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Ed Wood Caulfield

Feedback Thread For OAOAST New Year's Spectacular: Mainframe Monda

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Okay, so this took a little bit longer than I expected, but the good news is that the show is finally up and ready to be read. I'm only missing Zack's match and a Lightning Crew segment that I'll write later. Other than that, I got everything.


I read most of the matches while posting them, and they were really good. Hopefully somebody edits in the rest of the OAOAST World Tag Team Title Match soon. I want to see who wins, damn it!


Thanks for letting me post the show. I can do it again sometime if you want. It's not so hard once you get the hang of it.


All right, so this is 2007. A new year, so hopefully we get alot more feedback this year, I hope.


And was anybody surprised that I went with a Beastie Boys song as the theme song?

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We should have charged for this show. Definite PPV-quality start to the year. Great posting job, Ed.


I thought people might have been a bit sidetracked by the holidays and thus the matches would suffer a bit.....but boy, was I wrong. KC led it off with a great tag turmoil match (with a legit "Holy shit!" finish) and NYU ended it with a damn fine title match.


Awesome job, everyone.

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I can do it again sometime if you want. It's not so hard once you get the hang of it.


How about AnglePalooza, January 28th? With Adam's departure I've had to take on his PPV duties, so an extra helper would be great.


Anyway, heck of a show, fellas. Hopefully COD returning shocked the hell outta all of you. Yes, he's back too. Consider it our Christmas present to you. Belated as it may be.


"True Life: I Got Beat by A Girl" and "Elizabeth, I'm coming to join ya, honey! It's the big one!" are of the funniest names for a wrestling move I've ever heard.


The matches were all top notch. PPV quality indeed. Any one deserving of MOTN honors, but that tag title match exceeds my expections so...


Match of the Night: Tag Team Turmoil


Honorable mention to the Triple Threat OAOAST Title match. And I'm really surprised my character didn't do the job in the main event . Thanks. :lol:


Line of the Night: "It's his groin. He's in there with two Doctors with a serious injury and instead of helping him out, they're attacking him!"

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Thanks to whoever added in Cortez vs. one of the Hooligans. I just added in the Zack Malibu promo, which if I may take a second to toot my own horn is a major development in the story of Bruce Blank and Zack Malibu.

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How about AnglePalooza, January 28th? With Adam's departure I've had to take on his PPV duties, so an extra helper would be great.


Sure. I wouldn't have a problem with that.


Zack Malibu's match is in, and so is his segment, which I recommend you all read. I also wrote the last Lightning Crew New Year's Eve Party segment, which I also recommend you all read. Oh, and I've fixed some little boo-boos I made while posting the show. SOOOOOO, the show is now complete. Finally.


So go. Read. Feedback. Do something!

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Hell of a show guys, I was worried that we'd all be feeling the x-mas/new years rush and have a decent show at best - turns out it was just me who had to wimp out of my match ;)


Awesome surprise ending to the gauntlet match, 2007 is only a few days old and a true mark out moment has already happened.


Not a weak segment, not a weak match and we even saw the champ in action, best PPV of 2007!


and yes READ the Blank/Malibu segment, you won't regret it.

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