggs. All year Riggs has been portrayed as the much "weaker" member of the team. Arn continues to work the leg. Flair delivers the shinbreaker. Riggs hits a desperation enzugiri on Anderson and sends him to the floor. Riggs crawls as Flair and the referee shove each other...and...finally...tags Bagwell! Bagwell with big right hands for the Horsemen. Dropkick for Arn. Backdrop for Flair. Beautiful missle dropkick off the top for Flair! Small package gets reversed several times, but only gets Bagwell two. Bagwell delivers the fisherman's suplex, his finishing maneuever, but Anderson breaks up the count. Bagwell attempts a pin on Flair, but Woman rakes his eyes, and Anderson hits a DDT. Flair makes the easy pin at 9:55. **. Okay match, end result never in doubt. With commercials this was about 14 minutes, so you can see the result of giving Nitro two hours already. Post-match, Gene Okerlund interviews the Horsemen. Anderson doesn't fear football players and Flair can easily get Mongo's wife. They don't need any special pads or gear. Flair sings! "Skyrockets at night, WHOOO! Afternoon delight!" Flair is ranting like a lunatic about baseball, then starts kissing the women and insulting McMichael. Classic crazy Flair. Okerlund cuts Flair off towards the end of the interview as he rants about Elizabeth's bankroll.


An incredibly boring "workout video" airs showing Steve McMichael & Kevin Greene hitting the weights in the gym.


Steve Doll Vs. The Mauler (with Col. Rob Parker)

Good God, who's idea was THIS match? The Mauler is Mike Enos with leather chaps over his tights. He pounds away on Doll, screams a lot, and then hits a sick fallaway slam off the second rope. Mauler charges at Doll and both men go over the top rope, then do some brawling on the floor. It's like a time vortex sucked in some AWA wrestlers with no heat and put them on this Nitro. Mauler posts Doll. We go to commercial. During THIS? Mauler drops Doll across the top-rope as the crowd is reacting to something. And it's the wrestler formerly known as Razor Ramon from the WWF, in a denim outfit walking through the crowd toward the ring! "Razor" hops the guardrail, gets a microphone, and enters the ring. Doll has disappeared and Mauler stands there pissed off, but Parker persuades him to head for the locker room. * at 3:15 for a no-contest and not the best choice for a match to hook viewers for what seems like a big angle with "Razor". He's on the mic...you know who he is but not why he's there. He mocks Ted Turner and Randy Savage, then says he goes wherever he wants. The announcers are sppechless. He has a scoop for "Scheme Gene", and threatens to lay down a challenge later to "that Ken Doll wannabe" Eric Bischoff. The challenge is for "Dubya-See-Dubya, A Yuck Yuck", because if they wanted a war, they just got one. Schiavone and Zbyszko can't explain what's happened.


Sgt. Craig Pittman (with Teddy Long) Vs. "Diamond" Dallas Page

Page mocks Pittman, but that's a mistake, firing up the "Pitbull" and getting into a losing battle on the mat. Pittman has an awful mohawk haircut, and Zbyszko claims Long has softened him up. They do some silly, sloppy wrestling, and Page hits an ultra-sloppy "neck snap" on the top rope to take Pittman down. Pittman alledgedly locks on the "Code Red", but it's on wrong. Page shoves Teddy Long, and Pittman goes to check on him, allowing Page to hit a nice "Diamond Cutter" to absolute silence for the pin at 2:59. * for an awful match.


A special video takes a look at Randy Savage's mental instability, attack on a WCW referee, confrontation with an executive, arrests on television, banishment from the arena, and losing his money to Elizabeth & Flair.


Gene Okerlund Interview with The Shark

Shark says Kevin Sullivan threw him out of the Dungeon of Doom, so Shark is angry and wants to take Giant's WCW World Title tonight. Giant's just the new "big man on campus".


A special video takes a look at Hulk Hogan and his celebrity friends. George Foreman, Shaquille O'Neal, Dennis Rodman, Kevin Greene, "Sugar" Ray Leonard are shown. Hogan's TV work in "Thunder in Paradise" and "Baywatch" are shown, and his movies are mentioned.


Bischoff & Heenan welcome Hour #2, with Heenan ranting about how Flair & Anderson will embarass the football players. Bischoff won't even dignify the earlier interruption by the former Razor Ramon.


The Shark Vs. WCW World Heavyweight Champion The Giant (with Jimmy Hart)

Giant's really ripped here. Shark has shark teeth painted on his face. Shark jumps him but a Giant headbutt shrugs him off. Giant takes him off his feet with a clothesline, then stands on him. Shark with a double-axehandle from the second rope and some big forearms. Shark can't bodyslam The Giant. But The Giant can bodyslam The Shark with ease! More shoulderblocks in the corner from Giant. This is horrible. Shark with some thrilling shoulderblocks. Giant eats a big boot in the corner. Shark hits a clothesline off the second rope. Shark grabs Jimmy Hart, but Giant is up, delivers the Chokeslam, and gets the pin at 4:01. A generous *. Big Bubba comes into the ring and cuts/shaves half of The Shark's head bald.


Maxx Vs. WCW Television Champion Lex Luger

Maxx looks like Mike Awesome with a mohawk. Luger's still one-half of the World Tag Team Champions with Sting. Lex is in full babyface mode, slapping all the fans' hands and waving hello. Maxx is DDP's ex-bodyguard and generic big 'roid monster. Even Bischoff makes fun of his hair. Maxx hits some shoulderblocks. Wow, this Nitro has just been hideous. Lex with a running clothesline. And another. But he runs into a Maxx powerslam. Maxx kicks him many times. Yawn. Side-slam gets Maxx two. Maxx gets a headbutt. And elbowdrop. And clothesline. The #1 Contender to the WCW World Title is getting worked over by a guy called "Maxx". Maxx eats a boot in the corner. Luger with the running bionic forearm, which Bischoff claims "dropped Yokozuna like a sack of rocks". Luger alledgedly hits a powerslam. He tries once, then again to lift up Maxx in the "Torture Rack", and finally gets him up, with Maxx submitting after 5:44 of putting me through hell. * for remembering they have a Television title for a week. Gene Okerlund interviews Lex Luger afterwards. Luger doesn't make the matches, so don't blame him for suddenly getting DDP's title shot out of nowhere. They replay Luger getting chokeslammed through the table from 2 weeks ago. Luger can't believe he did it and tried to take him out. Luger wants every "big man" WCW has before he wrestles The Giant!


This couldn't get any worse.


Wait...this is great...


"Hardwork" Bobby Walker Vs. Brad Armstrong

"He's been training very hard. Probably harder than anyone else. Hence the handle - 'Hardwork' Bobby Walker", claims Bischoff. Arm drag from Walker, but Armstrong gets one of his own. Armstrong isn't giving Walker any clean breaks. Armstrong monkey flips Walker, but Walker lands on his feet, and falls. Then Walker leaps to the top rope, and slips off, then gets back up and hitting a cross-body for two. Armstrong slows down Captain Botch with an armbar. Walker gets a headscissors on the mat. You can hear a pin drop in the arena. More basic matwork. Brad seems to be heeling out here. Small package and a backslide both get Walker a two count. Backdrop by Walker. Walker jumps to the second rope...WAIT FOR IT...then hops to the top and falls AGAIN (!), then gets back up and dives towards Armstrong with a headbutt. Walker gets the pin at 4:26 to end this. * for some mat stuff, but wow did Walker aggrivate the 5 people paying attention with his slipping all over the place. Bischoff tries to cover for him, at least.


