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Guest areacode212

EWR has been released this morning!

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Guest CED Ordonez

McLargeHuge, the risk factor setting affects what kind of matches and angles you can book. Low risk settings will only allow you to do singles, submission, and Ironman matches and basic angles. As you raise the risk, you'll be able to choose hardcore matches, deathmatches, Hell in the Cell and the like as well as book more risque angles.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

I dunno if anyones mentioned it yet, but a way to save a bit of cash is to get a wrestler to reneg on their contract for more money over 1 year or less and then terminate them right afterwards.

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Guest Angle-plex

So has anyone had Risk level 100% and gotten a TV deal? And if you get a TV deal with say a 60% risk, then move it up, do they cancel the deal?

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Guest Big McLargeHuge
So has anyone had Risk level 100% and gotten a TV deal? And if you get a TV deal with say a 60% risk, then move it up, do they cancel the deal?

I'll try.

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Guest RetroRob215

Playboy has 0% morality, but the highest rating possible is .75, so they might offer a company with a 100% risk factor a TV contract.


Booking errors should be corrected in the next update. I have errors on the sponsor screen only.


For Buck Naked, you need 100% risk factor and only Hyatt/Sytch agree to them.


What I do is, for CBS i bring my Risk down to 35%. Then for MTV I go up to 90%. On days I have no TV I bring it back down to 35%, so no one gets hurt at a house show. For PPV's I jack it up to 100%, lose all my sponsors and sign them back the next day. It's fool-proff

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I hope I can get a tv deal with someone. My top guys will be flying the coop soon because they want to move up in the world. Hopefully, I will be able to move up and retain them.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

Richard Laurent is on my shit list, he went to the XWF with my belt! When I get bigger, I'm going to sign his ass just so I can job him out repeatedly (if he'll agree to put anyone over) and I am going to try to ruin him for leaving with my belt. Vince McMahon has nothing on me.

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Guest RetroRob215
I'm going to sign his ass just so I can job him out repeatedly (if he'll agree to put anyone over)

I find that line very funny.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

Damnit! I just released Erin Bray by accident and he was my most over guy. He put on a **1/2 star match on the last show. Things don't look good for the MWO. I have to start from scratch now and I have burned a few bridges by screwing people out of money. Looks like a cold winter is in store for my federation.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

....or I might just bring in high priced guys and screw them out of money after putting on good shows for me! :wacko:

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I'm about to put on a card with pure T&A. I hope I can find people to agree to wrestle a buck naked match.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

I just passed Vengence. I turned Rey Jr into Hurricane's new sidekick. They just won the tag titles from Chuckabilly. Then I brought Shannon Moore, face turned him, and created a Superhero cruiser stable.


L. O. L. This game is just too much fun.


Also, I had Hogan tap out to Kurt! The match was rated something like 89% or 92% in fan reaction. But you know what I get in my virtual mailbox the next day?





Now THAT is the sign of a perfect blowoff!

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I have found a way to be a cheap bastard! I use advertising all month long to boost my public rating, but I turn around and go to none right before the month ends! I'm about to start over and see what I can do this time!

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

This game can be a bastard, particularly because you can't FORCE people to job yet.


However, I started a game as New Japan, just to be something other than the WWE juggernaut, and went talent-raiding after clearing out a lot of people. Somethhing I'm particularly proud of..


KENTA v Kawada 3 - 18 - 33 - 51 (feud rating, over one month)

(h)KENTA - over 25 - 41 ("over" ness, from the last two weeks)

(f)Kawada - over 24 - 35 ("over" ness, from the last two weeks)


Getting people over isn't easy..until the CPU WWE is stupid and releases Paul E. GET HIM IMMEDIATELY. Just having him around as a manager for a couple promos works wonders for guys.



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Guest goodhelmet

true that about heyman but unfortunately, if you are a small league, he'll turn your offer down!

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Guest Renegade

quick question here, if you want to download the updated version, you have the download the game all over again and start from scratch again? and where do you download the updated version?

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Guest ArkhamGlobe

I finally got my first ***** match just now, it was a draw between Kurt Angle and the Rock at Vengeance, the match also had a 100% crowd reaction. On the card I also turned Ric Flair heel, which I have been hinting towards for weeks, having him cost Steve Austin a match against Chris Benoit. The card as a whole got a quality rating of 86.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Damn tiny funds for TCW. Running a decent show on 1,500,000 is hard as hell when you have to have a 22 person roster. I want to go back to my NWA game, but it's really a pain to have that third show now. I wish I could get rid of it. Unfortunately, I don't have that kind of money to spend on legal fees...oof. It's hard enough to try to manage 50-some guys over two shows, but having 12 between PPVs is a biiiiiig stretch for feuds.


Damn this tricky business!

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Guest goodhelmet

if possible, look at which network you're using has the smallest ratings number. use that third show to pump up your talent you're not using in feuds and use it as a developmental show with good matches. the other two shows should be sufficient for your major feuds. that's what i've been doing and i have been making mad profit while pumping up the smaller guys as well.

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Guest Angle-plex

So what exactly does talent on staff worker mean. Say, what is the difference between a writer with talent 90, and talent 60? Will you have more angles with the higher talent?

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Guest Kingpk

Well, with road agents there will probably be fewer "incidents" with your workers. A better medic will be able to treat more serious injuries faster. A good announcer will probably add to the card rating by making the action sound more exciting. Not sure about writers though.


HHH is complaining his heat was killed because he lost a HIAC match to Taker at Vengance. Well, he's jobbing to Benoit now to set up a RVD/Benoit feud for the Undisputed title. I'm seriously misusing Angle though, he's the most over man in the company and he's IC champ feuding with Booker T.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

Does anyone know what it takes to get your federation promoted? Is it money or Public Image that has to be increased?

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Guest Angle-plex

Public Image I think.


BTW, some ages are screwed up. It says hogan is 52, and he's only 48. Also, I have Joey Styles and Bobby Heenan as announcers. Styles talent is like 40 something, and Heenan's in the 60's. WTF?!

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto
if possible, look at which network you're using has the smallest ratings number. use that third show to pump up your talent you're not using in feuds and use it as a developmental show with good matches. the other two shows should be sufficient for your major feuds.


That's probably a really good idea. I wish my two good shows then weren't Friday/Saturday, because that's going to utterly exhausted the workers, but oh well. They're all getting the same ratings now, but the one on UPN only has so much of a threshold to get to.


Also, about feuds: in experimenting with them, I've never had one come off that well. I rarely run more than 2 or 3 feuds at once because I can't make that many programs last that long. Has anyone had any success with month-long feuds, or all you all doing much, much more extended programs? So far the shortest I've been able to make at all respectable was a two-monther.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Hey, here's a question. Since I'm jobbing out Buff Bagwell and Scott Hall this month and then releasing them (god bless verbal contracts), will it do harm to have, say, Hall feud with Scoot Andrews, and have Scoot constantly go over and win the blow-off? It'll be a short feud, but it's basically just using Hall to put somebody over before he's gone.


Anyone have experience with these deals? Does it work?

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I think you might have o meek the feud a little even to make people care about it. If you want to sack people, you can do it after the show but before the end of the month. If you do it that way, you don't have to pay them. I have found that you can do that with advertisement as well.

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Guest RetroRob215

To get rid of a third show, just cancel is 3 times and the network will end their deal with you.


Pinnacle- You are a genius. You have found like 3 ways to screw the game out of money already.

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