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Shoots you thought were angles

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Similar to the other thread, shoots of any type you thought were angles, or at least not what they appeared to be whether part of any storyline or not. Very little turns out to be a shoot or unplanned, a lot of what I wasn't sure of at least until I thought about involved fans getting involved in matches, especially in the very old days. A lot of times you didn't know the plants from the lunatics. I do remember one fan getting a real chain in the forehead from the Sheik one crazy night. Back in the mid 80s before Lex Luger went to WCW from Florida, Bruiser Brody began shooting on Luger and the match wrapped up quickly. I thought for a while that was just to make Luger look bad to fans in the know, but have heard it too many times since then Brody was not above doing anything.

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Guest The Doctor Dennis Norton

When Pillman called Kevin Sullivan "Booker Man" on Nitro. Of course...Bret Hart and HBK Survivor Series incident....I thought the Hogan-NWO forming Bash at the Beach promo was a shoot but it wasn't (I was like 11 at the time). Flair shooting on Bischoff on Nitro during the Horseman reunion.

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Definitely the events that led to Brian Pillman leaving WCW in 1996.


Also pretty much any wrestling angle that involves one wrestler fucking another's wife (Benoit/Sullivan, Rude/Roberts, etc.).

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Not being part of the IWC in 97. I still VIVIDLY remember my buddy running up to me in the schoolyard on the morning of Nov. 10/97. I was sure Montreal was another part of the storyline, and it would lead to a Owen /Bulldog vs DX tag match the following night on Raw the morning.


In the same vain, anyone who's not a part of the IWC, this topic would probably apply to them during the Flair-Foley fued this summer.

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Guest The Doctor Dennis Norton

thats funny...any angle that involves wrestlers fucking each others wives....life on the road is tough.

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I forget exactly when this happened...but I believe it was summer of '98, and like four or five guys were fired from WWF at basically the same time. I know "Dr. Death" Steve Williams was one...Blue Meanie and DOA were also as well. I figured they were going to do some angle like have Shane McMahon lead them as a faction or something.

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