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Greatest WWF Matches of the 90's Poll/Tourney

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I can't think of too many North American matches that are better, but can think of more from the east. Myself, I class it as one of the finest pro-wrestling matches there is.


My other 5* matches from WWF are:


Hart/Hart - Mania 10

Michaels/Taker - IYH 18 HIAC


These are of course just from my own way of rating matches and my own opinion and I don't preach it as the bible.


I concur about Royal Rumble '92 aswell.


I'd also like to add that I'm glad I could immediately indulge in some good discussion upon signing up here.


Ah, I didn't even realize you were brand new here. Welcome. I don't really post very often- only when something grabs my attention.


I guess we've said all we can on the WM 13 issue but I've got to add that I agree with what you mentioned about Bret's work in '95. Even though he got shafted booking-wise, he definitley made the most of it in the ring. The LaFitte match in particular is really underrated.


Also, I haven't seen the Bret/Austin In Your House match in forever, but I watched it on tape again on tape maybe 5 or 6 years ago I remember thinking that it was really, really good. Not as good as SS 96 or WM 13 but still a forgotten gem.


Lushus, thanks for your five-star list. I'm surprised that a lot of people only seem to consider 3-5 matches as five stars. I know it devalues the rankings to list everything under the sun as five stars, but I always assumed most people thought there were more than that. That's probably because over the years I've seen so many different matches (probably 25-40 of them) considered five stars on the internet (by multiple people).

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Oh, I definitely agree, Lushus. I'm not really big on star ratings anymore but back when I was, I probably would have considered the following five stars:


Savage/Steamboat, WM 3

Bret/Bulldog, SS 92

Bret/Owen, WM 10

Shawn/Jarrett, IYH

Bret/Shawn, WM 12


And that's probably about it. Although I had a few others that were close.


This whole five-star debate just got me thinking. Off the top of my head, here are the WWF/E matches that I've seen praised as being five stars over the years:


Savage/Steamboat, WM 3

Warrior/Savage, WM 7

Royal Rumble 1992

Flair/Savage, WM 8

Bret/Bulldog, SS 92

Bret/Perfect, KOTR 93

Shawn/Marty, Raw 93

Bret/Owen, WM 10

Razor/Shawn, WM 10

Bret/Owen, SS 94

Shawn/Jarrett, IYH

Razor/Shawn, SS 95

Bret/Shawn, WM 12

Shawn/Mankind, Mind Games

Bret/Austin, SS 96

Bret/Austin, WM 13

Team Harts/Team Austin, Canadian Stampede

Bulldog/Owen, Raw 97

Austin & Michaels/Bulldog & Owen, Raw 97

Taker/Shawn, Badd Blood

Taker/Foley, KOTR 98

Benoit/Regal, Pilllman Tribute (I guess this wasn't technically a WWF match, or was it?)

Foley/HHH, RR 00

Foley/HHH, No Way Out

Rock/HHH, Judgment Day

TLC I, SS 00

Benoit & Jericho/Austin & HHH, Raw 01

Benoit/Austin, Smackdown 01


Rock/Austin, WM X7

Austin/Angle, SS 01

Benoit/Angle, RR 03

Eddie/Brock, No Way Out

Benoit/HHH/Shawn, Wrestlemania XX

Taker/Angle, No Way Out


That's 35 matches without even really thinking about it and I'm sure there are a ton of TV matches and more recent PPV matches ('02-current) that I'm forgetting. I'm not saying the general consensus is that they're all five stars, but at one time or another I've seen a considerable group of people agree that they're five stars without a ton of negative arguments going the other way. Personally, I'd only even consider putting 10-12 of those matches that high, but that's just me.

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Guest Teq

Yeah the IYH 14 Hart/Austin match is very good, although it should have really been Austin getting the clean win to be honest. I have it at 4*. Definately not as good as their previous two PPV encounters as you said.


I wouldn't rate all those matches above as 5* but yeah I've seen people do so.


The star rating does get overused and can get tiring but if done sensibly then I really enjoy using it as a marker for keeping track of matches and how good I thought they were at the time of viewing.


Thanks for the welcome btw.

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