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ROH announce big four-way main event for 12/22

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November 21st: The 12/22 event has been moved to the Connecticut Expo Center, 265 Reverend Moody Overpass, Hartford, CT 06120. Check www.ctexpocenter.com for building info. This is a much better location. There are still good seats available at ROHwrestling.com. A huge Four Corner Survival has been added to the event featuring four of ROH's biggest stars. It will be ROH World Champion Bryan Danielson vs. Homicide vs. Samoa Joe vs. Nigel McGuinness. There will be a lot of ramifications coming out of this match especially with Homicide getting a World Title shot against either Danielson or Joe the next night in NYC. The ROH World Title will not be on the line in this Four Corner Survival, but pride will be at stake.



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I don't think this merited a thread. It's like when they did Gibson v. Joe v. Aries v. Nigel.


I think this means all the important matches will be Final Battle, and Gabe is throwing together matches for 12/22.

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Something I've been curious about...


How is Samoa Joe being booked in ROH now? I don't follow it too much. I'm just curious, because he's getting huge exposure (relatively) in TNA now. Do they acknowledge his feud with Angle, etc? Or is he just kind of a separate character in ROH? Just wondering.

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TNA and ROH are generally seperated with some rare exceptions (such as the LAX crossover with Cornette).


Joe is still a top dog in ROH with two big programs involving the champion in a blood feud and being Homicide's partner of choice against long time rivals, The Briscoes.

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the only other tna reference ican think of involving joe, is when Daniels mocked him at a Detroit show with the X division belt.

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Man, that really sucks. I was really excited about seeing Joe vs Nigel on Saturday. I hope Gabe finds an awesome replacement though.


Gabe has said not to expect a replacement because of how close to the show it is, and the shows being christmas weekend so travel and stuff is crazy. Just expect lineup changes.

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Yeah, that makes sense. I bought tickets before knowing about Joe vs Nigel so I'm not too upset about it but damn, I'm still pretty dissapointed. Either way, I was expecting to see Joe wrestle and I won't get to see that. I'm sure the rest of the show will deliver though.

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Here's the full card for the show


ROH World Tag Titles

Daniels and Sydal Vs CIMA and Shingo


Non Title


Jimmy Rave Vs Nigel McGuiness Vs Homicide Vs Bryan Danielson


FIP Heavyweight Title

Davey Richards Vs Roderick Strong


Jay and Mark Briscoe Vs Kings of Wrestling


Colt Cabana Vs Brent Albright


Adam Pearce Vs Delirious


BJ Whitmer and Daizee Haze Vs Jimmy Jacobs and Mercedes Martinez


Austin Aries Vs Eddie Edwards

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Sounds like a good show, but also an easily skippable one (unless all the reviews are raving about a series of **** matches, of course). That is really disappointing about Joe's injury, as I was also looking forward to Joe/Nigel from the Saturday show, as it already sounds like a must own DVD, despite not taking place yet.

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Usually, the shows on a doubleshot that appear skipable compared to their counterpart tend to be the better show overall. There are some obvious exceptions, of course.

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Yeah, I remember going to the 11/3 show (with Aries/Strong vs. KENTA/Richards) and thinking it was a much better show than what the 11/4 results sounded like, even though the 11/4 show had more hype going into the weekend. Still can't wait for that dvd.


And the most obvious exception to your double shot rule must be 9/16 in comparison to 9/15 (Glory by Honor weekend).

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Opening Promo

Joe opens the show, interrupting Bobby Cruise. He wishes he could complete tonight, and puts over ROH in Hartford. "I apologize that I won't be able to compete tonight... I recently tripped over some bad booking."


Match #1: Jason Blade pinned Pelle Primeau with a moonsault

Seems like Blade hurt his ankle on the guard railing hitting a moonsault to the outside. Said to be a good opener.


Match #2: Austin Aries pinned Eddie Edwards with the brain buster/450 splash combination

Decent match, no one really got into Edwards.


Match #3: Adam Pearce pinned Delirious following abrass knucks shot

Hagadorn tried to use knucks, but Pearce used his own. Pelle Primeau argued with Hagadorn, leading to Hagadorn taking a pile driver from Delirious.


Match #4: BJ Whitmer & Daizee Haze over Jimmy Jacobs & Mercedes Martinez when Haze pinned Martinez

Big brawl that saw Daizee pin Mercedes with a splash off of Jacobs, who was on Whitmer's shoulders. Martinez seemed legit hurt after BJ hit a double exploder on both her and Jimmy. UPDATED: Mercedes needed a lot of help to the back following this match, and she basically didn't move after taking the double exploder w/Jimmy. Seems more and more likely she was legit hurt.


Afterwards, Albright attacked Whitmer, and Albright & Jacobs worked Whitmer over with a pipe and went after Daizee, bringing Colt out, leading to...


Match #5: Colt Cabana pinned Brent Albright by reversing an armdrag into a roll-up. Good, technical match, a little slow for the crowd, who was on Alright heavily.


ROH returns to Hartford, CT on Friday, May 11.


Match 6: The Kings of Wrestling defeated Jay & Mark Briscoe when Sweet-N-Sour Larry Sweeney hit Jay and Hero rolled up Jay up for the pinfall. Match was very good. Larry Sweeney got a small chant from the crowd.


Crowd seems a little smaller than the East Windsor shows had been. Crowd has been okay, more interesting on giving certain wrestlers a hard time. Never super hot, but clearly into the matches. Not Long Island level, but not spectacular.


Currently at intermission, it was announced that the FIP title match and the Tag Team title match are a double main event.

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I just came home from this show, and it was pretty good, but I would say overall the East Windsor show in September, despite being outside and in the rain, was better. The crowd was a typical Connecticut Wrestling crowd, a bunch of WWE marks that think they're smart, along with pockets of fans that really ARE smart to the business, but overall, John Cena could have just and soon come out and fought Umaga instead of the tag team main event, and the crowd would have popped just as loud, unlike a Philly or NY crowd that would shit all over the WWE nonsense.


The main event tag match was easily the best of the night, Cima and Shingo busted their ass out there, and Daniels and Sydal kept up quite well.


Richards vs Strong was technically sound, but the crowd wasn't into it at all, and spent more time trying to amuse themselves then anything else, and the crowd completely shit all over the countout finish.


The four way match was a disappointment, it was good, but not spectacular.


I will give props to both the ladies, they took some hard bumps from the men in their match. I missed exactly what happened to Mercedes, but they had to carry her out, and she was totally out of it.


Colt Cabana's match was the usual comedy stuff, and the crowd was into it. I think the guy has charisma, but he's never impressed me in the ring, so he's sure to go over like gangbusters the day he ends up in WWE.


Briscoes vs Kings was put in a terrible spot right after the Colt match. The crowd was really into the Cabana stuff, but they weren't really into the tag match at all, the only heat was towards the Claudio for signing with WWE.


Overall this was a good show, although the crowd got annoying at times. This is likely as close as we'll ever get to the old ECW, so I really implore everyone to go to these shows, and support the promotion by buying some of their overpriced merchandise and DVDs.

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