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Monday Night Special Official

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They really need to calm things down a bit. It was like seizure inducing two hours. Just too much to digest. I didn't like the new commentary from Tenay and West - that likely just confused the viewer as to whether this was all current or highlights. They called the action like they never saw it before but kept referencing 'that night'. The crowd sweetening was just too much and took away from the legitimate crowd response, TNA! chants, etc. The 'TNA Films' camera angle just looks like shit. I just thought this whole special was poorly executed.

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The reason Larry Z. and Hebner screwed Christian and Sting is simple: They had to put the belt back on Jarrett. No real REASON for any of it, but Jarrett wanted his belt back and that's the dumbshit angle they did. Seriously, how did that horrendous angle not get more consideration for Worst Angle of the Year? Say what you want about the Eddie crap on SD, but at least everyone's actions on some level made sense. That Hebner/Larry Z./Jarrett crap on TNA was the worst shit in the history of the universe. Worse than Batman and Robin even.


Am I the only one who tried to figure this angle out at the time? I mean, when it was going on I used to rant on it frequently. I never understood the unexplained connection with Zbyzsko and Jarrett or why Larry gave a shit about what Jarrett thought. Or why Hebner suddenly did a screwjob after they had gone to great lengths to show that he was in fact honest. Or why any of them pulled that stupid shit on the very night that a new GM (Cornette) took over with a promise to clean house. Or then why Cornette took the belt away from Jarrett only to simply give it back to him anyway, put Larry in a goofy punishment feud with Raven, and "fired" Hebner. I mean, during this entire angle they never once bothered to explain what Zbyzsko possibly gained by cheating for Jarrett. It was revealed he had a no cut contract, so why was he so paranoid about losing his job, and further how the fuck would helping the reviled Jarrett regain the title put him in good with the new boss Cornette (who loathes Jarrett)??? Further, why did Cornette rehire Hebner due to Jarrett's lame lie detector result when he had VIDEO PROOF that Hebner did a blatant screwjob! Also, why did Cornette book Jarrett in a non title match with Samoa Joe if he desperately wanted the title off him? It seems to me that if he wanted to fuck Jarrett big time he'd just put him in a title match with Joe, a guy he couldn't beat with 20 run ins and guitar shots, and that would be that.


If you guys think Russo has done stupid shit in TNA, reread that previous paragraph. Russo is like Eugene O'Neil compared to that trash.

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I didn't see the KOTM match when it aired initially, but last night I saw the special, and saw that match. From my take, it looked like they were trying to go the route of a groggy Hebner just not knowing what was going on, stumbling around a bit. But yeah, the ladder push was just too intentful.

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I think they did that on purpose to make it one of those "Did he or didn't he do it on purpose?" type things.


I liked the special overall, as I hadn't seen most of those matches, but I think ideally it should've been a 2 hour live or pre-taped show with all new matches, highlighting the current stuff going on.


Also, the show seemed to highlight Christian Cage a _lot_. I hope that's a sign of things to come (well, he is the World Champion), and not just someone at TNA not paying attention.

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The reason Larry Z. and Hebner screwed Christian and Sting is simple: They had to put the belt back on Jarrett. No real REASON for any of it, but Jarrett wanted his belt back and that's the dumbshit angle they did. Seriously, how did that horrendous angle not get more consideration for Worst Angle of the Year? Say what you want about the Eddie crap on SD, but at least everyone's actions on some level made sense. That Hebner/Larry Z./Jarrett crap on TNA was the worst shit in the history of the universe. Worse than Batman and Robin even.


Am I the only one who tried to figure this angle out at the time? I mean, when it was going on I used to rant on it frequently. I never understood the unexplained connection with Zbyzsko and Jarrett or why Larry gave a shit about what Jarrett thought. Or why Hebner suddenly did a screwjob after they had gone to great lengths to show that he was in fact honest. Or why any of them pulled that stupid shit on the very night that a new GM (Cornette) took over with a promise to clean house. Or then why Cornette took the belt away from Jarrett only to simply give it back to him anyway, put Larry in a goofy punishment feud with Raven, and "fired" Hebner. I mean, during this entire angle they never once bothered to explain what Zbyzsko possibly gained by cheating for Jarrett. It was revealed he had a no cut contract, so why was he so paranoid about losing his job, and further how the fuck would helping the reviled Jarrett regain the title put him in good with the new boss Cornette (who loathes Jarrett)??? Further, why did Cornette rehire Hebner due to Jarrett's lame lie detector result when he had VIDEO PROOF that Hebner did a blatant screwjob! Also, why did Cornette book Jarrett in a non title match with Samoa Joe if he desperately wanted the title off him? It seems to me that if he wanted to fuck Jarrett big time he'd just put him in a title match with Joe, a guy he couldn't beat with 20 run ins and guitar shots, and that would be that.


