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My roommate's girlfriend is really hairy.

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So, my roommate is dating this girl, has been for some time. Bitch is just COVERED in hair. I've noticed it before, but for whatever reason it came to the forefront of my mind last night and won't go away. We were out to dinner, a group of us, and I don't know if it was the lighting in Fuddrucker's or the proximity of her to me, or what, but I caught her arm out of the corner of my eye, and hand to God, it looked like she had fur.


Now I know bitches get hairy, shit happens, and in no way is this an indictment of her as a person. But...damn! This woman is hairy. The worst part is that she's only 21, and I don't see things getting better for her. Maybe her arms and face will go bald as she ages? Because she's definitely rocking some facial hair too...not a Grizzly Adams-level beard, but definitely some peach fuzz and a teenstache. I can't imagine how he kisses her without puking (and he does it all the time, in public, but that's a whole other rant). And the worst part is she has a really nice rack, but how sexy can one be with that much hair?


I suppose there's someone for everyone, and the fact that she's in a serious relationship speaks to that. And she is a nice girl, mostly. But she has so much hair, and I can't get around it, and I needed to bitch a little. So thanks for reading. if anyone knows a delicate way to buy the girlfriend of a friend a waxing kit, let me know.

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Maybe he could send her to the spa as a treat, but talk to them before she goes and have them do a consultation and waxing.

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Hm. I don't mind a hairy woman, but even I don't like it when it's on their face. I don't think it should bother them to shave their face if they aren't going to shave their pits, legs or crotch.


Which raises a point, Hoff. Does she shave in the normal places women shave?

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In high school there was this black girl with a real thick mustache, and one day one of my friends asked her, you know, "why don't you shave that thing?" Which I thought seemed a little rude, but whatever. She said that her mom had a mustache, and her mom's mom before her had a mustache. It was like a family pride thing. But then again the girl I'm thinking of wasn't attractive in any way, so I guess it didn't matter if she had a stache or not.

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In 8th grade, I was at a camp thing, and this girl flashed her friend and I was standing right next to him, so I got a glimpse. Her just-began-puberty boobs were hairy. HAIRY. Not like a coconut, but they had actual hair on them. Dark hair too.

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Milky -- no idea. I'm curious now, so I'll try to get that info, but I'm not sure how to broach the subject with any sort of tact.

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On my last day of middle school I was saying goodbye to everyone and this girl I don't like much came up to give me a hug. However as she lifted her arms I was impaled by two sweaty, bushes of arm hair. It was the most disgusting thing that has ever happened to me.


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My ex used to wax every so often (like once every couple months) because of genetics, this girl probably has the same sort of thing, but never got the lesson from mom that it's not cool.


I'd go with EHME's Torn Condom's suggestion, get the professionals to do it.

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Hoff you got to get a picture up here for us to see how hairy she really is.

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Hoff you got to get a picture up here for us to see how hairy she really is.


I concur.


Camera-phone FTW!

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Yeah, like my roommate's girlfriend who never flushed the toilet when she shat. I knew it was her, because everytime she'd spend the night I'd walk into the washroom to find a log of shit floating the next morning. I confronted her on it, and she acted like she didn't know what I was talking about.. Yet it seemed to continue to happen every time after.

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I'm still waiting for a pic Hoff.


Though there is a type I hair I hate on women and that's the really tiny, thin, almost invisible to the naked eye but if you look close enough or feel that area in the right way you can feel the pricklyness hair. This is the hair that normally you might see on the smalls of a girl's back, or maybe the side of the cheeks, or maybe even on the upper lip. This type of hair is so small and light it's kinda hard to see but if you look in the right type of light you can see the hair in that area or if your like rubbing or feeling that spot, you feel the pricklyness but yet you can't see any there. I hate when Women have that type of hair on their body. It's just a bit turn-off.

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