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OAO Survivor Series Thread - November/26th/2006.

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I still cant believe that Smackdown has the main event match of a co brand PPV..


SD main evented the Rumble PPV.


The Rumble Match itself was the ME.


So no..


No. Henry and Angle main evented. Undertaker came out and blew the ring up. Mysterio won in the mid-card.


Yeah..I realized that after I wrote it.

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I'm all for a Booker/Benoit feud for the world title, as long as it would be their last feud for a long ass time.


Why? I mean, really. That's DONE.


Just because it hasn't been for the title, unless I'm just forgetting something. They have history, and they could say that this is the end, once and for all (and hopefully mean it). I'm not talking something long like their last deal, just a little something to blow time for a while when Booker and Benoit needs a feud. It could be the pre-Mania deal like they do.


My God, if Booker drops the title it would be such a huge mistake for WWE right now. He won the KotR, won the title, then won the "champion of champions" deal. Having the title right now is his gimmick, he just can't drop it already.


Someone said Batista loses and is forced to win the RR to get a title shot.


Problems with that are:


A) Booker would have to hold on to the title from now til April 1st

B) Batista would have to win the RR and stay healthy til April 1st

C) The outcome of the match at WM wouldnt be in question one bit.


Didn't they do that entire deal with Brock? He lost his last shot at the title, and had to win the RR to finally get another shot. It was either him or someone else over the past few years.


I'd let Batista get the title before WM, if they must give it to him, and let him defend at WM. At least that way we wouldn't know for sure that he'd win the match or not. Someone mentioned Batista/Taker at WM, Title vs. Streak.

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I'm all for a Booker/Benoit feud for the world title, as long as it would be their last feud for a long ass time.


Why? I mean, really. That's DONE.


Just because it hasn't been for the title, unless I'm just forgetting something. They have history, and they could say that this is the end, once and for all (and hopefully mean it). I'm not talking something long like their last deal, just a little something to blow time for a while when Booker and Benoit needs a feud. It could be the pre-Mania deal like they do.


My God, if Booker drops the title it would be such a huge mistake for WWE right now. He won the KotR, won the title, then won the "champion of champions" deal. Having the title right now is his gimmick, he just can't drop it already.


Someone said Batista loses and is forced to win the RR to get a title shot.


Problems with that are:


A) Booker would have to hold on to the title from now til April 1st

B) Batista would have to win the RR and stay healthy til April 1st

C) The outcome of the match at WM wouldnt be in question one bit.


Didn't they do that entire deal with Brock? He lost his last shot at the title, and had to win the RR to finally get another shot. It was either him or someone else over the past few years.



They have done that routine about 6 times since Lex Luger started the booking pattern in 1994.

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Good God, has it really been six times by this point? Which ones were they?


Well, it was hyperbole. Luger, Austin in '99 (maybe 98 as well), Brock in '03 and Benoit in '04.

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Wouldn't an elementary example be the 1999 Royal Rumble?


Steve Austin was barred from getting another title shot by Mr. McMahon after losing to The Rock on the night after the Deadly Games Tournament so Steve Austin entered the Royal Rumble. McMahon won the Rumble. McMahon took himself out of the main event so Commissioner Michaels put Austin in. McMahon objected so we got McMahon/Austin at St. Valentine's Day Massacre and Austin got a title shot by winning.

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Wouldn't an elementary example be the 1999 Royal Rumble?


Steve Austin was barred from getting another title shot by Mr. McMahon after losing to The Rock on the night after the Deadly Games Tournament so Steve Austin entered the Royal Rumble. McMahon won the Rumble. McMahon took himself out of the main event so Commissioner Michaels put Austin in. McMahon objected so we got McMahon/Austin at St. Valentine's Day Massacre and Austin got a title shot by winning.


No. Mr. Fuji barring Luger from another title shot unless he won the rumble and then hiring Kabuki and Tenryu to attack him and "keep from winning". That's an elementary example.

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I can't believe they booked so much and din't have the bonafide "supposed to be good" matches actually go 20 minutes.


Specifically Punk, although I'm glad he was clearly over.



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Good things about the PPV:




I thought hearing the fans chant for Punk through HHH's mic intro was entertaining. That's about it. Nothing was flat out horrible, but the booking for the big matches was.

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What an utterly wasted show here. So much potential for once and they completely dropped the ball.


The opening match was expected to be short and ugly. It went too long and the booking was mind-boggling.


Chavo/Benoit was paint by numbers.


Lita gave a spirited effort here and they made the most out of it with them. The post-match antics with Cryme Tyme was comical but took up too much time. Crowd made the entire segment work.


DX/RKO. Man, what a total blown chance here. First off, the best thing about this was how hugely over Punk was here. Blowing out DX and Hardyz by a good margin. That wasn't a WWE controlled thing. The match started fine even if Knox ate a quick pin. No big deal, he was dead weight anyways. Things looked swell with Punking carrying the faces for about 5 minutes and then they let it go and did the rapid eliminations leading to DX squashing RKO. A match that had potential of 25-30 minutes barely went 10 minutes.