Lord Steven Regal (with Jeeves) Vs. Alex Wright

This should be good. Regal with a fancy arm-drag, but Wright kips up and cartwheels to regain the momentum. Wright does it again to escape a Regal take-down. Two high-arching flying headscissors take Regal to the arena floor. Wright hits Regal with a baseball slide, then delivers a plancha as we go to commercial break. We're back with Regal poking the eyes to gain control. Regal grinds Wright into the mat with a headlock and palm strikes. Wright dodges a European Uppercut and hits a belly-to-belly suplex, but Regal's back in control quickly after. Bischoff apologizes for the interruption earlier, then calls Wright "green". They trade European Uppercuts, Wright backflips off the top rope, and gets a roll-up for two. Wright gets a high dropkick. Backdrop on Regal. Running elbow in the corner, and then, uh, a "standing, jumping back wheel kick". What? Wright tries a monkey flip out of the corner, but Regal blocks it and rolls him up nicely for the pin at 7:15. **, they tried, but the crowd is asleep and they've done better. Gene Okerlund is in the ring to interview Regal. Regal calls Alex Wright "Junior Adolf", HA! He talks about all the wackiness going on in WCW, and wants to have his say. Regal lays down a challenge to Sting, so that he can beat him and get a shot at the "bloody circus freak we have for a champion".


Scott Steiner Vs. Sting

First-ever singles match between these two. Sting is half of the World Tag Team Champions with Luger. The Steiners want the belts. They shake hands. Armdrag from Scott. Hiptoss from Sting. Scott hits two forearm smashes and a gorilla press! Nice criss-cross sequence ends with a Sting dropkick. Nice flying back elbow off the second-rope by Sting, and a clothesline sends Scott to the floor. Slingshot plancha by the "Stinger" takes Scott down! Back in, Scott hits an awesome double-underhook powerbomb. Spinning belly-to-belly suplex sends Sting to the floor. Scott flies off the top with a double-axehandle to the floor. Good match so far. Scott runs full steam into a Sting boot, but catches Sting with an overhead release belly-to-belly suplex. Crowd's still asleep. Bischoff mentions WCW always has back-up microphones for the anouncers, and I'm guessing the mics went out on Monday Night Raw a week ago or something. Scott works over Sting on the mat as things have slowed way down. Scott tries a suplex but Sting reverses it into an inverted DDT. Stinger Splash! But a second one misses! Holy crap Sting just took a Dragon Suplex from Scott! Here comes Lex Luger to cheer on Sting. And here comes Rick Steiner to even things up. Scott delivers a Samoan Drop off the second-rope. Sting dodges the "Frankensteiner" and puts the Scorpion Deathlock on, but Scott's in the ropes. Scotty tries a tombstone piledriver, but Sting reverses it and kills Scott with one of his own! Sting gets caught attempting a splash and goes to the apron. Sting suplexes Scott to the arena floor, and Luger gets involved, breaking up another suplex attempt. Lex and Rick get into a slugfest, and Lex runs into the ring. The Steiners and Sting & Luger get into a big brawl as the undercarders hit the ring to break it up at 10:14. ** 1/2 for a good little bout that was killed by the dead crowd, ending in a no-contest.


At the announcer's table, the former "Razor Ramon" hits the booth and claims that "WE are sick of your big mouth." Get three of Billionaire Ted's best, like "The Nacho Man" or "The Stinger" to stand up for WCW. "...'cause WE are taking over. You want a war? You got one. Let's do it in the ring where it matters. 'Cuz WE are coming down here, and like it or not, we are taking over." Bischoff gets a toothpick flicked at his face as they sign off.



Man, I wish I had the shows from this era on tape instead of starting to tape in late 1997.

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Man, I'd forgotten the main event on _that_ episode was Scott Steiner vs Sting, and that the Luger/Sting vs Steiners feud was basically the biggest thing WCW had going at the time.

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WCW Monday Nitro - June 03, 1996


Hosted by Tony Schiavone & Larry Zbyszko (Hour 1)

Hosted by Eric Bischoff & Bobby Heenan (Hour 2)


Larry & Tony speculate that Bobby Heenan will manage Ric Flair & Arn Anderson at The Great American Bash. A replay of Bubba shaving The Shark's head is shown.

Gene Okerlund Interview with The Shark

Shark's music is just so ridiculous. Shark won't shave the other side of his hair. Everyday he has to relive the embarassment of how he looks. "I'm not The Shark, I'm not a fish, I'm not an Avalanche. I'm a man. John Tenta. A 500 pound man." He heads to the ring.


John Tenta Vs. Big Bubba (with Jimmy Hart)

Tenta attacks and hits a weak powerslam. Crowd's much more alive this week. Haha, Tony Schiavone mentions that Vader and Johnny B. Badd were in the USA Today advertisement for this edition of Nitro, but they don't work for WCW nor "play with the big boys" and won't be on this show. Wow, they've been gone for HOW long? Tenta chases Bubba to the floor with the scissors Bubba brought to the ring. Bubba, who refuses to get back in the ring, is counted out at 1:06. DUD.


High Voltage Vs. The Faces of Fear

This is the debut for High Voltage - Ruckus & Chaos. Their names would later be changed to Rage & Kaos, sometime in the winter. They've got pretty cool looks, but let's see how they work. Chaos and Barbarian start, and Voltage hits a double hiptoss, ducks a clothesline, and deliver a double-shoulderblock to gain the advantage. Barbarian quickly recovers and powerbombs Ruckus. Meng comes in and hits a nice dropkick on Ruckus, then hits a backbreaker. Barbarian in with a pumphandle slam. Ruckus gets put up top and Barbarian hits a nice overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Meng and Barbarian both go up top and delivers simultaneous flying headbutts. Chaos gets thrown to the outside, and Meng finishes off Ruckus with the "Mafia Kick" for the pin at 3:24. * for this total squash. Crowd is awake and seems very receptive to the Faces of Fear, who looked impressive.


Gene Okerlund Interviews WCW World Tag Team Champions Sting & Lex Luger

They'll face The Steiner Brothers tonight. Lex says things got out of hand and he shouldn't be painted as the "bad guy" here. Sting says The Steiners might have an argument here because Luger provoked Rick by kicking Scott in the gut when he tried to suplex Sting. Lex questions how good of friends Sting is with The Steiners since Scott tried to suplex him on the floor. The Steiner Brothers interrupt and Rick says Scott just wanted to win. Sting says he would have done it, too. Scott's all crazy and tells Lex he'll "jack him in the ring if you get me hot!" Scott & Lex shove each other as the segment wraps up.

Disco Inferno Vs. Sgt. Craig Pittman (with Teddy Long)

Pittman wears a bunch of gold medals to the ring, as he was an "amateur all-Military champion", claims Tony. Armdrags keep Disco down. Disco dances around like an idiot, leading Pittman to hit a waistlock takedown and a sick gutwrench powerbomb. Disco's offense has thus far been three punches, one of which hurt his hand. Pittman delivers the Battering Ram, and goes for the Code Red, but Disco submits at 1:46 before Pittman can apply the hold! Disco tells the camera that he couldn't dance if Pittman injured his arm. * for another quick joke.

