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Patty O'Green

Feedback and observations for the 6/28 show

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Not as shocking as it was going to be.


Anyway, seeing as somebody needs to comment:


Uhm, actually it looks like it was just me, Zack and Patty this week. So I guess I could have just PMed Patty. Ah well. Maya's pretty intelligent for a 7 year old. Pretty really intelligent. Like some sort of child-genius. Finally, D*LUX being cheesy boybanders pays off as we see they have merchandise and a fan club, populated by young children. And Abdullah gets a match! A star-studded HeldDOWN~!, with Abdullah Nerdly, Biff Atlas and EMT Tim in action! Uh, I think I know where this Abdullah thing might be going and what it might be in lieu of. And all I can say is it's probably going to get worse from here on.


Oh, and yay me! It's been three days and still no OAOKCT? For shame.



Now, everyone else's turn.

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Now, everyone else's turn.


I'll go next!


I apologize for not contributing anything, I had no interest in writing given the events that occurred last week. But you guys still put together one helluva show. Obviously the big story is Landon Maddix defeating Zack for the World title after cashing in his MITB contract. I thought that segment was going to lead to the beginning of a feud between Zack and PR, but it turned into so much more. The stuff with Cortez and PR is interesting. Like I told KC (who was on fire this week with his Enterprise promo and Biff match/promo), the SCM have been really good in their new role. Krista and Maya meeting D*LUX was pretty damn funny, and I'll never tire of Abdullah Nerdly's promos even if I don't understand what's being said.


Overall, one of our better post-PPV HDs. Thumbs up!

Edited by Tony149

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