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TSM Year End Awards

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We should but I wonder how serious it can be taken when people around here believe Taker/Angle was the MOTY.

Then we can have a post-Awards bitch thread.


Which one because both were good. Angle been in alot of great matches.

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We should but I wonder how serious it can be taken when people around here believe Taker/Angle was the MOTY.

Then we can have a post-Awards bitch thread.


Which one because both were good. Angle been in alot of great matches.


Not really. "Alot of great matches", is applicable for KENTA, Danielson, Marufuji, McGuinness, Joe and some others.


Angle, is more "had some good matches and a vastly over rated match" year.

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We should but I wonder how serious it can be taken when people around here believe Taker/Angle was the MOTY.

Then we can have a post-Awards bitch thread.


Which one because both were good. Angle been in alot of great matches.


Not really. "Alot of great matches", is applicable for KENTA, Danielson, Marufuji, McGuinness, Joe and some others.


Angle, is more "had some good matches and a vastly over rated match" year.


You have to take in account that mostly no one saw those matches these guys had except the guys who love to spend money on ROH or NOAH. I did see the Danielson vs. McGuinness match where Danielson beat the crap out of him with elbows, I think it was the unified match. BEST MATCH THIS YEAR. I've only seen two Ring of Honor matches this year.

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We should but I wonder how serious it can be taken when people around here believe Taker/Angle was the MOTY.


Choken One is always right.


I'm up for an awards thread

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You have to take in account that mostly no one saw those matches these guys had except the guys who love to spend money on ROH or NOAH. I did see the Danielson vs. McGuinness match where Danielson beat the crap out of him with elbows, I think it was the unified match. BEST MATCH THIS YEAR. I've only seen two Ring of Honor matches this year.


The funny thing is, I follow both of those promotions and I still think Angle/UT is better than anything they've put out. I think Danielson/Nigel at Unified is vastly overrated with terms like "MOTY." Save for the great finish, it was a poorly thrown together recycled version of their match at Generation Now. I figured most dissent would come from the ROH crowd who would go for Danielson/Nigel 3 or Danielson/KENTA. While both matches are good, I'd have them on the very outer edge of my list of MOTYC's, the latter possibly not even in the discussion after their NOAH match was substantially better. The worst part is that few seem to mention Danielson/Joe anymore, though it blows pretty much everything else ROH has done this year away.

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As there seems to be a decent level of interest, we'll give the awards idea a go. To make things easier, mainly for me as I’ll be counting these things up and everything, I’ve decided to pattern things after the Observer Awards.


Where possible, give a top three for each category. If you can’t think of three nominations for a category, that’s fine but try and think of at least one. Points will be awarded on a 5-3-2 basis, and the nominee who gains the most points in each category wins.


A quick word of note regarding Wrestler of the Year and Most Outstanding Wrestler of the Year awards; Wrestler of the Year is an MVP award for the wrestler who means the most to their company, while Most Outstanding is strictly about in-ring performance. A wrestler can be the most outstanding of the year, but might not be wrestler of the year if he’s not been in a position to prove he’s meant the most to his promotion.


The Categories:


Wrestler of the Year

Tag Team of the Year

Match of the Year

TV Show of the Year

Announcer of the Year

Card of the Year

Feud of the Year

Promotion of the Year


Worst Wrestler of the Year

Worst Tag Team of the Year

Worst Match of the Year

Worst TV Show of the Year

Announcer of the Year

Worst Card of the Year

Worst Feud of the Year

Worst Promotion of the Year


Most Overrated Wrestler of the Year

Most Underrated Wrestler of the Year

Most Outstanding Wrestler of the Year

Best on the Mic

Worst on the Mic

Best Booker

Worst Promotional Tactic


The Awards will cover the period from December 1st 2005 to November 30th 2006.


When you've finished making your nominations, PM me your ballot.

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Man, I don't know if I'd be able to do this. I'm just now getting into downloading indy matches and whatnot. Oh, and I don't know jack about anything from Japan.

It's ok if you haven't seen anything from Japan. Just vote on what you've seen.

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TSM Wrestler of the Year: Bryan Danielson


Danielson won a very close race that also involved Samoa Joe and Edge.


TSM Tag Team of the Year: Austin Aries and Roderick Strong


This was another close race, with The Briscoe’s and, surprisingly, Paul London and Brian Kendrick, providing the competition.


TSM Match of the Year: Bryan Danielson vs. Nigel McGuinness at ROH Unified


There were a lot of matches getting votes here, but Danielson versus McGuinness was the clear winner.


TSM TV Show of the Year: Impact


Impact just edged out Smackdown to win this one, with Raw a distant third.


TSM Announcer of the Year: JBL


This one wasn’t even close, as JBL won by a large margin.


TSM Card of the Year: ROH Supercard of Honor


Like with MOTY, the voting here was spread round but SoH won handily.


TSM Feud of the Year: ROH vs. CZW


A surprise winner here, with John Cena vs. Edge coming in second and LAX vs. Christopher Daniels and AJ Styles way back in third place.