Lord Steven Regal (with Jeeves) Vs. "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan

Sting/Regal was signed on the WCW Main Event, with Regal backhanding him at the end of the contract signing. This can't possibly be any good. Regal stalls outside and yells at the fans. After a minute, they finally lock up, then stall again. "USA!" chant. Duggan gets three clotheslines in to send Regal back to the floor. Regal and Zbyszko jaw-jack, playing off their old feud for the Television Title. Duggan punches Regal's lights out. Regal cheats and gets a kick in, but misses a running somersault and Duggan gets in a backdrop. Earl Robert Eaton & Jeeves distract the referee as Duggan hits the three point stance running clothesline. Squire Dave Taylor steals the 2 x 4 board from Duggan, distracting him, and letting Regal roll Duggan up with a handful of tights for the pin at 4:24. Jeez, all that to beat Duggan? Gene Okerlund is in the ring with The Bluebloods. Regal was fined for backhanding Sting, and paid the double the amount so he had credit for next time. Wow, Regal nailed Sting with that backhand. Regal wants Sting at his best at the Bash.


A special video package takes a look at Chris Benoit and Kevin Sullivan's problems. Benoit's pissed at Arn Anderson for being friends with the Dungeon of Doom. Sullivan and Benoit have been arguing and getting in each other's faces. Sullivan double-crossed Benoit at Slamboree during their tag team match.


"The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan (with Jimmy Hart) Vs. Prince Iaukea

Iaukea's Nitro debut and second televised match. Sullivan beats the hell out of him inside and out of the ring. Sullivan puts him in the "Tree of Woe" and hits a running knee, then the double stomp for the pin at 1:22. * for another squash. Okerlund is in the ring for an interview. Jimmy Hart wonders why Sullivan wants the Dungeon to allign with the Horsemen. Sullivan claims Hulkamania is not dead, and that the Dungeon needs to be on its game upon his return. Sullivan has Anderson & Flair on his side to prepare for this. They show footage of Brian Pillman quitting during his match with Sullivan, just as Sullivan said he would. Sullivan says he'll get rid of Benoit at the Bash just the same.


The Rock 'N Roll Express Vs. Ric Flair & Arn Anderson (with Woman & Miss Elizabeth)

The announcer's audio can't be heard. Flair & Arn come down in Greene & McMichael jerseys. Ricky Morton & Arn Anderson start and 2 minutes in, nothing has happened. Fireworks and pyro go off as the welcome to Hour #2 begins. Morton & Gibson pound away on Arn. Flair tags in and trades shot with Morton. Morton backdrops him and tags Gibson in. Heenan puts over the Express' signifigance to tag team wrestling as the Horsemen regroup on the floor. Gibson gets a two count on Arn with a crossbody off the top. Flair tags in. Gibson promptly locks him in the Figure-Four leglock. Arn comes in, but Morton trips him and applies the Figure-Four to him! The Horsemen escape, and Flair gets shoved around by the referee, with the Horsemen then regrouping on the floor by their VIP table. We go to commercial. We're back and the audio problems are finally resolved. Morton looks good in there, staying one step ahead of Arn Anderson. Flair uses an eye poke and chops to take Morton down. Arn stomps away at Morton inside and Flair works him over on the floor. Hammerlock slam from Arn. Morton tries to fight back but doesn't do much. Heenan pleads the 5th about managing Arn & Flair at the Bash. Arn drills Morton with the Spinebuster but Gibson saves him. More wearing down of Morton. This is getting really boring. Arn keeps Morton does with a chinlock. Savage is apparently banned from wrestling on TV or pay-per-view. Morton gets a desperation sleeperhold on Arn, but Anderson reverses it with a back suplex. Flair tags in and tries the Figure-Four, which Morton counters into a cradle for two. Arn wears down Morton with a front facelock. He's been in there forever! Bobby Heenan leaves the broadcast table and goes to ringside, where he whispers something to Woman & Miss Elizabeth. Morton FINALLY tags in Gibson. He slams Arn & Flair's heads together. Slow enzugiri to Arn. The Express hits the double-dropkick on Arn and then on Flair! Gibson with an O'Connor roll attempt, but Woman rakes his eyes, Arn hits the DDT, and Flair scores the pin at 16:03. Much, much too long of a match considering the Express really have no build or credibility in WCW '96. We'll go **. Gene Okerlund interviews The Horsemen at their VIP table. Arn says wrestlers are much bigger, and McMichael's jersey barely was able to fit him. Flair claims that McMichael's wife "Debbie" indeed "does the Nature Boy", not Dallas. Flair says the Horsemen are just better as Heenan joins them. Heenan says he's refused every offer to manage and he will NOT be Flair & Arn's manager at the Bash. He then pulls out his 1988 "All-Madden" manager's trophy. At the Bash, he won't manage, but he'll be the coach for the Horsemen! He sips champagne with Flair, Arn, Woman, & Elizabeth as we go to commercial.


A special video packages on Hulk Hogan shows the "Hulkster" beating on the likes of The One Man Gang, The Giant, Vader, Kevin Sullivan, and Ric Flair.


Ice Train Vs. WCW World Heavyweight Champion The Giant (with Jimmy Hart)

The title is on the line. Fire & Ice battle The Steiner Brothers at the Bash. They face-off, and Jimmy Hart grabs Ice Train's leg. Distracted, Train is easily chokeslammed and pinned by The Giant at 0:28. DUD. Scott Norton comes out and yells at The Giant for taking advantage of Ice Train. So Giant chokeslams him twice. Gene Okerlund interviews The Giant at ringside. The Giant has many targets, but Lex Luger's going to be the first to fall at the Great American Bash.


Hugh Morrus Vs. Scott Norton

Morrus comes to the ring as Norton is still on the mat after Giant destroyed him. Morrus with a legdrop and repeated elbowdrops. Morrus goes up for the "No Laughing Matter" moonsault, but Norton stands up, blocks it, forearms him three times, and gets the pin at 1:47. DUD.


Special video package featuring Kevin Greene & Steve McMichael trying to learn how to run the ropes and adjust to the wrestling ring. Greene suggests they use football maneuevers to help them defeat the Horsemen. They also need to avoid the Figure-Four Leglock and the DDT. Greene plays the "football-talking crazy man" really well. At least I think he's acting. They agree that they need a coach, as Greene looks at the Slim Jim he's eating, and they decide to go track down Randy Savage.

The Steiner Brothers Vs. WCW World Tag Team Champions Sting & Lex Luger

This is a rematch of the 1991 PWI Match of the Year from SuperBrawl. Heenan is upset at Savage's possible involvement in the Horsemen's tag team match at the Bash. Bischoff does a super annoying laughing bit for a minute as Heenan comes up with excuses for why Savage should be banned from the show. Luger is also the TV Champion, still. We cut to split-screen (great...) as Randy Savage is on the phone, calling in to accept Greene & McMichael's request to be their coach. Scott and Sting start, with Scott easily suplexing him, then delivering the Tilt A Whirl. You wouldn't know this, because they're at the stupid split-screen and you can't hear the crowd. Sting catches Scott with a "hot shot", a clothesline, and a bulldog, then tags in Luger. Heenan pleads with Savage to stay away from the Bash match. Scott drills Lex with the double-underhook powerbomb and we go to commercial. Wow, what a waste of a match. Rick comes in with an overhead belly-to-belly as the announcer's ignore the match. We're back with Rick keeping Lex down with an armbar. Back up, and Rick hits a Steinerline for 2. Rick hits a belly-to-belly on Lex from the second ropes, then delivers the Top-Rope Bulldog, but Sting breaks it up. Sting tags in, gives Rick a "Stinger Splash", and locks in the Scorpion Deathlock. Scotty clotheslines Sting to break it up. Scott tags in and delivers the spinning belly-to-belly suplex. Scott hits a "Frankensteiner" on Sting, who is sitting on the top rope, but Luger breaks it up. Crowd pops for Sting and little else. Sting delivers the not-yet-named "Scorpion Deathdrop" and tags Luger. Lex powerslams Scott and gets him in the Rack, but Rick breaks it up. Rick comes in with a Steinerline on Lex. All four men brawl in the ring. Sting and Rick fight to the outside. The Giant walks down and very poorly chokeslams Rick Steiner on the arena floor. Giant hits the ring as Scott gets dumped, but Lex is no match for him. Match is thrown out, a no-contest, at 6:42. * 1/2, crowd was sleepy and the production/presentatiob of this match was awful. Lex avoids the chokeslam and hammers away. Giant misses a charge, Sting comes in, and Scott Steiner helps them fight off The Giant. Lex's bionic forearm sends Giant to the floor, but he lands on his feet.


