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My concern is also the SecuRom rootkit that is installed on your comp with either the demo or the app.


That kind of shit should really at least give you notification when it is installed on your computer. More than the EULA...

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I'll only have it installed on one computer for the immediate future. I don't support the concept of requiring someone to approve of me using a game I paid for, either now, or 5 years down the line. And I haven't opened the box yet, so a return shouldn't be a problem.


As for the rootkit allegations, I don't know enough about them to make a call one way or the other. I do know I have a SecuROM entry in my registry, and I'm not entirely pleased about it.


There's some attempt at explaining how SecuROM works in the FAQ, though I'm sure they can't be entirely forthcoming about what it does, lest they reveal their secrets to crackers.



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I don't know many people complaining about the story, but System Shock veterans expected a major plot twist ever since playing the demo (see: the recent Retronauts podcast covering survival horror games, where they touch on Bioshock and its spiritual predecessors). Some liked it for that, some didn't. However, the System Shocks were and are pretty obscure, while Bioshock looks to be a big, mainstream hit.


However, I'm rather annoyed at how damn bloody many of those log things there are (and they're sometimes better hidden than any of Prime's info panels), and despite collecting about a million of them there are still more because I didn't achieve Historian. If anyone knows where there is a checklist, would you kindly point me to it?



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I don't know many people complaining about the story, but System Shock veterans expected a major plot twist ever since playing the demo (see: the recent Retronauts podcast covering survival horror games, where they touch on Bioshock and its spiritual predecessors). Some liked it for that, some didn't. However, the System Shocks were and are pretty obscure, while Bioshock looks to be a big, mainstream hit.


However, I'm rather annoyed at how damn bloody many of those log things there are (and they're sometimes better hidden than any of Prime's info panels), and despite collecting about a million of them there are still more because I didn't achieve Historian. If anyone knows where there is a checklist, would you kindly point me to it?


It's relatively new; it wasn't there last night as far as I know.

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I kind of have an idea at what 2K is trying to do here with the SecuRom idea, but its an idea to piss people off more then attract them to get the game.

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Beat the game. Spoilers follow:


First of all, nice reference, Andrew. Scroll up a bit and see if you, too, catch it. I particularly like the "would you kindly" twist because it's there from the very beginning (even in the opening movie on the plane), but you probably wouldn't pay attention, other than you might think, "Wow, what an odd phrase for Atlas to say." You might not even notice how often it is repeated. I also think that, once you step back from it all, the story is logical.

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He does say it quite a bit, but not around every corner. He also only really seems to use it in appropriate situations, where you have no choice but to listen to his instructions. He doesn't say "would you kindly yank that slug outta that Little Sister for some Adam?" because that would really stick out.


For most of the game, while you can explore, take your time, use any number of tactics possible with your tools and plasmids, your character's only real expression of free will in his overall goals is choosing to save or kill the Little Sisters.


I'm a bit disappointed that you have no opportunity to actually discuss and question anybody on the tapes you discovered, and can only just listen to what you're told over the radio. There's no normal human characters you can stand next to, face to face, and converse with. I guess it's just your overall lack of control over your actions, but it would have been great to see something a bit more like Deus Ex in that regard. It could have given you the illusion of all those choices even though your overall goal would not change.

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Puff piece on TAFKA Irrational's Ken Levine: http://www.1up.com/do/feature?cId=3162207


Really interesting and fun read, although I wished he talked more about Bioshock's "Nazis on an island" period. He remains quite humble, a far cry from certain other folks who have critically acclaimed games under their belt.


Oh, and I picked up Deus Ex for like 4 bucks and began trying it out. Thanks to the folks who recommended. I'm very impressed with gameplay even though the graphics are weak. You can open doors in other ways than just finding a key card of a matching color? I can blow it up, pick the lock or hack it open (depending on what kind it is)?!


I'm very slooooooooowly making my way through the area to get to the Statue of Liberty. I don't really totally get what I'm doing, but I'm having fun getting there, playing it very much like a FPS Metal Gear Solid (stealthing around, popping enemies, dragging their corpses out of sight and picking them clean of goodies).

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Reading up on the SecuRom just then and I really don't have too much of an issue with it anymore. I can see why they are doing it, and its not that hard to work around it.

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Question for those who have finished it: I have just finished the part where

Ryan blows up the one dude's wife and kid in the sub and I entered Arcadia.

About how far along, percentage-wise, am I?

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Question for those who have finished it: I have just finished the part where

Ryan blows up the one dude's wife and kid in the sub and I entered Arcadia.

About how far along, percentage-wise, am I?


Like, 40%-ish.

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Question for those who have finished it: I have just finished the part where

Ryan blows up the one dude's wife and kid in the sub and I entered Arcadia.

About how far along, percentage-wise, am I?


Like, 40%-ish.


Okay, good. Some storyline elements made it sound as if I was nearing the end.


Am I the only one who hasn't died yet? Not even against a Big Daddy? I had a tougher time with Peachtree or whatever his name was than any Big Daddy.


Still, I am loving the game.

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It's relatively new; it wasn't there last night as far as I know.


I wanted to bump this to point out to some folks that there a few diaries you can ONLY get when you first go to a few areas, and if you don't you can't get it any longer. It's been updated to note these.


The two diaries in the beginning section, which we knew, and a few others.


Am I the only one who hasn't died yet? Not even against a Big Daddy? I had a tougher time with Peachtree or whatever his name was than any Big Daddy.


Only on easy. On Medium I had problems in Neptune's Bounty in between being low on grenades, and facing turrets, splicers, and Big Daddys. Stockpiling ammo helped a lot, though.

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Wow really? I think I'm just missing out on it, don't get me wrong, was really fun to play (I played on medium) but I don't think I could play through it again, not at the moment, maybe in a month or so.

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I'll admit that, not being traditionally a FPS fan, I'm not as jaded overall to the genre. A game like Bioshock that blew me away was met with "eh, great atmosphere, but it's really not half as innovative as everyone is saying" by some more experienced players of the genre I know.



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