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Dobbs 3K

Rev. Jerry Falwell

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Guest George's Box

Hiring gangs to shake down grocery stores is nothing, I assume. Jesse dedicated his life to getting ahead. Come on. "This Bud's a Dud" until his son is hooked up with an Anheuser-Busch distributorship. That's bravery, yeah.

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why were Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton shoehorned into this thread? And why would people celebrate their deaths...what crimes did they commit other than being hypocritical, glory hounds who were, above everything else, brave civil rights defenders who dedicated their lives to fighting racism.


Ya'll listen to Limbaugh too fucking much.

Haha, you're a black guy. Jesse's done much worse than attention-whoring.

That's 'hymie town' talk.

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Guest Mos_Def
why were Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton shoehorned into this thread? And why would people celebrate their deaths...what crimes did they commit other than being hypocritical, glory hounds who were, above everything else, brave civil rights defenders who dedicated their lives to fighting racism.


Ya'll listen to Limbaugh too fucking much.

Haha, you're a black guy. Jesse's done much worse than attention-whoring.

That's 'hymie town' talk.


I see your point, but people couldn't be this emotional and angry over a flippant comment made before most of us were even conceived (at least me). I think it has more to do with that mindset that says that minorities who loudly protest racism are, themselves, deemed "troublemakers".... You know, they are fuckin' up the party and shit --- the proud white man's quality of life. George's groupie or whatever the fuck his name is needs to watch that slick talk.

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Guest George's Box
He used a slur toward Jews. Multiple times. But go on about what a brave defender of civil rights he is, yeah.

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Guest Mos_Def

Dont be fuckin' disingenuous...just tell the truth about why you dont like Sharpton and Jackson and why you would celebrate their deaths.


Save those weak bullet points for one of your dumb ass friends... as if a comment about Jews over twenty years ago is going to effectively wipe away his role in the release of over two dozen hostages, and over a generation of political activism.

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Guest George's Box

Every board needs this role filled. I was wondering how we'd ever gone so long without it.

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Guest Mos_Def

Anytime someone says that Jesse Jackson's death shouldnt be celebrated --- the terrorists win.

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Dont be fuckin' disingenuous...just tell the truth about why you dont like Sharpton and Jackson and why you would celebrate their deaths.


Save those weak bullet points for one of your dumb ass friends... as if a comment about Jews over twenty years ago is going to effectively wipe away his role in the release of over two dozen hostages, and over a generation of political activism.


And over a generation of crying racism where ever the money was good thus making actual racism seem fake. The "race card", a term overused to the point it laughable, came about because of a guy like Jesse Jackson.


Fat ass black guy on meth dies of a heart attack after attacking cops and Jesse is front and center calling it racism. Shit like that makes it harder for every person out there that has to deal with real racism.


The media has deemed him the face of black people for some reason and he continually spews some of the most stupid bullshit imaginable and it get attributed to the entire black race. People get Jesse Jackson involved to bring attention to something if a Civil Suit will be filed. And it almost only gets media attention when anyone with common sense can see that it isn't racism, just to make blacks look stupid. Fuck Jesse Jackson square in his fucking ear. I actually have a respect for Al Shaprton. But fuck Jesse.


I wouldn't celebrate his death though. I would celebrate his retirement.

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Guest Mos_Def

If you view race relations through the prism of white folks who hold an antagonism towards blacks, then you’ll drive yourself crazy. Of course they are going to illuminate Jesse Jackson’s mistakes and use that as a vehicle to dismiss racism. Fuck a “race card”. Its easy for some to talk about a “race card” …We didn’t create this shit and we are not in control.


I’m not dismissing the criticisms that you, or others, have leveled against him. Jackson has overreached in a few cases, but in that vacuum he has been more right than wrong and given a voice to the marginalized and the voiceless. You gotta understand Jackson was around when blacks were hanging from trees, and when black life was regarded as worthless in the eyes of the JUDICIAL system.


He also saw Martin Luther King shot down like a dog.


In this thread, I just wanted to make a clear distinction. Falwell was a man who used religion to preach hate. I think there are those that want to paint Jackson in that same light. Regardless of Jackson’s mental and moral lapses --- he was a man who confronted it. Difference.

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Oh there is a difference. Jackson uses racism or the fear of being called a racist to make money for himself. Not on the same level as using religion to spread hate, but it is understandable why people don't like him. I agree, no parallel should be drawn in between the two. They are both assholes on completely different levels but assholes just the same.


Something that actually has to be realized that some don't want to admit. Black on white racism doesn't ultimately matter until white people realize that it occurs and is wrong. When you have a guy like Jackson that has in more than a "few" cases drawn a link to racism when it in fact wasn't there, you have a person that is perpetuating the belief that racism isn't that bad or it is dead and people claiming that it does occur are just trying to make a buck. He is one of the few in the center of media attention given to the minority community...and he happens to be a glorified ambulance chaser. That doesn't sit well with me at all.


Yes he was there when Martin was shot and was apart of the marches. Yes. That doesn't give his money grubbing actions in the present anymore forgiveable.


Yes, he confronted it at one time. But i don't know if it was the call of money or want for publicity that caused it, but he, through his actions, has brought about a entirely new breed of racism and hate. Think Invader2K and you see what he has created. One of those.

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