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Machine Exception Error...

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So all of a sudden, I am getting this error when using every harddrive I have execpt the master disk. It doesn't really make any sense.


Basically if I try to access any data on either one of my other two hardrives, it crashes the computer. I don't even always get the error screen. SOmetimes it just restarts.


any ideas on what this could be?

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Are have you tried just booting with one HD in and the other out and accessing your drive? Have you tried uninstalling the drivers and having Windows re-detect them?

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I have disconnected every drive and tried them one at a time (with the primary drive still there of course).


One of them worked when I set it up as the slave on the second IDE line with the DVD burner. But it wouldn't boot back up later, it gets stuck at the exception error at the boot up screen. The other one, I haven't gotten to work.


and by not working, I mean i can get to the drive, and see everything, go to files, its if I try to use anything. I did notice that when i tried video, I would get a buffering notice at the bottom before the crash so I thought it might be a memory cache thing, but wouldn't that affect the primary drive too?


I am about to try and reinstall the IDE drivers. I don't think I updated them recently but I might have and that could be the problem.

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