At the announcer's table, Heenan pleads for Savage not to come to the ring at The Great American Bash. The former "Razor Ramon" interrupts the end of the show, calls Bischoff a "Ken Doll", and says he's back for more. "You started it, you wanna go to war, you got a war...". Sting confronts the former "Razor Ramon" and brings up the horrible things said about Hogan, Savage, Sting, and WCW. Sting says he doesn't see three guys, he sees one, so let's have a one-on-one fight right now! "Razor" says no one tells him "where" or "when", then throws his toothpick in Sting's face. Sting slaps him, and "Razor" promises "a little...no...a BIG surprise for you next week" as security breaks them up.

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Guest The Brain

The First Monday Nitro - September 4, 1995 from Minneapolis, Minnesota


I didn't start watching Nitro until late 1996, so this is the first time I have seen the debut episode.


Starts off with Eric Bischoff and Steve McMichael, who will apparently be our announcers for the evening. Luckily, Bobby Heenan joins them after a minute or two of pointless banter. Bischoff promises the best action and a lot of surprises, so let's get to it.


Flyin' Brian vs Jushin Thunder Liger - a rematch of one of the first big "cruiserweight" style matches in the US from Superbrawl 1992 (both that match and this one are on Pillman's DVD). Kind of a sloppy match, with several awkward looking and missed moves, but there was also a lot of innovative stuff that you just didn't see during this time-frame. Pillman wins with a rollup. **1/2


On the way to commercial, Sting cuts a short promo aimed at Ric Flair. That match is up next.


But first, an appearance by Hulk Hogan surrounded by kids at his restaurant, Pastamania. This is definitely a different era. He actually calls his fans Pastamaniacs at one point.


Sting vs Ric Flair - these 2 have gone at it countless times, and even closed out WCW with the final match on Nitro in 2001. Before the match gets started, the first shot in the Monday Night wars is fired when Lex Luger walks down the aisle, smirks and then leaves. Historically, this was a huge moment for WCW and the crowd was definitely surprised to see Luger there. This was the standard Sting/Flair match, featuring 4 gorilla press slams and a big superplex by Sting. Arn Anderson comes out and gets in the ring, which causes a DQ, even though he doesn't attack any one. He eventually goes after Flair and they brawl outside of the ring. Another **1/2.


While they are trying to sort all of that out, a debuting Scott Norton comes out of the crowd demanding a match. The Macho Man gets in his face and accepts the challenge. However, Bischoff won't allow it and sends it to a video hyping the debut of Sabu (!) I was not expecting that. I didn't know he was ever in WCW.


Before the main event, we get another debut, as Michael Wallstreet delivers a promo, complete with an IRS reference. Nice.


Hulk Hogan vs Big Bubba - the main event is for the WCW title. Typical Hogan match. The Dungeon of Doom hits the ring eventually (Kamala, Beefcake - not sure of his name at this time, Sullivan, the Shark). Lex Luger makes the save and then goes face to face with Hogan. Sting and Savage hit the ring to break them up. About * - I've seen better.


In the final segment, Luger explains that he came to WCW to get the belt from Hogan, so Hogan will give him a title shot next week on Nitro. Wow, that was easy. They cut to the announcers, and Mongo is holding a tiny little dog with devil horns on. Very random.


This was a great start to what I consider the best television show in wrestling history. One huge surprise, a couple of other debuts, decent cruiserweight action, a solid Sting/Flair match, and Pastamania running wild added up to an entertaining hour.

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WCW Monday Nitro - June 10, 1996

Live from Unannounced


Hosted by Tony Schiavone and Larry Zbyszko (Hour 1)

Hosted by Eric Bischoff and Bobby Heenan (Hour 2)


The announcers talk about the Horsemen facing the new team of Renegade & Joe Gomez, then show footage of the interruption by the former "Razor Ramon" and his confrontation with Sting. What is his so-called "big surprise" for WCW?


Booker T. Vs. Scott Steiner

Cool opener choice. Booker throws him into the corner using the hair. Scott overpowers him, leading to Book and Scott countering each others trademark maneuevers. Scott finally hits him with a massive double-underhook powerbomb. Book gets clotheslined over the top to the floor. Scott runs into a superkick with Booker on the defensive. Booker's "scissors kick" follows for two! A rest-hold ensues, then Booker hits a twisting flying bodypress off the top for two. Scott counters a vertical suplex into an inverted DDT. Big backdrop by Scott. Booker eats a boot, then Scott hits the twisting belly-to-belly suplex out of the corner. Booker dodges a "Frankensteiner" attempt and hits a beautiful jumping Harlem Sidekick for two. Side slam by Booker, who goes up top and misses with a big splash. Overhead release belly-to-belly suplex wins it for Scott at 5:54. *** for a nice little opener.


Gene Okerlund Interview with Scott Steiner

Debra McMichael interrupts this, and Scott politely gives her time because he sees how freaked out she is. Debra explains that her husband Steve might permanently injure someone at The Great American Bash, and she pleads with Okerlund to get the Horsemen camp to listen to her and get the match called off.


WCW Lord of the Ring "Diamond" Dallas Page Vs. Jim Powers

This is Powers debut and its for the Battlebowl Ring, which WCW acknowledges as a unique championship. Page works Powers over in the corner, but Jim holds his own with a few roll-ups. Page uses Powers' hair to slam him on the mat head-first. Basic match. Gutwrench into a stomach-buster from DDP. Page runs into a boot and Powers gives him 10 punches in the corner. Kneelift from Powers. Big dropkick gets Powers two. Powers runs into a back-elbow and is easy prey for the "Diamond Cutter", which gets a decent little reaction, and Page gets the pin at 4:05. * 1/2 for Page's credibility building.


Video package about Kevin Sullivan's tedious relationship with the Four Horsemen, running Brian Pillman out of WCW, complete with "I Respect You, Bookerman!" line intact, and his plans to run Benoit out of WCW, as well.


Music video of Konan defending his U.S. Championship.


Gene Okerlund Interview with Konan

Konan claims his Bash opponent, El Gato, is a South American legend that must prove himself here in WCW.


Meng Vs. Sting

Sting is feuding with Regal and is 1/2 of the WCW World Tag Champions. Meng pummels Sting in the corner and stomps away at him. Sting comes back with a high-impact cross-body block for two. Sting delivers three big clotheslines and a leaping bulldog. Meng delivers a shoulderbreaker and goes to the top rope, stupidly. Sting crotches him, and applies the Scorpion Deathlock rather sloppily for the win at 3:10. * 1/2 for a quick nothing of a match.


Gene Okerlund Interview with Bobby Heenan and Debra McMichael

Heenan claims Debra's been with Flair every night, all week. Debra goes into the Horsemen locker room, where the door is slammed, and Debra can be heard screaming. Debra runs out with Arn & Flair in pursuit, and the Horsemen jump Joe Gomez & The Renegade in the hallway, the duo that was supposed to face them later on.


