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Siskel and Ebert hate on Proestants

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Ebert had the best line:


"Protestants, for those who kinda want a religion."


I'm curious to know if anyone REALLY thinks that James Dobson, Pat Robertson, and Jerry Falwell are just "kind of" religious.

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Guest "Go, Mordecai!"
Ebert had the best line:


"Protestants, for those who kinda want a religion."


I'm curious to know if anyone REALLY thinks that James Dobson, Pat Robertson, and Jerry Falwell are just "kind of" religious.

Way to totally miss the joke.


Spewing hatred isn't religion.


Since when?

aaaaaaaaaaaaaand the follow-up.

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Guest "Go, Mordecai!"

It seems like Roger was just playing along with him. He had some good lines too, and didn't appear to be blasted, either.


I'm still boggled as to why Jerk decided to pass on getting a pretty funny joke and went with grandstanding about televangelists instead. I mean, obviously he's talking about the millions of mainline people like myself who consider ourselves Protestant Christians, but only have anywhere from a casual to moderate commitment, and these denominations lack the sort of identity that comes with belonging to Roman Catholicism or Judaism in America. After all, you always hear about "staunch Catholics," but never "staunch Presbyterians." When I think of Protestants, I think of bake sales and social clubs, not faith healing and glossolalia.

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When I think of Protestants, I think of how Martin Luther would hang his head in shame at what most of the people carrying out his wishes of non-Catholic Christian faith have done since him. That, and I think of how much I fucking hate those crazy religious types that stop me whenever I walk down the street to tell me about Jesus.


But I hate Jehovies the most. Get the fuck outta my house, I wanna enjoy this bagel, douchebag!

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Guest "Go, Mordecai!"
But I hate Jehovies the most. Get the fuck outta my house, I wanna enjoy this bagel, douchebag!

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

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When I think of Protestants, I think of how Martin Luther would hang his head in shame at what most of the people carrying out his wishes of non-Catholic Christian faith have done since him.


Yeah, the whole "tolerating Jews" thing would not sit well with him at all.

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Guest Legalise Drugs and Murder
You could, I dunno, not let them in.


I was mormoned again recently. I just stared at them until they walked away.

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Guest Legalise Drugs and Murder

That video was pretty hilarious. I'll probably sample "Let's overthrow the country." or "..and the Catholics and the fuckin' Jews, too."

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It seems like Roger was just playing along with him. He had some good lines too, and didn't appear to be blasted, either.


I'm still boggled as to why Jerk decided to pass on getting a pretty funny joke and went with grandstanding about televangelists instead. I mean, obviously he's talking about the millions of mainline people like myself who consider ourselves Protestant Christians, but only have anywhere from a casual to moderate commitment, and these denominations lack the sort of identity that comes with belonging to Roman Catholicism or Judaism in America. After all, you always hear about "staunch Catholics," but never "staunch Presbyterians." When I think of Protestants, I think of bake sales and social clubs, not faith healing and glossolalia.

Excuse me for being serious, but I was raised Pentacostal/Assemblies of God, who are Protestants.


John Ashcroft regularly spoke at my church when I was a child. People "spoke in tongues" with clockwork regularity. I've been to a Jimmy Swaggart "crusade" in my life. I've watched films at church that make "Left Behind" look like happy-go-lucky entertainment. Our annual Christmas play depicted what Christmas would be like once the Anti-Christ rose to power. At 5 years old, I was told I was going to hell unless I accepted Jesus as my personal Lord and Saviour.


So, yeah, I'd say a lot of Protestants can be a little less harmless than you're envisioning.

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Guest "Go, Mordecai!"

No, you're still missing the point! I know that Pentecostals are technically Protestants, but they're not being targeted in any of the stuff here. Roger is just ripping on casual Christians.


For the record, I've never met any Pentecostals or Baptists or other creepy offshoots. Most people I've known have been Catholic, Jewish, or Lutheran. I don't think that branch is all that common in my neck of the woods.

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Pentacostals & Baptists are technically Protestants the way Fords and Chevys are technically cars. In some parts of the country, that's most of the Protestants you're going to find.


And if you want to talk about casual, I seriously doubt I've ever met more than a dozen or so Catholics that go to church more than 4 or 5 times a year. To the whack-jobs I grew up with, they're the devout ones and everyone else are lazy believers.

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Guest "Go, Mordecai!"

Okay, whatever. The Catholics I know were always going to Wednesday night stuff or CCD or confession or any of that stuff. Whether or not they live the tenets of their religion day in/day out, I seriously doubt, but man, they were doing things for The Church all the time and if you were to ask them, would undoubtedly identify strongly as Roman Catholics, and attribute their Catholicism as a major part of who they were. The Lutherans tend to be people who happen to go to a Lutheran church on Sundays, but could easily be anywhere else. I know the Catholics in my family take it seriously. Meanwhile, we Presbyterians in the clan are the typical lazy Christians who are good for one or two appearances a year, if that, and for a while, I was just going to a Lutheran church, because hey, same God. So maybe this is a regional thing, since like I've said, the Jimmy Swaggart set isn't as nearly as ubiquitous for me as it is for you. Thus, to Siskel and Ebert in heavily Catholic and significantly Jewish greater Chicago, yes, Protestants generally seem like the people who care more about which shade of green their ties are than any serious religious affairs.

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Okay, whatever. The Catholics I know were always going to Wednesday night stuff or CCD or confession or any of that stuff. Whether or not they live the tenets of their religion day in/day out, I seriously doubt, but man, they were doing things for The Church all the time and if you were to ask them, would undoubtedly identify strongly as Roman Catholics, and attribute their Catholicism as a major part of who they were. The Lutherans tend to be people who happen to go to a Lutheran church on Sundays, but could easily be anywhere else. I know the Catholics in my family take it seriously. Meanwhile, we Presbyterians in the clan are the typical lazy Christians who are good for one or two appearances a year, if that, and for a while, I was just going to a Lutheran church, because hey, same God. So maybe this is a regional thing, since like I've said, the Jimmy Swaggart set isn't as nearly as ubiquitous for me as it is for you. Thus, to Siskel and Ebert in heavily Catholic and significantly Jewish greater Chicago, yes, Protestants generally seem like the people who care more about which shade of green their ties are than any serious religious affairs.


Glad we cleared that up.


Where do you live, exactly?

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Guest "Go, Mordecai!"

Oh, random thought here that I know I've brought up here before: those non-denominational megachurches like Willow Creek weird me out.

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Guest Legalise Drugs and Murder

There's all manner of christianity around here. NE indiana is kind of a mix of the fringe of catholic urban areas around the other end of this side of the state meets the backwater tongues and snakes churches of southern indiana. My hometown has two major catholic churches, then there's pentecostals that meet in an old grocery store.


Anyone else near a shitload of apostolics?

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