If you guys think Russo has done stupid shit in TNA, reread that previous paragraph. Russo is like Eugene O'Neil compared to that trash.


Vince get over it let it go....

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Wait up, some of you guys thought the whole Hebner thing was a "Did he or didn't he" thing? Watching originally it was never in doubt. It was totally hyped as he had screwed Sting and Christian. Cornette reinstated him due to Jarrett passing the lie detector test and in theory clearing Hebner, but the notion that Hebner did nothing wrong was never even brought up.

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I wasn't. But I could see that it COULD be what they were trying to do. I mean Hebner got up all dazed from being "knocked out" and immediately pushes the ladder over. It looked sorta like he was trying to look like he was just stumbling around, trying to get a hand on anything for balance or something.

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I wasn't. But I could see that it COULD be what they were trying to do. I mean Hebner got up all dazed from being "knocked out" and immediately pushes the ladder over. It looked sorta like he was trying to look like he was just stumbling around, trying to get a hand on anything for balance or something.


That's more what I had meant. I had forgotten about the whole lie detector thing, though.

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--This is TNA did a 1.2 rating last night.


TNA Monday night from 9-11 in the Raw time slot did a 1.18 rating, pretty much identical to what they do most Thursday nights at 9:00 PM. In fact, it did less viewers than this past Thursday night's show.



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If TNA would stop spending money on elaborate video production and buy actual ad times outside Spike during their own telecasts, maybe more people would have noticed their presence. That's just #526 on the list.

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Serious face HBK says: The MXC fans most likey watches TNA but the Star Trek and CSI fans looked at the Larry Z storyline then concluded that it is illogical and never tuned in again.

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If TNA would stop spending money on elaborate video production and buy actual ad times outside Spike during their own telecasts, maybe more people would have noticed their presence. That's just #526 on the list.


TNA doesn't believe in promotion.

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TNA may run a house show in Louisville on April 20. I'm certainly interested in going, if nothing else it should be a new experience. No clue if it has been finalized and no idea who will be on the show.


I'm the only one obsessed with making sense out of that Jarrett/Larry/Hebner storyline. I feel so...lonely.

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Guest Totally Crazy
Was showing all the celebrities a good thing? This is wrestling not Hollywood Squares!


Did you hear Chris Rock? He was keeping such a straight face it was hilarious.

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The movie's fucking terrible, but the charisma of Rock carries it. The scene in particular has his character campaigning for president at the TNA Asylum (which I still feel OWNS the ImpactZone in terms of heat and overall feel), and then he gets his ass kicked by BG James, The Truth, and...I think Jarrett.

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Thank you, Corey. I can't be alone in thinking that TNA was a lot better in Nashville. The Orlando crowd are a bunch of dipshits anyway with their lame chants for everyone under the sun, but the actual atmosphere at Disney is way too overproduced. The Nashville Fairgrounds (Asylum) had this grimy, grungy charm to it, sort of a hick ECW Arena. That's what the older TNA stuff felt like, ECW meets the USWA. And they had actual wrestling fans, with a few guys in the Heel Section to be douches. And a real ring.

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Yeah...I actually told my girlfriend the long history as to why TNA was better off in its first year (despite the midget wanking in the trashcan and the horrendous "Miss TNA" and Dupp Cup angles) than they are now - despite having big-name talent like Kurt Angle, Christian Cage, Sting, and despite having awesome new-to-TNA workers like Samoa Joe and Homicide - and how TNA turned their back on their core fanbase numerous times in '03 and '04, and how they've never really been as exciting.

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Yeah...I actually told my girlfriend the long history as to why TNA was better off in its first year (despite the midget wanking in the trashcan and the horrendous "Miss TNA" and Dupp Cup angles) than they are now - despite having big-name talent like Kurt Angle, Christian Cage, Sting, and despite having awesome new-to-TNA workers like Samoa Joe and Homicide - and how TNA turned their back on their core fanbase numerous times in '03 and '04, and how they've never really been as exciting.


The Nashville crowd was great in the beginning, just like the Orlando crowd, but they got spoiled and would only pop for high spots after awhile, just like the Impact Zone. I think that's going to keep happening no matter what as long as they keep taping from the same place, which they have to do right now economically. I think Nashville would be hot if they got Slammiversary this year though, so go figure.


And they had actual wrestling fans, with a few guys in the Heel Section to be douches. And a real ring.


With the number of comps they gave out in Nashville, I'd bet the non-wrestling fan ratio there wasn't that different than it is in Orlando. I went to the second anniversary show and there were plenty of people who only reacted to the "names" like Jeff Hardy, who debuted that night. And that show I went to had the six sided ring. I'm pretty sure that once Impact started they had a six sided ring on the shows from Nashville until they moved everything to Florida a few weeks later.

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