"Squire" David Taylor (with Jeeves) Vs. "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan

These two have beef from last week's Duggan/Regal match. Duggan clotheslines Taylor to the floor. Luger & Sting, by the way, have agreed to step up and face Flair & Anderson, putting up the belts, too! Taylor gets a kneelift in on Duggan, but missed a cross-body press. Duggan gets the running clothesline for two. Duggan tapes up his wrist and knocks out Taylor for the pin at 2:26. *. So many quick matches tonight.


Music video showing Dean Malenko in action, and international footage of Rey Mysterio, Jr. executing high-risk maneuevers.


Gene Okerlund Interview with Big Bubba and Jimmy Hart

John Tenta looks silly and couldn't hold his own in the Dungeon, so they humiliated him.


Gene Okerlund Interview with Scott Norton

Does EVERYONE get an interview tonight? Norton's pissed at Giant for his chokeslam-antics and isn't afraid to face him.


Scott Norton Vs. WCW World Heavyweight Champion The Giant (with Jimmy Hart)

We count down to Hour #2 during Norton's extended entrance. Norton attacks to no effect. Giant crushes him with forearms and a powerslam. Boot choke in the corner. Norton fights back and hits two big avalanches. Giant sends him to the floor and chokeslams him out there, then gets the easy pin at 1:42. Luger attacks after the match but is shrugged off by Giant. Giant has him set-up for a chokeslam onto Flair's VIP table, but Luger kicks him in the groin and hits him with a champagne bucket. The Dungeon comes in for the save as Luger runs off, not before stopping at the announcer's table to explain that The Giant can be hurt.


Footage of Kevin Greene on The Tonight Show airs with Jay Leno discussing his upcoming match with the Four Horsemen.


Billy Kidman Vs. Lord Steven Regal (with Jeeves)

Kidman's Nitro debut. Regal sneak attacks him, but Kidman gets in a dropkick and roll-up. Kidman delivers a headlock into a springboard bulldog. Kidman goes up and misses a 450 splash, landing in the center of the ring on his knees. Regal mocks him and hits an overhead suplex, then locks on a high-arching Boston Crab with his foot on Kidman's head for the submission win at just 0:57. 1/2 * for the sick Kidman splash. Sting runs in and back-hands Regal, evening up the score.


The Nasty Boys Vs. The Public Enemy

They brawl outside the ring, with Knobbs pummeling Grunge into the guardrail. Grunge apparently has a broken arm or hand or something, claims Bischoff. Sags slaps away at Rocco Rock outside as Knobbs dominates Grunge with a flying clothesline inside. Annoying split-screen rears its head here. Nasty Boys double-team Grunge in the corner. This match isn't very good. Sags piledrives Grunge as we go to commercial. Another Glacier promo during it, by the way. We're back, with Grunge clotheslining Knobbs and dancing. Fans don't like TPE yet. More brawling commences. Rocco Rock brings a trashcan to the ringside area. Sags with a pumphandle slam on Rocco. Grunge hits Knobbs with his arm cast, barely making contact. Sags eventually drills Rocco Rock with the trash can and Public Enemy wins by disqualification at 9:00. * for an awful match. Do the weapons-filled match and end this, please.


Music video of Hulk Hogan destroying The One Man Gang, Vader, Meng, The Giant, Kevin Sullivan, Jimmy Hart, and Ric Flair is shown.


Re-cap of the Four Horsemen recruiting Bobby Heenan as their coach and Greene & McMichael recrutiing Randy Savage to be their coach, showing his team to use their power.


WCW World Tag Team Champions Sting & Lex Luger Vs. Arn Anderson & Ric Flair (with Woman & Elizabeth)

Flair taunts Savage with "Lonely women make great lovers!" Luger press slams Flair and dominates him with clotheslines. Arn & Flair regroup. Flair runs into another press slam for Lex. Bischoff is sure that Lex could "Rack" The Giant. Luger suplexes Flair into the ring. Sting gets tagged in and Arn backs off. Bischoff wants to see some photos from "Nitro Parties" held around the country to be shown on the air, so start sending them next week. Heenan freaks out on commentary about his team looking so poor to start. Criss-cross sequence ends with Anderson getting the leaping bulldog and Flair eating yet another press slam. Horsemen regroup once again. Back in, Sting again dominates Anderson, with Flair being tagged in. Sting takes him apart, but Flair avoids the "Stinger Splash", then stupidly goes up top and gets thrown to the mat. Sting delivers a flying clothesline. Bischoff keeps mentioning Sting's hair growth in a strange context. Sting kills Flair with a huge superplex. Flair rakes the eyes and tags Arn in, who chokes Sting in the ropes. Anderson hits his spinebuster for two. Flair in with a big chop for two. Flair's back gives out during a suplex attempt, but Anderson cheats and takes Sting down. O'Connor roll gets Sting two. Small package gets the same but the referee is tied up with Luger. We go to commercial and are in overtime for Nitro. We're back, as Sting bridges up and gets a backslide on Flair, but Arn is in to slam him. Anderson's attempted pump-splash results in Sting getting the knees up. Luger gets the hot tag. Gorilla slam on Flair. Clothesline for both Horsemen. Powerslam on Flair. Lex clotheslines both Horsemen over the top rope. The Giant hits the ring and the referee calls for the bell at 13:18, disqualifying the Horsemen. ** 1/2 for a pretty standard, somewhat boring match. Giant knocks Lex out with a forearm, but Scott Steiner is in with a wooden chair, and he, Sting, & Luger fight back. The Giant wants all three of them, and we have a stand-off. The Giant retreats at the will of Jimmy Hart. Okerlund is out for the interview with The Giant, and the champion claims he is a dead man. Bring a chair or anything, Giant promises Luger will leave on a stretcher.


At the announcer's table, Heenan is freaking out, claiming that Savage is going to try to kill him at the Great American Bash. Heenan sees the intruder formerly known as Razor Ramon and runs off. Bischoff doesn't want any trouble, but wants to know where the surprise is. The surprise is behind him, in the form of former WWF Champion Diesel. For six months WCW has ran their mouths, including using the "adjective" play. Not exactly an adjective, but anyways. The wrestler formerly known as Diesel claims no one wants to face their group, and that Nitro is boring. Hogan's probably filming "Blunder in Paradise", Savage is "filming a Slim Jim commercial", so where are the opponents? Bischoff will go to the WCW offices tomorrow and gets them a fight. If "Razor" and "Diesel" want a fight, show up at The Great American Bash, and Bischoff will see what he can do.

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WCW Monday Nitro - June 17, 1996

Live from Richmond, Virginia


Hosted by Tony Schiavone and Larry Zbyszko (Hour 1)

Hosted by Tony Schiavone and Bobby Heenan (Hour 2)


The announcers discuss the sickening attack on Eric Bischoff at The Great American Bash. Later on we'll find out who faces these intruders at the Bash at the Beach pay-per-view. We take a look at still frames from the pay-per-view matches. Back to footage of Bischoff, as the former "Razor Ramon" and "Diesel" do not work for the WWF, but want to know who WCW's three wrestlers to face them will be. Bischoff doesn't have an answer, so he gets punched in the stomach, with more to come.


Stevie Ray Vs. Rick Steiner

Stevie attacks Rick early and works him over in the corner. Big clothesline knocks Steiner down. Bodyslam gets Stevie two. Rick drops Stevie on his head with an overhead release belly-to-belly suplex. Rick goes up top and hits the flying bulldog for only two! Rick runs right into a powerslam from Stevie Ray. Stevie misses a forearm drop off the second-rope and Rick tags him with a "Steinerline" for the pin at 2:16. * 1/2, quick and not bad. Booker T. runs in and kills Rick with a superkick! Stevie Ray then powerbombs Rick. Scott Steiner runs out to protect Rick but gets hit with a top-rope axe-handle to the ribs from Booker T.


