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The OAO TEW/EWR Thread of Fun!

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Okay I have a problem...Lawler and Jarrett are the two top champions in the promotion (Lawler is the Unified Champ and Jarrett is the Heavyweight champ) and NEITHER OF THEM want to lose a single match. I can't make them lose because they both have creative control in their contracts. This is really messing up storylines and such and is really going to mess up getting the belt off of them eventually (which the booking team, led by me and Bill Watts) want to do.


Any suggestions? Should I just vacate the belts and fire their asses?

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What game are you using? In the new TEW game you can drop belts via DQ/Count Outs etc, so that might work. However, you'd then have 2 belts on one guy - also if you have the latest update, its possible that Lawler will retire soon and drop the belt.

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I'm using a 1993 scenario for TEW 2007 and am playing as the USWA.


The major problem is that Jarrett/Lawler won't lose AT ALL. Even jobbing them by DQ/Countout is unacceptable to them. Could it be that the other wrestlers momentum I have them feuding with is not at their level? For example, Jarrett is at an A- and Koko B. Ware is at a B- so maybe that is why he doesn't want to job?

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Playing EWR with TNA at the moment.

Champions: TNA Heavyweight:Samoa Joe. Just started a short feud with Abysee who has just come off a two month long feud with Raven, Raven was trying to get him to join Seretonin promising to help him battle James Mitchell. Abyss refused. Abyss came out on top in the end. By virtue of his impressive wins over Raven and a victory over Kurt Angle he has been named number one contender.


X-Division: AJ Styles - Stole the belt out from under Low Ki who had taken the then double champion Samoa Joe to the limit in two matches that went the distance on Impact. Now battling Low Ki for the title.


Tag Team: Motor City Machine Guns: In the midst of a three way battle for the titles with Team 3D and LAX. Similar to the Hardys/E&C/Dudleys feud from 2000 WWE. Each team being potrayed as eqaul to the other with the titles not staying put on one team for too long. Likely leading a round robin with the winning team becoming undisputed tag champions.

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Started a new game (tew07) as my own promotion, got bored of playing as TNA.


Pretty started with a crap cheap roster


Norman Smiley

Sean Waltman

Ted Debiase JR

Alex Wright

Petey Williams


Were the main guys, also picked up Dan Maff, though his matches against Toa Miavia are sucking really badly, worse then Amber O'Neill v Medusa. However, WWE signed alot of TNA workers, then went and dropped to Cult and released a whole load of their roster, so I was able to pick up Alex Shelly and Austin Aries.


They put on a C+ rated match which propelled my tiny local promotion into a small local show. I have been trying to get Jerry Lawler to come down, but he's having none of it.


In other news RVD has just passed away for 'unknown' reasons - he was 36 years old.

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Aye, remember you saying you had a problem with him, though I don't think I'd offer him creative control in the contract. How's that going anyway? Solved your title problem?

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Well I don't plan on renewing Lawler's contract when it comes up for renewal in about 6 months.


I never really solved the problem I had and am sorta stuck. I just had Jarrett beat Lawler since they both wouldn't job except to each other so he had both the Unified and Heavyweight belts. Then I stripped him of the Heavyweight title since he didn't need it anymore and had a tournament for it which came down to Brian Christopher (who also has creative control...probably because he's Jerry's son but he doesn't invoke it ever) and Tommy Rich with Rich winning. Crowd is shitting all over Christopher so that's probably good for me since I don't want to build him up too much and him get a big ego with that creative button.


However, Jarrett won't lose to ANYONE. He won't even lose in tag matches where he doesn't have to take the fall! It really messes up feuds because I had him feud with Kamala (which turned out fine) but poor Kamala didn't even get a single victory over the guy. He's basically John Cena burying the whole roster at this point so his momentum is at an A.


On the flip side, Jarrett is the only guy in the promotion right now who really "clicks." PG-13 suck, Christopher sucks, Brett Sawyer sucks, the Moondogs suck in the ring, Kamala can't go more than 6 minutes in a match, etc. so I'm just sorta stuck with Jarrett. I signed Mike Awesome, Hercules Hernandez, and Jim Neidhart but they are always touring with FMW or AJPW and never appear. I also signed Steve Corino and Christian but they aren't clicking with the crowds as good as I thought. Perry Saturn was getting a good push from me and was starting to get over and then broke his hand and is out for another month and a half.


It's just going to be a headache when I have Jarrett drop the belt because he won't want to lose it to almost anymore. I'm basically forced right now to have him feud with Lawler which is going to cost a pretty penny contract wise.


Another couple questions, though:


*What do you guys recommend for a "wage cap" per worker per month when you run a small/regional/cult promotion? It's always a tricky balance for me to figure out what workers I can really afford to bring in and which ones to reject because you don't have "Sophie" like in the EWR games to give you that kind of advice.