TSM Promotion of the Year: ROH


ROH won out, but TNA was close behind in second place and NOAH even closer for third.


TSM Worst Wrestler of the Year: The Great Khali


Another decisive winner here, with nobody else getting into the double digit point total. For the record, Lance Hoyt and Chris Masters were tied for second.


TSM Worst Tag Team of the Year: The James Gang


There were a number of other contenders, but The James Gang won out, beating the Highlanders and The Naturals into second and third places respectively.


TSM Worst Match of the Year: The Great Khali vs. The Undertaker at Judgment Day


The votes were spread around for this award too, but Khali and Undertaker win out. Undertaker was in the joint #2 match, the Punjabi Prison match against Big Show, with Boogeyman vs. Booker T and Sharmell from WM XXII the other co-runner up.


TSM Worst TV Show of the Year: Raw


Raw managed to beat ECW to this one, with both shows being the clear front runners for this award. Smackdown was far behind in third place.


TSM Worst Announcer of the Year: Jerry Lawler


Lawler just about won here, with Jim Ross and Mike Tenay tied for second. Michael Cole was just behind them, and everyone else was far off the pace.


TSM Worst Card of the Year: Cyber Sunday


Cyber Sunday came out just ahead of Survivor Series. A lot of people voted for December to Dismember, but that PPV came after the period the awards covered. Had it qualified, however, it would have won hands and feet down. People hated that show with a passion.


TSM Worst Feud of the Year: DX vs. The McMahon’s.


There was a clear winner for a change, with this stinker breaking away to claim the prize. Khali vs. Undertaker was second, barely ahead of DX vs. The Spirit Squad.


TSM Worst Promotion of the Year: WWE


WWE won this award very convincingly, with almost double the points tally of second placed TNA. The ECW brand was third.


TSM Most Overrated Wrestler of the Year: Batista


This one was even clearer, with Batista gaining nearly triple the points of second placed Bobby Lashley. There were almost a dozen wrestlers vying for third place and it came down to a three-way tie with RVD, Finlay and Shawn Michaels.


TSM Most Underrated Wrestler of the Year: AJ Styles


Again, this award had a lot of votes spread amongst a large number of wrestlers, with Styles coming out just ahead of a seven-person tie for second. Those tied for second were Jimmy Yang, Kevin Steen, Ron Killings, Nigel McGuinness, Jimmy Rave, Edge and Alex Shelly.


TSM Most Outstanding Wrestler of the Year: Bryan Danielson


Bryan Danielson was decisive winner, with just over twice the points total of Samoa Joe. Edge was some way behind in third.


TSM Best on the Mic: Edge


Edge came out the winner here, with Konnan close by in second and Booker T and JBL tied for third.


TSM Worst on the Mic: Bobby Lashley


Lashley won with a decisive victory here, far ahead of second placed The Miz, with Lita right behind for third.


TSM Best Booker: Gabe Sapolsky


This was another award with the winner so far ahead of the rest as to make it a race for second place. Michael Hayes was second, with Jun Akiyama and Mitsuharu Misawa tying for third.


TSM Worst Promotional Tactic: WWE exploiting Eddie Guerrero.


Not surprisingly, this won the award by a wide margin. Second place went to the VKM angel from TNA, and third was a tie between The Marine plugs and TNA doing the baseball angles.

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TSM Match of the Year: Bryan Danielson vs. Nigel McGuinness at ROH Unified


Disappointing. Arguably not even the best match on the show, certainly not the best from ROH, and I won't even comment on how much it wasn't the best this year.


TSM TV Show of the Year: Impact


Disgusting. Absolutely shameful.


TSM Best Booker: Gabe Sapolsky


This was another award with the winner so far ahead of the rest as to make it a race for second place. Michael Hayes was second, with Jun Akiyama and Mitsuharu Misawa tying for third.


I assume anyone who voted for Misawa likes the way things are done in NOAH. Those votes should be added to Jun Akiyama's total. He does the booking for NOAH. How would that affect the final standings?

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TSM Best Booker: Gabe Sapolsky


This was another award with the winner so far ahead of the rest as to make it a race for second place. Michael Hayes was second, with Jun Akiyama and Mitsuharu Misawa tying for third.


I assume anyone who voted for Misawa likes the way things are done in NOAH. Those votes should be added to Jun Akiyama's total. He does the booking for NOAH. How would that affect the final standings?

As I understand it, while Akiyama does the majority of the booking in NOAH, Misawa does some of it too. In any event, all it would have done was give the NOAH booking team second place just ahead of Hayes. Sapolsky won by a landslide.

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I'm glad AJ got most underrated. He's my favorite wrestler in the world and just keep getting better. He carried those feuds with AMW and LAX, he made those matches exciting. He took all the beating. His short match with Rhino on ppv was fantastic as usual. He should be World champion.

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"That got TNA some positive mainstream attention."


Made no ratings impact whatsoever and aggitated TNA marks.


Plus, AJ Piercizski and his little shitty X Division Title looked so bush league standing next to John Cena and his ultra awesome WWE Title on the ESPN show.


"Impact" for best wrestling show?!?!?!?

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