Disco Inferno Vs. "The Desperado" Joe Gomez

The fans do not want to see Disco dance. Gomez screams "generic long-haired jobber". Everyone from Hulk Hogan to New Japan Pro Wrestling wants a piece of the former "Razor" and "Diesel" at Bash at the Beach. Disco dances and gets little offense in. Gomez with armdrags and a dropkick. Disco is worried about his hair. Gomez with a terrible dropkick, then lunges at Disco, who moves, sending Gomez into the ropes. Disco now gets some offense in, but runs into several boots. Disco gets a swinging neckbreaker in, which the fans really pop for. Disco does a lazy cover, enabling Gomez to get a crucifix pin roll-up for three at 3:39. A fluke win over Disco Inferno is how Joe Gomez's career begins. *.


Gene Okerlund Interview with Ric Flair, Debra McMichael, Woman, and Elizabeth

Debra joined up with Flair for the company and the money. Flair gloats about his women and newest Horsemen member. Savage is reinstated as of tonight, but won't get the money or the girl back.


Arn Anderson & Chris Benoit Vs. The American Males

Benoit's face is messed up from the Bash match with Sullivan. Arn cheapshots Bagwell and works over Riggs to a huge pop. Riggs gets a roll-up for two. They criss-cross and Riggs gets a backdrop, then a dropkick for one. Bagwell in off the top with a punch. Benoit tagged in. Bagwell actually puts Benoit over to the crowd. Bagwell gets an enzugiri in, but Benoit swats away a dropkick. Bagwell counters a powerbomb with a Lucha armdrag! But Benoit gets the knees up for Bagwell's splash. Bagwell gets Arn for two with a backslide, then gets one with his Fisherman's Suplex finisher after Benoit interferes. Benoit uses chops and headbutts to murder Bagwell. Crowd pops big for Benoit's dominance. Big back suplex from Benoit, who then delivers the Flying Headbutt. Anderson cheap shots Bagwell and plays to the crowd, who loves the Horsemen. Bagwell tags Riggs. Worst hot tag ever. Alledged double-dropkick from the Males, but Arn breaks it up. Benoit reverses a Riggs Irish whip, Arn cheap shots Riggs, and Benoit sets Riggs up for a suplex, drops him stomach-first on the top rope, Riggs bounces onto the mat, and Benoit pins him at 5:48. **. Crowd has the Horsemen hand signals in full effect, no doubt hating on the annoying Males. Post-match, Gene Okerlund grabs an interview with Arn & Benoit. Arn says the people seem like to like the Horsemen because they do what they say they are going to do. Sullivan got his because the deal went south and there are only room for four Horsemen. Benoit says Sullivan's goal to destroy the Horsemen failed and he felt the price. The Horsemen are about guts, glamour, and glory.


Big Bubba (with Jimmy Hart) Vs. John Tenta

Bubba had half his beard shaved. Tenta has no theme music. Bubba attacks with punches. Tenta hits a backdrop and clothesline. Tenta busts out a dropkick! Bubba stalls outside. Bubba crotches Tenta on the ringpost. Chinlock by Bubba. Tenta fights back and hits an avalanche. And a second one. Jimmy Hart interferes and Tenta atomic drops him, then powerslams Bubba. Tenta delivers a second powerslam and puts his feet on the ropes for the pin at 4:43. *. Tenta chases Hart, but Bubba knocks him out with a loaded sock. Bubba hits him a half-dozen times with the loaded sock, then pours coins on him. Post-match, Big Bubba tells Gene Okerlund he always beats up Tenta, and encourages viewers to watch the Bash "ree-plee" to see!


Gene Okerlund Interview with Randy Savage

Savage has Flair, finally, in just a few minutes, and will take his time in hurting him. No man can put Savage down and he can't wait to get Flair in the ring. Savage saw a woman psychiatrist who called Savage "OCD" - One Cool Dude. Savage is happy now, happy to hurt Flair.


"Macho Man" Randy Savage Vs. "Nature Boy" Ric Flair (with Woman, Elizabeth, and Debra McMichael)

Savage's in-ring return after being suspended for some time. We count down to Nitro Hour #2. Savage storms the announcer's booth and chases Bobby Heenan to the ringside area. Heenan runs into the ring then jumps over the top rope to flee from Savage! Flair mocks Kevin Greene on his way to the ring. Flair gets on the microphone to taunt Savage about his agony of defeat and divorce. Woman taunts Savage with alimony money. Savage says he'll "kick his ass" and attacks! Hot segment. They brawl on the floor. Savage works Flair over in the corner and gives him a big backdrop. Clotheslines send Flair to the floor as the girls scream. Flair pokes the eyes & chops away and we go to commercial. We're back as Flair throws Savage over the top rope behind the referee's back. Elizabeth slaps Savage! Savage gets thrown into the crowd, but comes under the guardrail and runs at Flair with a tackle! Savage slams Flair into his VIP table, right into the vegetable tray. Savage pours champagne into Flair's eyes. They brawl in the entranceway. Back in the ring, Savage punches away at the soaked Flair. Flair flops in the ring. Flair gets flipped to the ring apron and clotheslined to the floor. Savage goes for the flying axe-handle to the floor, but Flair moves and Savage lands on the guardrail. We go to another commercial?!? We're back, as Savage keeps bouncing right up from Flair's chops but then runs into Flair's back elbow. Flair goes to the top rope and jumps, leaping over Savage and landing strangely, and Savage is on him. They duke it out in the corner. Savage off the top rope with a double-axehandle. Flair knocks Savage out with an illegal object. Savage kicks out at two, though. Savage hits Flair with a knee, which knocks down the referee. Savage with a low blow on Flair. Savage goes up and connects with the Flying Elbowdrop. He goes up again, but Flair's three women beg for him to stop. Savage delivers it anyway. Benoit runs in, and Savage piledrives him. Anderson in, and Savage throws him over the top. Steve McMichael runs out, hits Savage with the steel briefcase in the back, then hits him in the head with it. Flair covers as the referee wakes up and gets the pin at 8:03. *** for a short, exciting, but commercial-break plagued match. I suspect Bischoff placed the commercial breaks up against WWF Monday Night Raw to keep Nitro's viewers tuned in to such a big match.


Gene Okerlund Interview with Kevin Sullivan, The Giant, and Jimmy Hart

Okerlund says there are "cliques" being formed in WCW. Kevin Sullivan is afraid of Hogan's impending WCW return to come after the Dungeon of Doom, and is pissed at the Four Horsemen for turning on him. The Giant says the Horsemen can't be WCW's "elite" when they don't have the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. He dares the Horsemen to prove otherwise against him.


Commercial for WCW's "Northern Invasion" tour, including a show at The Theatre at Madison Square Garden.


Blood Runs Cold promo. Our World is About to Change. Glacier is Coming to WCW.


Gene Okerlund Interview with Rey Mysterio, Jr.

Rey quickly says something in Spanish and heads to the ring.