*Tag teams: do you guys really focus on them? In my USWA game right now I had a really unover PG-13, the Moondogs, the Eliminators (which is of course non-existant right now due to Saturn's injury), and then I brought in Pat Tanaka to reunite with Paul Diamond for the Bad Crew and they currently hold the straps as heels. Any booking suggestions?

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I don't bother with a tag division until I'm at mid-top Cult level, I'll have tag matches due to feuds that require them, but I won't have tag belt till later on, costs too much money.


As for wage cap, for my small GCW promotion, $4000 is my cap per show.

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I don't know if Adam fixed it, but if you designate Jarrett and/or Lawler as the loser of the match and leave the winner blank, then they shouldn't try and stop and block it.

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Thanks for the feedback, I'll try out the booking suggestion and see if that gets me anywhere.


I agree that the tag straps cost lots of $$$. I'll probably get rid of them due to that and the fact that the teams in the division mostly suck. I already got rid of the women's title because all I had was Miss Texas and Luna Vachon and the WWF had all the other women signed (Candi Devine, Alundra Blayze, Bull Nakano, etc.)

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alright, I want this game on my new computer, but I can never remember how to get it going...


I have 4.2 and can play that just fine, but want to find a roster at least within the last couple of years, and pics to go with it. I don't want to have to create Matt Sydal. Delirious, and countless others that I'd have to.


Help would be appreciated

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Should I be so paranoid about making money every month? I hate to run deficits but when you run a small fed sometimes I guess you can't help it.


Anyone also have any advice on wage caps for the level of promotion your running? Right now I've got a regional fed and I'm wondering what is the best way to balance my books for worker salaries when contract negotiations come around.

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EWR - I'm a Cult fed with three TV shows. My popularity raises after each show... and then every monday I lose a couple of % popularity. Why? I'm not big enough to be at war with anyone. There's a matter of days between my shows so it's not because I've gone too long without putting any shows on. I've never before encountered my popularity dropping like that, but I also have done many games with promotions starting out at the lower end of Cult before, normally starting at National and working up. And it's not happening after a specific show either - my popularity goes up after EACH show (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday) and then sometime between Sunday night and monday morning something gets knocked off for no apparent reason...

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Either your advertising % is too low (fixable at the first of each month only), or your production values are too low. Ask Sophie, she should tell you. As for advertising, crank it to 100% and check the Finance tab, it'll tell you where it should be. Go back and fix it before advancing.


I'd guess advertising because I know that triggers on the Sunday/Monday turnover.

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Either your advertising % is too low (fixable at the first of each month only), or your production values are too low. Ask Sophie, she should tell you. As for advertising, crank it to 100% and check the Finance tab, it'll tell you where it should be. Go back and fix it before advancing.


I'd guess advertising because I know that triggers on the Sunday/Monday turnover.


That'll be it. I realised too late that my advertising is too low this month, but didn't put the two occurrences together. At least i know I can fix this next month. Cheers.

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OK, next question. My Saturday night graveyard show is being creamed in the ratings by TNA's new saturday night graveyard show (I'm Cult, they're Global). My network can't get ratings as high as theirs, but I've gone from getting 0.71 (which is as high as I can) to 0.23. If I overload that small show with stars and big matches to get the highest rating possible will I at least be able to get my own viewers back, or will the fact that they can get higher ratings than me in the same slot mean that I'm screwed whatever I do?

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You're screwed whatever you do. Your only hopes are to get your own show rescheduled (unlikely thanks to the ratings plunge) or to have TNA's graveyard show rescheduled.


Either way, start looking for a new TV show.

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I was almost a year in to a WWE season and got bored...also I was getting tired of the flawed tri-brand system. You have to have your main eventers on every show going over everybody or their moral plummets quickly. I had to release UT because he was being the biggest whiniest bitch in the world.

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I don't suppose anyone has got a list of what characteristics are needed for each gimmick, have they? only I'm sick of giving heel Rob Van Dam the Whole Dam Show gimmick, only for it to be 'not really working' when he is the embodiment of it, and so on... Also, since I'm running an all-female fed at the moment, it's really useful to know beforehand what gimmicks the game just won't allow a female wrestler to have.

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Some things still don't make sense, but at least that's helpful... cheers.


So, new question. In my only primetime show, the segment ratings for matches are below both the match quality AND its heat, rather than an average of the two as usually is the case. This has been going for a couple of weeks, but only on my primetime show. At first I thought it was just one of those occasional shows where things don't 'click', but it seems too regular for that. Same announcers as ever, no massive drop in production values or anything. Any ideas, anyone?

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