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Impact spoilers for 11/1

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*TNA champion Kurt Angle did a promo inside the ring promising to learn who Sting's partner is at Genesis. Sting says his partner is a former WCW and WWE World champion who hates Angle. Kevin Nash comes out and beats up Angle.


*Kaz beat James Storm in a Fight for the Right semifinal.


*Team 3D cut a promo running down the X-Division. The Motor City Machineguns run them down on the mic. 3D get into it with them and go under the ring to get tables but they are nowhere to be found. The X-Division (XXX, Sonjay, Havoc, Shark Boy, etc.) attack 3D, bring tables from backstage and lay them out.


*Awesome Kong defeated Christy Hemme.


*TNA Women's champ Gail Kim & Samoa Joe defeated Ms. Brooks & Robert Roode. Roode blames Brooks for the loss and goes after her. Gail Kim and Samoa Joe make the save. Joe and Roode brawl into the crowd. Lots of blood and a good brawl which saw Roode's "fan" (Rain from SHIMMER) try to get involved.


*TNA announced Junior Fatu would not be there tonight. (Note from Mike: I'm waiting to confirm but I believe he's done. Stay tuned). Christian Cage will face a mystery opponent.


*Christian Cage defeated Chris Harris in a Fight for the Right semifinal. After the match, Cage attacked him with a ladder and a top rope frog splash.


*Kevin Nash tells Kurt Angle that he knows who Sting's partner will be and he'll be there next week....Scott Hall.


*TNA Tag Team champions AJ Styles and Tomko defeated LAX. After the match, members of the Latino Nation ran off the champions, who then brawled with the Steiners.

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The X-Division (XXX, Sonjay, Havoc, Shark Boy, etc.) attack 3D, bring tables from backstage and lay them out.


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*TNA champion Kurt Angle did a promo inside the ring promising to learn who Sting's partner is at Genesis. Sting says his partner is a former WCW and WWE World champion who hates Angle. Kevin Nash comes out and beats up Angle.



Ok, no longer David Arquette. Now it's Jeff Jarrett.


(remember, this is the same company that advertised Test as a World champion just because he had the tag belts)

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*TNA champion Kurt Angle did a promo inside the ring promising to learn who Sting's partner is at Genesis. Sting says his partner is a former WCW and WWE World champion who hates Angle. Kevin Nash comes out and beats up Angle.



Ok, no longer David Arquette. Now it's Jeff Jarrett.


(remember, this is the same company that advertised Test as a World champion just because he had the tag belts)


I'm missing where TNA ever promoted a Test appearance as "a former world champion" but whatever.


I don't think this is Jarrett for that same reason. It's either Booker, or as a way way WAY long shot, Flair.

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On the bright side, Harris makes sense(since he almost made it into the reverse battle royal thing). Plus I'm stoked for the Kazarian vs. Christian tournament final.

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The possibility list still remains at Hogan, Booker, Goldberg, Big Show, Sid and Bret Hart. Obviously, it is Booker but I still don't trust TNA.


You forgot the men who won the WCW Title in the WWF, remember, the WWF owned WCW so their title changes are valid. In fact, I'd rather consider THE ROCK a former WCW Champion before Arquette.


Anyway, here is your list of possible choices:


Possible Choices

Big Show

Booker T

Bret Hart

Chris Jericho


Hulk Hogan

Kurt Angle

Randy Savage

Ric Flair

Sid Vicious

The Rock


Narrowing it down further, guys on that list who have feuded with Angle:


Guys Who Have Feuded with Angle

Big Show

Booker T

Chris Jericho

Hulk Hogan

Ric Flair

The Rock


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Show, Hogan, Booker only work when it comes down to both former world champions and HATE Angle.


But yeah, it's Booker coming. I just wonder what they will call him? Harlem T? Booker Heat? The Book? Book T? Booker T. Huffman?

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Show, Hogan, Booker only work when it comes down to both former world champions and HATE Angle.


But yeah, it's Booker coming. I just wonder what they will call him? Harlem T? Booker Heat? The Book? Book T? Booker T. Huffman?


Ummm.........pretty sure that you can't own part of someone's name. Plus, Booker used that name before he signed with WCW.


Remember kids, WWE doesn't trademark EVERYTHING.

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Show, Hogan, Booker only work when it comes down to both former world champions and HATE Angle.


But yeah, it's Booker coming. I just wonder what they will call him? Harlem T? Booker Heat? The Book? Book T? Booker T. Huffman?


Ummm.........pretty sure that you can't own part of someone's name. Plus, Booker used that name before he signed with WCW.


Remember kids, WWE doesn't trademark EVERYTHING.


True, but Bubba Ray and D-Von learned that THE HARD WAY that the WWE almost owns everything.

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Is the Hall thing a swerve or is he really Sting's partner? I'm thinking Hall will be there, but just as an "outsider" of sorts. I would imagine we get a Sting promo denying its Hall and then cue Booker either at the end of tomorrow's Impact taping or at the ppv itself.

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The Hall thing is a swerve, much like how Jericho, Lesnar and Goldberg have been name dropped in the past. I don't doubt he may be brought in for another shot sometime, but I'm fairly certain it's going to be Booker T. as the partner.

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