Rey Mysterio, Jr. Vs. WCW World Cruiserweight Champion Dean Malenko

Rey lands on his feet when Malenko executes a monkey flip with his knees. Crowd is asleep. Big criss-cross sequences ends in Rey hitting a top-rope Asai Moonsault and getting a 2.9 with a La Majistral cradle, with the silent crowd actually gasping. Rey keeps flipping off Malenko to escape him, and Malenko finally drops him on his head with a big clothesline. Side backbreaker submission by Malenko. Back suplex from the champion. High-arching single leg crab from Malenko looks very painful, but Rey doesn't quit. Malenko executes a big brainbuster as the crowd gasps. Malenko with a seated abdominal stretch, but Rey gets to the ropes and regroups. Malenko goes up top, but Rey crotches him, does a backflip off the top, and ultimately gets hit with Malenko's electric chair drop! Malenko keeps him down on the mat with an STF. Malenko kills Rey with a snap powerbomb that only gets two! Malenko hits an angled fallaway slam, then puts on a camel clutch. Quite a one-sided match. Rey gets tossed to the floor. Rey sends Malenko into the gurardrail, then springboards off the top rope to the arena floor and hits Dean with a "Frankensteiner". Rey hits a sunset flip off the top rope for two. Rey twists into a headscissors roll-up for two. Rey nearly gets a three by countering a slam. Dean finally drills Rey with an inverted DDT for the pin at 8:42. ** 1/2, as they'd do so much in the future, and this was way too one-sided.


Scott Steiner Vs. WCW World Heavyweight Champion The Giant (with Jimmy Hart)

Scott came after Giant with a chair last week to save Luger. Scott can't German suplex Giant to start. Giant shrugs him off with a knee and poses. Scott gets him up for a slam, but can't hold him. Giant stands on him, crushing Scott's injured ribs. Knee to the ribs. Steiner gets rolled to the floor. Double-axe handle to the ribs. Giant chokes him. We go to commercial. We're back with Giant slugging away at a defenseless Steiner. Camel clutch on Scott. Weak legdrop from Giant. Shoulderblocks from Giant. Vertical suplex from Giant. Giant clotheslines him over the top rope. This is a squash and not the decent match they could have. Giant gets a wooden chair and brings it to the ring, but Scott crotches him on the top rope, then chop blocks the knee. Scott puts on a sleeper. Giant easily escapes. Giant misses a charge into the corner. Scott just delivered an incredible overhead T-Bone suplex to The Giant!!!!!! OH MY GOD! The crowd goes nuts and Scott no-sells the entire match and celebrates and who cares because THAT WAS AMAZING!!!!!!! He threw Giant across the ring!!! Giant kicks out at two! Scott punches and kicks away. He grabs the chair but Jimmy Hart stops him. Scott gets it back and hits Giant with it in the shoulder, to no effect, as it shatters. This is right in front of the referee. Giant delivers a huge chokeslam on Scott for the pin at 8:16. * 1/2 just for the finish to an awful match. It was that incredible.


Gene Okerlund's "Bash at the Beach" Announcement

The wrestlers with the six best win-loss records in WCW were entered into a drawing, with three of them selected to face the "outsiders" and their mystery partner at Bash at the Beach. Those names are Hulk Hogan, The Giant, Ric Flair, Sting, Lex, Luger, and Randy Savage. The drawing just took place, with Lex Luger, Randy Savage, and Sting being selected to represent WCW on July 7th at the pay-per-view.

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Some of these finishes are ridiculous!


Morrus goes up for the "No Laughing Matter" moonsault, but Norton stands up, blocks it, forearms him three times, and gets the pin at 1:47.
Overhead release belly-to-belly suplex wins it for Scott at 5:54.


Dean finally drills Rey with an inverted DDT for the pin at 8:42.


And I remember that Steiner T-Bone on the Giant like it was yesterday. . . .

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"Dean finally drills Rey with an inverted DDT for the pin at 8:42."


Rey attempted the standard lucha move where the wrestler runs at you, turns and jumps at you with their BUTT/legs, and they either get you with a bulldog or the other wrestler hits a wheelbarrrow (sp?) slam.


Dean, having been hit with like 4 straight lucha counters, just lets go and drills him with the inverted DDT. It was a nice finish to an eh match.

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WCW Monday Nitro - June 24, 1996

Live from Charlotte, North Carolina


Hosted by Tony Schiavone and Larry Zbyszko (Hour 1)

Hosted by Tony Schiavone and Bobby Heenan (Hour 2)


Chants of "We Want Flair!" are heard as we take a look back at the attack on Eric Bischoff at The Great American Bash.


Gene Okerlund Interview with Lex Luger, Sting, and Randy Savage

We're backstage for this one, with all three men in their face paint. Divide and conquer, says Savage. Luger in Sting's face paint looks odd, to say the least. We see Sting and the former "Razor Ramon" having an altercation in the past. Don't pick on commentators, says Sting. Who's their third man, just announce him already. Luger says that "WW..CW stands tall!" That had to be a hint that Luger was really the third man. Rick & Scott Steiner interrupt, as do Harlem Heat, who have a score to settle with Luger & Sting. We get a huge three-team argument as the segment concludes.


Lord Steven Regal & Squire Dave Taylor (with Earl Robert Eaton & Jeeves) Vs. The Public Enemy

Oh God, this should be awful. TPE are still turning face, with new dance-along theme music. Regal outwrestles Rock and mocks his dancing. Squire Dave and Rocco blow a roll-up sequence and moonsault, respectively, and Regal gets tagged in. Three minutes in and nothing has happened. Schiavone calls this a "great match". Rock misses a Lionsault. Regal kicks his face in. Taylor now works him over with European uppercuts. The former WWF wrestlers who attacked Bischoff have been spotted outside the arena. Hot tag to Johnny Grunge. He works over the Blue Bloods with sloppy offense. Eaton trips Grunge, who lands head-first on his own arm cast. Eventually Grunge comes too, and ass Taylor is taunting the fans he sneaks up behind him and clocks him with the cast. Grunge pins Taylor at 5:29. Really bad match. 1/2 *.


Kevin Sullivan (with Jimmy Hart) Vs. Kip Abee

Sullivan paces to the ring, blindsides Abee, and tosses him into the crowd. Sullivan drags the jobber up the arena steps and into the concession area. Security prevents the wrestlers from entering the bathroom. Abee gets slammed into the Subway sandwich vendor's area. Sullivan makes his way back to the ring. Schiavone claims that officially Kevin Sullivan has been disqualified. DUD. Post-match, Gene Okerlund is in the ring for an interview. Sullivan is in the Horsemen's town, and just destroyed a wrestler, so Benoit and Anderson had better watch out. The crowd chants "We Want Flair!", and Sullivan says that at the PPV, Benoit & Anderson won't defeat the Dungeon, so Flair won't get a World Title shot the next night on Nitro.


In each of us burns the fury of a warrior. Glacier. Coming to WCW. July 1996.


"Hardwork" Bobby Walker Vs. WCW World Cruiserweight Champion Dean Malenko

They wouldn't...possibly...would they? Walker's an athletic but clumsy Power Plant graduate. Malenko's starting to get over with his matches against Rey. Dean with a quick roll-up for two. Walker sends Malenko to the floor in an awkward sequence. Dean takes control with a back elbow, stomps, a bodyslam, and a chinlock. Snap suplex from Malenko. Dean puts on a crucifix submission, then turns that into a Camel Clutch. At the three minute mark the announcers finally mention this match is going on. Soft powerbomb from Malenko, then the Texas Cloverleaf, but Malenko lets go to pay mind to Disco Inferno. Disco is at ringside with a framed gold CD. Walker comes back with a kick and backdrop. Big dropkick from Walker. Disco gets on the mic and says it's time to dance, so hit his music. His music plays and Disco starts his dance number! Disco gets in the ring and starts dancing on the corner as Malenko hits Walker with an alledged brainbuster. Malenko monkey flips Walker out of the corner, but Walker lands on his feet, and Malenko dropkicks him into Disco's posterior. Disco falls to the floor as Malenko hits Walker with a Northern Lights Suplex for the pin at 4:38. * 1/2. Adding some humor to Malenko's title run isn't such a bad idea. Okerlund is in the ring for a...Malenko interview? Disco's in the ring too. Malenko tells him to not even think about hitting him. Disco says his "Shake Your Booty Tour" is sold out, his new CD is gold, and that Malenko and Walker "weren't having a good night and were stinkin' up the joint!". Disco rants about his dancing and his CD and leaves. Malenko promises it'll only take one hold to put Disco away at the PPV.


