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World's Worst Man

Metroid Prime 3

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The former launch title and first good FPS that's not really an FPS for the Wii finally arrives in three days.


New Previews~!


IGN - http://wii.ign.com/articles/814/814436p1.html

GameSpot - http://www.gamespot.com/wii/action/metroid...ew_6177057.html


I'm not so sure how different the game itself is going to be from the previous two Prime titles, but Wiimote controls should greatly enhance the experience, to a point where it won't matter if it's lacking in originality. I predict it'll be better than BioShock and receive lower scores. :P


Edit - TV commercial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-CtXa6DMBU Gotta love goofball Wii commercials with people totally overdoing the wiimote gestures. Still, the game looks like a ton of fun.

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I'll only be happy if I can use my Cube controller and make it control exactly the same as Prime 2 and take no advantage of the Wii controls. Also, I'd be more hyped if my WiFi adapter didn't crap out and I was able to play Metroid and Super Metroid all week.

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Buy a damn wireless router you curmudgeon. Or better yet, download a SNES/NES emulator and the ROMs!


I really wish the game had multiplayer, but I know..in time.. there will be a good Wii FPS w/ multiplayer, in which case you will get to witness my finely honed FPS skills for the first time.


P.S. I'm surprised you picked that particular character for your signature picture, as opposed to certain others from that same show.

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Preordered it and paid in full.


Metroid Prime 2 was a bit of a letdown for me--I never finished it--however Metroid Prime is one of my favorite games of all time, featuring some of my favorite boss battles of all time.


The 360 and Wii need to stop finally releasing games that make me want to buy the systems. Balls.


Do you have a PS3 or just haven't invested in any of the new systems?

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Buy a damn wireless router you curmudgeon. Or better yet, download a SNES/NES emulator and the ROMs!


I really wish the game had multiplayer, but I know..in time.. there will be a good Wii FPS w/ multiplayer, in which case you will get to witness my finely honed FPS skills for the first time.


P.S. I'm surprised you picked that particular character for your signature picture, as opposed to certain others from that same show.


I don't do ROMs (don't care for keyboard control or buying a controller just for roms) and you know it. As for the router... yeah, probably soon. I thought I had the adapter fixed today (making sure it was fully uninstalled before trying to reinstall it) but I keep getting "Internet Connection Error. (6)" or something similar.


As for Officer Davis, we all know Officer Karen is hot but Davis is my favourite character from a comedy perspective.


Metroid Prime is one of my favorite games of all time, featuring some of my favorite boss battles of all time.


You know it's funny, I bought the original Metroid Prime years ago as a Player's Choice title and then never played it. I rented it once in 2002 and played it but for some reason never tried it again. Maybe I just might boot it up sometime soon.

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I bought Metroid Prime 2 back when it came out in November '04, and now I'm finally getting around to finishing it. I'm not much of a big fan of the game's "two worlds" scenario, but that's just me.

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Do you have a PS3 or just haven't invested in any of the new systems?

Haven't invested in any of them yet. I've had a PS2 since launch, played it in fits and starts, but only after playing Resident Evil 4 this spring did I really get back in the gaming mindset. It just seems odd to me to suddenly drop over $700 on hardware, even though I could and kind of want to.

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Everyones saying that its the best control scheme ever for a FPS and it looks really good, so take that " WII sux @ graphix" people.


I did read one thing that would have bugged me, and that is that the only way to unlock all the extra bonuses is to trade some sort of files with friends or something..



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Do you have a PS3 or just haven't invested in any of the new systems?

Haven't invested in any of them yet. I've had a PS2 since launch, played it in fits and starts, but only after playing Resident Evil 4 this spring did I really get back in the gaming mindset. It just seems odd to me to suddenly drop over $700 on hardware, even though I could and kind of want to.


I'd say winter would be a good time to take a look at the titles and jump on what you want more. You've got two systems under starting at under 300 bucks (although with 360 hard drive is a must IMO), with major games due to come out this holiday (Mass Effect and Halo 3 on 360, plus Mario Galaxy and Brawl for Wii). Otherwise, wait until spring and take a look at 'em side-by-side with the Metal Gear Playing Machine.


I played it at an EB Games.


It really does control that well.


I doubt my EB games will have it. It is just a short demo or seemingly the full game?


Don't they want your name, address, SS# and a urine sample to hand you the wiimote/nunchuck tho? Bleh.

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It forced an upgrade when launched..good thing Im connected to the net now eh?


theres a new "Allow adequate room around you to play" loading graphic..new to me anyway.


First Impressions


The control scheme is rather easy to pick up. Scanning items (press -, point at the top area, then hold Z to scan) seems like a lot to do at first but it doesn't take long to get used to it. The sensor bar seems to have trouble picking up forward motion of the remote for the part with locks though..I dunno if thats a problem yet or not.