Undertaker/Kennedy. Weeks of building Kennedy like a star, wasted. Kennedy is still a mid-carder. Vince's fetish for a big match and his blind belief that Batista/Taker will be a Hogan/Andre moment ruined a potentially new superstar for his company. Also, MVP got more of a rub here then Kennedy.


The Cena/Show match was a joke as expected.


Booker/Batista was the usual shit from these two.


The show had good build and a pair of great potential matches and they blew it severely.

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What an utterly wasted show here. So much potential for once and they completely dropped the ball.


The opening match was expected to be short and ugly. It went too long and the booking was mind-boggling.


Chavo/Benoit was paint by numbers.


Lita gave a spirited effort here and they made the most out of it with them. The post-match antics with Cryme Tyme was comical but took up too much time. Crowd made the entire segment work.


DX/RKO. Man, what a total blown chance here. First off, the best thing about this was how hugely over Punk was here. Blowing out DX and Hardyz by a good margin. That wasn't a WWE controlled thing. The match started fine even if Knox ate a quick pin. No big deal, he was dead weight anyways. Things looked swell with Punking carrying the faces for about 5 minutes and then they let it go and did the rapid eliminations leading to DX squashing RKO. A match that had potential of 25-30 minutes barely went 10 minutes.


Undertaker/Kennedy. Weeks of building Kennedy like a star, wasted. Kennedy is still a mid-carder. Vince's fetish for a big match and his blind belief that Batista/Taker will be a Hogan/Andre moment ruined a potentially new superstar for his company. Also, MVP got more of a rub here then Kennedy.


The Cena/Show match was a joke as expected.


Booker/Batista was the usual shit from these two.


The show had good build and a pair of great potential matches and they blew it severely.


I couldnt agree more.

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It says a lot about a show when Lita/MJ/Cryme Tyme was the best part of the show.


Can't believe this is the second "big" PPV that Mickie's match basically stole the spotlight.

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Wouldn't an elementary example be the 1999 Royal Rumble?


Steve Austin was barred from getting another title shot by Mr. McMahon after losing to The Rock on the night after the Deadly Games Tournament so Steve Austin entered the Royal Rumble. McMahon won the Rumble. McMahon took himself out of the main event so Commissioner Michaels put Austin in. McMahon objected so we got McMahon/Austin at St. Valentine's Day Massacre and Austin got a title shot by winning.


No. Mr. Fuji barring Luger from another title shot unless he won the rumble and then hiring Kabuki and Tenryu to attack him and "keep from winning". That's an elementary example.


Wasn't it Jim Cornette who barred Luger from getting a title shot?


Anyway, I only presented that example because it's the most famous. Considering that it happened at the height of the WWF's popularity and involved the biggest star of our generation. There's no need to be a jerk-off over stupid stuff like WWE booking.

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I must have enjoyed Benoit/Chavo much more than others here. A good, crisp match w/ a sharp way of locking in the crossface.


I could give a shit about Umaga so him not making it to the end didn't bother me in the slightest.


Kennedy was put over fairly strong as he did get to beat Taker down after the bell before he got too cocky w/ his victory announcement.


Not a great ppv, but I honestly haven't enjoyed a ppv this much since Great American Bash (really can't remember much about the show other than thinking it was good). Couldn't sit through SummerSlam, Unforgiven, or Cyber Sunday.

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Wouldn't an elementary example be the 1999 Royal Rumble?


Steve Austin was barred from getting another title shot by Mr. McMahon after losing to The Rock on the night after the Deadly Games Tournament so Steve Austin entered the Royal Rumble. McMahon won the Rumble. McMahon took himself out of the main event so Commissioner Michaels put Austin in. McMahon objected so we got McMahon/Austin at St. Valentine's Day Massacre and Austin got a title shot by winning.


No. Mr. Fuji barring Luger from another title shot unless he won the rumble and then hiring Kabuki and Tenryu to attack him and "keep from winning". That's an elementary example.


Wasn't it Jim Cornette who barred Luger from getting a title shot?


Anyway, I only presented that example because it's the most famous. Considering that it happened at the height of the WWF's popularity and involved the biggest star of our generation. There's no need to be a jerk-off over stupid stuff like WWE booking.


That's not being a jerk-off. I didn't go Coffey on you. I was saying the "elementary" example would been the 1994 deal.

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Not a great ppv, but I honestly haven't enjoyed a ppv this much since Great American Bash (really can't remember much about the show other than thinking it was good). Couldn't sit through SummerSlam, Unforgiven, or Cyber Sunday.


Weird, I thought Unforgiven was one of the better PPVs this year, closely behind WM.

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