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30 Days Of Night Trailer...

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I think it looks great and not ordinary at all - whatever that is meant to mean. They've also got the vampires looking just how Ben Templesmith drew them in the comics. Good shit!


Also, use of Muse in the trailer get's a huge thumbs up.

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Found it it's Muse - Apocalypse Please


Yep! The album is Absolution. Highly recommended!! It's pretty cool that this particular track has been getting a lot of play in trailers lately. Unleashed/Danny the Dog (w/Jet Li), 28 Weeks Later and now this!

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It's funny I got a bunch of Muse albums and played them while I was playing poker the other night and I won a tourney for $2k. So yeah, I like Muse now.

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The book was great and Ive been waiting for the movie since it was announced, cant wait to see if it holds up to the book.

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