The voice work is neato at first, and then it starts getting annoying when you hear the same thing repeated by 9 different characters. Also not a bright idea to initiate talking to characters with the same button as firing (A).


The first use of the morphball is freakin awesome with the complexity and detail of the environments..


Without a doubt the graphics are as good as advertised.



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Aside from SSBB, this is the game I am looking forward to the absolute most. My Wii is on loan right now, and i should be getting it back soon.

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If you get this, notify me somehow, whether in the Wii numbers thread of something, since this game uses WiiConnect24 for the Token achievement system

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Thoth, I never knew you from HB. I grew up on Adams and Magnolia.


Anyways, gamespot says that the boss battles are not too hard, but are fun and use a plethora of different techniques and weapons to kill a boss. This is very very good news for me seeing as I got really frustrated with MP1&2 because that shit was fucking hard. I'm excited to make love to this game.

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Ive played a good 2 hours and through 2 bosses

Fighting Meta Ridley while falling down a 20,000 meter pipe (have to defeat MR before the end of the pipe or SPLAT!) is easily one of my favorite boss battles ever, but it was way too easy.


One thing is now you can call your ship at specific points with the command visor to do saves but if you're deep in a level it doesn't appear to be as much of a help as the reviews were saying because you can only apparently do it in specific spots.







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Thoth, I never knew you from HB. I grew up on Adams and Magnolia.


I've been here for about two years, but I just updated my TSM profile.

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I'm perplexed as to why the advanced sensitivity doesn't lock the crosshair in the middle of the screen and perfectly tie it to the camera like I thought it would. That's basically the way every non-Wii FPS ever created has done it, and that system combined with the wiimote would have been perfect. With this "free crosshair" system, when you go to aim at something, you have to first put the crosshair on it, and then try to keep it there while the camera chases the crosshair (which further moves the crosshair). Is there some reason I'm missing as to why game developers haven't been putting in the "center locked crosshair" control scheme into their Wii FPS games? It's just odd how they've over complicated the control scheme when it's seemingly not that hard to implement.

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Locking the camera in line with the crosshair might cause vertigo for those players who can't keep their hands perfectly still. Of course, there's tuning that could be done in that case with the Wiimote sensitivity, but that's the only reason I can think of, right off hand.

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It forced an upgrade when launched..good thing Im connected to the net now eh?


My Wii was offline and it did it anyway.


But I'm still at 2.2 firmware, so I don't know what it did.

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Someone, at GameFAQs of all places, gave an explanation as to why the centered crosshair method might prove problematic. Mainly that you could only move the view so far before the wiimote was pointing off the screen which would cause it to lose control. That could be worked around by having a button that "deadens" the wiimote so you can re-center it before it's pointing off-screne, much like you re-center a mouse while playing an FPS. It would be a minor annoyance but preferable to the system they have now. Of course, even the less than ideal control scheme isn't a negative to the game, as it's a fair bit better than the GameCube controls.

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I've got the game, recently beat

Meta-Ridley and got my PED device

and so far I'm happy and disappointed. Happy that the game controls so well but disappointed it seems more like a typical FPS than the original Metroid Prime, where combat was never a focus because the exploration and puzzles were so grand and fun.


It's a nice touch that there's a pseudo-achievement system in place, and I was a bit surprised to see the word "kills" in a Nintendo game ("hey, I got 200 kills!"), although makes me wish Nintendo's online system was up to even Live Silver standards.


Anyone who has gotten the guide book, can you tell me if scanning is really necessary for unlocking anything of value? I've scanned almost everything since I learned how, and it's a pain in the ass now that I have to switch to a separate visor for it. Since the game is more linear it seems, I'd be less likely to be to be retracing my steps and getting to scan old stuff too. Somebody please tell me I can tell scanning to go to hell unless I really need to find out what something does. The absolute worst aspect of Prime, IMO.


I see that the quirk about Prime I found most annoying--shooting doors ahead of time makes them take forever to actually open--is still in place. I'm guessing it just screws with the game loading the next room, which is ordinarily almost seamless?



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The control works well enough now that I've played a lot more. Even though it's not perfect, it's much more immersive and exciting than the previous games, and certainly a step up from any of the other console based FPS control schemes.


I sent MarvinisaLunatic a friend voucher even though it didn't list him as having a MP3 save file. Let me know if you got it and what it does.

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Played much more of the game, swapped my jump and shoot buttons and disabled free aim with the lock on. NOW it's clicking with me very well.


And silly me to judge it on the first level. It feels way more like Prime now instead of a standard FPS. I did get a bit stuck on the area with the destroyed golem because there seemingly wasn't a way back. Then a bit further past that I slipped on my scan visor--ah-ha!

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