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Southland Tales

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I read this movie got BOOED at one of the big festivals. The Rock/Gellar were so embarrassed they just ran away. Or something like that.

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It looks interesting, but corny in places. I heard the same story Mole did, but I'm still gonna check it out. I like that Rock just got billed as Dwayne Johnson, since that seems to be something he wants, and I'm a big fan of his.

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If you go in knowing that you are about to see a total mind-fuck then you will be good. The ending alone will enduce booing from most people.


This will be a cult hit but most will hate it.

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Looks pretty good, like the use of the Pixies too.


Does anyone know of the full story behind Kevin Smith's role. He was an actor in it, but I could have sworn I read somewhere that he had been cut from the film.

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Apparently they have changed alot of stuff after the initial bad reviews so he might have been cut. He was a leggless war vet in the version I saw. But apparently, its alot different now. So maybe I will go see it when it comes out to see what they did.


Although personally, i don't see how he could possibly change this movie to appeal to a larger audience. Either you are into the david Lynchian out there, strange stuff or you aren't, and trying to appeal to a mass audience is just going to alienate the people that would have liked the original while still not appealing to the mass audience simply because of the nature of the film.

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Finally saw the film.


It's clearly filmed it Richard Kelly's patented "what-the-fuck-is-going-on-o-vision". But it's okay.


I wouldn't rush out to buy it and it clearly had too many ideas for its good.


I didn't recognise Kevin Smith, you could only tell it was him because of his voice.

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the thing is, half of that shit has no meaning whatsoever. It was just him shoving as much meaningless stuff in a film as possible. But if you listen to the earlier conversations, you already know this and know the exact point where everything you are seeing is trippy just there to be there stuff.

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the thing is, half of that shit has no meaning whatsoever. It was just him shoving as much meaningless stuff in a film as possible.


Like I'm Not There


Bai Ling's in this movie too, right?

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I hated this fucking movie. It was the most annoying, bloated, pretentious attempt at "satire" I've seen in a very long time and made me want to hurt Richard Kelly. I mean come on


  • Justin Timberlake lipsynching The Killers
  • Horrible attempts at symbolism
  • Kevin Smith as a Iraq War vet
  • Will Sasso
  • The "Anarchists" sub plot (with Cheri O'Teri!)
  • The horrible attempts at humor (though "Teen Horniness is not a Crime" amuses me)
  • Way too many plots that I largely couldn't get into (God knows I tried)
The biggest problem I had with the movie, is that I felt like it was trying to say something (well, several things), but it couldn't. The story is way too muddled, and it tries so hard to be different that it just ended up feeling more forced and manufactured than anything. It's like he wanted to do some kind of David Lynch meets Fellini, but it all fails.


At least the acting was good for the most part.

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Generally agree with everything Lenny said. Except this bit:


At least the acting was good for the most part.

No. No it was not. Despite having one of the most awesome dream casts in recent memory, the acting in this film was almost universally horrible and pretty much everyone involved thoroughly embarassed themselves. Even guys like Jon Lovitz and Wallace Shawn completely failed at trying to make their godawful dialogue work, just standing there looking uncomfortable in their dumbass costumes and ugly wigs. I'm not kidding when I say that Stiffler might've turned in the best serious performance here.


The very worst thing about this movie is that, every rare once in a while, I could see the potential for it having been better. Like, the weirdo Star Spangled Banner remix, I thought that was fairly inspired. But then we'd cut back to bullshit like Christopher Lambert driving around in an ice cream truck full of guns, and no, it's nowhere near as cool as it sounds.

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You do realize they were supposed to be acting like that, right?


They are all characters in the screenplay written by Boxer and the pornstar. The dialogue sucks. Their names are laughbly dumb. They are all stiff lifeless characters. thats kinda the point of the movie. And since Boxer wrote it thats why he is god...or....something like that.



Not saying it was a great movie or something but you are kinda complaining about the point of the movie.


The movie wasn't trying to say a goddamn thing in the afte, say the second act.

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No dude... Boxer is a false prophet or messiah figure to protect Stifler who is our new messiah who will bring us a change and usher in the times of peaceful enlightment... it's about The Book of Revelation... that foretells the end of times the second coming of Christ... hence why Justin Timberlake quotes the damn thing throughout the whole movie. The white horse that Jesus rides in on is the ice cream truck and Stifler is fucking Jesus Christ.



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I was baffled through half of it, but there were some aspects I thought were pretty damn funny. Stuff like The Rock saying "I am a pimp, and pimps don't commit suicide!"


I had to wonder:


What was up with Mandy Moore not being pissed at The Rock over him nailing the porn star? She announces she's pregnant at one point and then later in the film this is just dropped and they do the weird threesome dance before all hell breaks loose.

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No dude... Boxer is a false prophet or messiah figure to protect Stifler who is our new messiah who will bring us a change and usher in the times of peaceful enlightment... it's about The Book of Revelation... that foretells the end of times the second coming of Christ... hence why Justin Timberlake quotes the damn thing throughout the whole movie. The white horse that Jesus rides in on is the ice cream truck and Stifler is fucking Jesus Christ.





you sir have no taste this is the greatest accomplishment of modern american cinema... it's ahead of it's time and 30 years from will only the masses begin to appreciate it.


I love it when KOAB makes posts like this.

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No dude... Boxer is a false prophet or messiah figure to protect Stifler who is our new messiah who will bring us a change and usher in the times of peaceful enlightment... it's about The Book of Revelation... that foretells the end of times the second coming of Christ... hence why Justin Timberlake quotes the damn thing throughout the whole movie. The white horse that Jesus rides in on is the ice cream truck and Stifler is fucking Jesus Christ.





And thats what happens and I think was the purpose of the director when he put all that pointless shit in the movie. So people would write much more interesting meanings behind the movie than he had the time to do.

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