On WCW Saturday Night - Sting, Luger, & Savage team; Mysterio in action; Eaton Vs. Tenta.


The Barbarian Vs. Eddie Guerrero

Barbarian overpowers Eddie early, but Guerrero escapes a Gorilla Press and dropkicks Barbarian twice. Barbarian catches Eddie's springboard crossbody and runs him into the corner. Barbarian spikes Eddie with a powerbomb and the crowd is very much alive. Pumphandle slam from Barbarian. Eddie gets in a Victory Roll combination and delivers a super sloppy hurancanrana. Crowd boos. Eddie hits a back suplex. Crowd is really behind Barbarian and booing Eddie Guerrero. Barbarian crotches Eddie up top. Wow, Barbarian launches Eddie with a super overhead throw! Eddie rolls to the floor. Back up top, Eddie counters Barbarian's superplex and lands on top of him for the three count, although Barbarian seemed to kick out at three. Match goes 5:38 and wasn't bad. **. Of course, Gene Okerlund is there for an interview. We see Konan/Guerrero from Uncensored, and Eddie accidently getting low blowed and losing the match. Eddie doesn't have any excuses, but wants another U.S. Title shot. Crowd lightly boos. Eddie wishes he had a shot at the invading wrestlers as production tries to wrap the segment up.


Chris Benoit & Arn Anderson (with Steve McMichael) Vs. The Rock 'N Roll Express

This should be good because of the pro-Horsemen crowd. The Express' generic music can barely be heard. We count down to Hour #2 of Nitro. And then we go to commercial. Ricky Morton and Chris Benoit start, which is an awesome combo. Benoit shoulderblocks him back and is all "Horsemen, grandpa", then threatens to slap Gibson's eyes straight. Morton counters a Benoit powerbomb with a Lucha armdrag, nicely done! Sloppy crossbody out of the corner gets Morton two. Gibson kneelifts Benoit and works the arm. Arn gets the tag to a nice ovation. He gets a sleeper, but Gibson escapes and tags Morton in. Anderson suckers Morton into a Benoit clothesline outside the ring. Anderson guillotines Morton under the bottom rope. Benoit stomps him and salutes the crowd. Morton finalls tags Gibson. We get a four-person brawl. Gibson and Benoit fight over a backslide, and McMichael hits Gibson with the steel briefcase. Benoit makes the easy pin at 6:29. * 1/2. So basic and kinda dull. Anderson DDTs Morton for good measure. Total moron Joe Gomez runs out and tries to attack the Horsemen by himself. McMichael cracks him with the briefcase then slaps him around. Randy Savage and Kevin Greene hit the ring and run off the Horsemen as the crowd boos!


Gene Okerlund Interview with Ric Flair, Woman, Elizabeth, and Debra McMichael

Flair's proud of Steve McMichael. They're safe and away from Savage & Greene. Benoit, Anderson, & McMichael join the interview. McMichael yells a lot. Ric Flair gloats about his chances against Konan.


Alex Wright Vs. WCW Lord of the Ring "Diamond" Dallas Page

Page's continued defenses of the Battlebowl Ring against WCW's undercard continues. Wright gets two roll-ups and dropkicks Wright to the floor. Page runs into a boot, but counters Wright's suplex and delivers a Fujiwara armbar takedown! Page with a gutwrench into a gutbuster. Page misses a kneelift and crashes to his back. Wright with a spinning kick and punches! Not a bad match, it's fluid...just not exciting. Flying axehandle from Wright. Springboard dropkick sends Page to the floor. Running plancha from Wright over the ropes onto Page. Wright attempts an up & over splash but gets Page's knees. Wright blocks a gutwrench, tries a German, but gets elbowed and Page hits the "Diamond Cutter" for the pin at 4:12. ** for a quick, solid bout. Okerlund's in the ring to discuss Page's taped fist match with Jim Duggan at the PPV. He's pissed he has to wrestle Duggan, and it's obvious WCW is trying to hold DDP down.


Gene Okerlund Interview with Kevin Greene

We get footage of Steve McMichael selling out to the Horsemen at The Great American Bash. Greene says he has a game plan, he'll kick some ass with the Carolina Panthers this year, and eventually come back to deal with Steve McMichael.


V.K. Wallstreet Vs. "Macho Man" Randy Savage (with Kevin Greene)

Savage attacks Wallstreet to start. Wallstreet gets thrown to the floor. A monsterous "WE WANT FLAIR!" chant breaks out. Savage gets a roll-up. Savage gets thrown over the top rope and slammed into the rail, because Greene had the referee tied up trying to get to Wallstreet. Wallstreet's attire is so ugly and bush-league. They trade punches. Wallstreet hits a suplex. Savage fights back, but Wallstreet rolls out and avoids the elbow. Greene throws Wallstreet into the ringpost. Savage hits the flying elbowdrop for the win at 4:36. *, pretty boring.


Harlem Heat Vs. The Steiner Brothers Vs. WCW World Tag Team Champions Sting & Lex Luger - No Disqualification, No Countout, One Fall

Scott and Booker start. Scott uses his power to hip-toss Book around. Stevie cheapshots Scott and Booker superkicks him. Scott ducks a sidekicks and hits Booker with a double-underhook powerbomb. Lex saves. Rick and Stevie in now. Stevie Ray stomps him into the mat. Rick ducks a clothesline and hits a release German. Steinerline! Booker saves. Sting tags in, gets double-teamed by the Heat, and Booker tags in. Sting ducks a Harlem sidekick and Booker gets crotched on the top rope. Sting tries a pump splash but Booker gets the knees up and tags Stevie. He works over Sting as we go to commercial. We're back as Sting has Stevie in a sleeper, but Ray escapes and powerslams him. A big "WE WANT FLAIR!" chant breaks out. Interesting that Ric Flair didn't appear in the arena on Nitro...from Charlotte, NC. Fans are rightfully pissed. Booker hits a spinning kick on Sting, but Rick Steiner breaks up the pin. Sting & Stevie crack heads, with Sting landing head-first on Ray's groin. Booker attempts a splash off the top but Sting moves. Luger gets the hot tag. He takes out Harlem Heat with clotheslines. Powerslam on Booker T. The former "Razor" and "Diesel" come to the ring through the crowd, wielding baseball bats. A swarm of officers flood the ringside area and the ring. Luger gets rolled up from behind by a Harlem Heat member during the chaos and the referee makes the three count, as the Heat win the titles at 9:17. ** for an okay match. The Heat leave the ringside area with the belts, as the former "Razor" and "Diesel" stand near the ring with bats, held off by police, Sting, Luger, and The Steiners. The camera pans on the police, each ready to draw a gun from their holster. The show ends with Schiavone declaring WCW is in a "State of Emergency".

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He wore a black singlet, black knee pads, and black boots.


But the trim, "dollar signs" (on the sides of singlet and boots), and then this huge corny gold dollar sign on the back of the singlet. It looked SO indy and ugly.

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