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Things that make you murderous

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You have no idea how jealous we are up here that planes don't crash into our buildings or the fact that our sons and daughters don't get to go overseas and die for "freedom".


Should I be sent over to the middle east after bootcamp and MOS then I won't just be looking at myself as fighting for this country's freedom but also hoping that I can help keep shit like 9/11 from occuring anywhere else (Canada included).

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Good for you. I have no issues with the people actually doing the fighting because they're braver then I ever could be. It's the infectious amount of delusional thinking in regards to what's going on in Iraq that's bothersome to me.


Best of luck in whatever you end up doing and I mean that. Try not to die and all that.

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I can't say that I agree with all the shit going on over in Iraq either, but I do know that if I'm sent there I won't be looking to stack up a body count (like some of the young and stupid recruits I've met up with thus far) and instead will be hoping that I'll somehow make a positive contribution. I've heard stories of alot of soldiers that have had to take quarters in the houses of different Iraqi families over there supplying the children with toy packets, playing catch with them and basically getting to know the people and their culture whilst securing different zones. I wouldn't mind that at all. I think this country needs more soldiers like that which even in times of war are doing small things to be looked at as role-models over there rather than gung-ho 18 year olds that wanna know what it feels like to kill a man.

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Someone I played HS football with went into the Marines after he graduated and came back about a year and a half later from Iraq and told us about his body count. It made me fucking sick to my stomach.

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During PT a few weeks back at the recruiter station there were a couple kids talking about how they got drunk over the weekend and that they couldn't wait to go kill somebody. One said "I can't wait to kill me a gook or towel head or whatever" and at that point I just walked away from the group and hung out with the recruiter (same age as me, been in the Corps since he graduated high school). I'm sure their attitude will change when they're facing return fire or end up having to look the person they have the rifle pointed at in the eyes.

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During PT a few weeks back at the recruiter station there were a couple kids talking about how they got drunk over the weekend and that they couldn't wait to go kill somebody. One said "I can't wait to kill me a gook or towel head or whatever" and at that point I just walked away from the group and hung out with the recruiter (same age as me, been in the Corps since he graduated high school). I'm sure their attitude will change when they're facing return fire or end up having to look the person they have the rifle pointed at in the eyes.


Why do you feel the need to lie?


What do you have to gain?

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Right now, I shouldn't even be on hear. Right now, I should be asleep. But I'm not, and that's because the fucking neighbors upstairs won't turn down the volume on their fucking TV while they watch Wedding Crashers. I know it's Wedding Crashers because I can practically hear the dialogue right now, and even earplugs won't block the noise out. I even went upstairs and asked them politely to turn sown the fucking volume, and instead they shut the fucking door in my face, and did nothing with the volume.


So yeah, this is really making me murderous.

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Guest Vitamin X

It might be kind of a lame thing to do, but call the cops.


I have a neighbor next door who, apparently, we share sort of a thin wall. However that wall is next to her kitchen and after her living room so sometimes her and her friends (mostly if not all guys) are incredibly loud and annoying in the middle of the night. She doesn't hear anything of mine because I don't really have anything in that area of the apartment, and also because I've replied to things I hear them say through the wall (my bed USED to be next to the wall and I could hear damn near every word then) quite loudly and it doesn't faze them a bit, so I doubt they hear me. I don't go over there because I feel it's kind of rude to do, and also to save myself from hypocrisy in case my friends and I have been too loud as well. So it all works out in the end and we deal with it. Usually playing some jazz loudly on my computer will drown them out if they got loud, but ever since I moved my bed away from the wall, it's not too bad.


In other news, I'm high right now for the first time in 5 months. It's been a fun night, even if there's only 4 hours of sleep ahead of me.

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Guest Tzar Lysergic
Right now, I shouldn't even be on hear. Right now, I should be asleep. But I'm not, and that's because the fucking neighbors upstairs won't turn down the volume on their fucking TV while they watch Wedding Crashers. I know it's Wedding Crashers because I can practically hear the dialogue right now, and even earplugs won't block the noise out. I even went upstairs and asked them politely to turn sown the fucking volume, and instead they shut the fucking door in my face, and did nothing with the volume.


So yeah, this is really making me murderous.


You have a stereo. You have a Merzbow cd. They have to sleep eventually. Crank it up and go to the store.

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I think I'm going to go with Tzar. Pulse Demon, here we go!

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You could maybe suck it up and not be a bitch?


Fuck that noise. Loud neighbors suck, especially to light sleepers.

I was going to respond to chave, but smitty did it better than I ever could.


Thanks smitts.

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