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Anyone want a guest pass for Counterstrike:Source

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I have a guest pass for Counterstrike Source, it gives you the full game for a months trial, the first person to pm or post their email in here will get it.

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Not to hijack your thread...


But have they fixed the issues with Steam? I used to play CSS quite often with friends, and then a few months back they did some type of major update to Steam, and this led to all kinds of things going funky.


The game would regularly completely hang and blow up our computers, forcing us to disconnect the power cord to get anything back. Then, when that seemed to stop happening, trying to host a personal server became a nightmare. Instead of displaying information on the server, it would bug out and display server information as vertical bars. Such as this:


"llll lll l ll l lll lllll lll l l l ll l" and maybe some numbers.


Another issue we began to have, is latency started becoming an issue. When we first started playing CSS, everything ran crisp (my friend who has a super high powered Cable connection would host) with almost litterally no lag...but as they continuously updated Steam, CSS began to suffer from lag and other issues.


In other words: CSS kicks ass. Steam fucking blows.

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I havent been running Steam for very long(since May) so I couldnt tell you what it was like before then, I am running Vista and Steam seems to run fine, however I do have 2gig of Ram which may be masking any slowdowns. CSS does seem very laggy at times, I've got an 8mg connection and I lag on it sometimes, and I never lagged on CS 1.6.

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Hmm...Before CSS, I had never seen a game updated into being unplayable, hence my questions.


Kinda sucks though, because we used to play the hell out of the game, and now we haven't touched it in months due to the issues.

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Yeah, its kinda spoiling my enjoyment of it at tho mo, I've still got 1.6 installed on Steam, might just go back to using that

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I used to play CSS competitively and I remember the update that broke the game. They introduced an awful bug where the Steam process would use all of your CPU power, effectively cutting your fps in half. The update also caused a performance hit in general, outside of that particular bug. It led to much fun with me having to quit and restart Steam many times before a match so I could actually get playable performance.

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So no one knows if the problems have been fixed?


I regrabbed Steam...it seems faster then it was, but CSS is a big download for my DSL connection, and I dunno if I wanna do it if the game is still broke as hell.

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Just had a game now and my latency was 467, bear in mind im on a 8mg connection, have nothing else downloading and am outside of peak hours so I'm not getting throttled

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