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Craig Th

World Map Game...

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Level 10 too. That's when it gets really hard with all kinds of obscure African countries that most Westerners have never even heard of.

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I got to Level 11 myself with a score of 425,190 points. Thankfully, I know a thing or two about obscure African countries. I don't, however, know much about Australian cities, so I was done in by Level 11.

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Guest Vitamin X

My knowledge of the Americas helped me out. Level 12. I got some fairly easy African countries, so I figured them out. I lucked out big on the South Pacific nations, though.

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I made it to Level 10. I probably would have gotten past, but I screwed up when they asked for Malawi and put the marker around Mali.


Fun game, though. Makes you think on your toes a bit.

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Level 9.


The map is too small. I could hit some of them exactly were it slightly bigger, compensating for my utter stupidity in the subject of geography. On the other hand, some countries (Ireland, Korea, Iraq, etc) are so small, that if you have no idea where they're talking about, you can just plant it right in the middle and get a pretty good score.

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I got to level 41. It got ridiculous when they asked about "the rock on the side of the mountain that looks like a rabbit in Cherokee, TN."

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I went back and played it again, and did worse. Out of a bunch of tries, the highest I got this time was 11. Milky's right, the map is too damn small, plus the control is way too sensitive. You can know exactly where something is, click in the general right place, and still be five hundred miles off. It's badly colored too, they only used like three colors to try and differentiate every country on the planet, and a lot of them are just hard to see: Great Britain and Iraq always took me a minute to find because of the weird color scheme, even though obviously I knew where they were.


Also it seems like a lot of the time I passed or failed a level just due to the number of random African or Asian countries I didn't know. But even in the hardest level, they'll still pitch you softballs like some city you've never heard of in an easy country like France or something which guarantees you decent points.

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I laughed when it asked for some small island that belonged to Norway and I marked some spot of the northern coast, only to find it was actually off the southern coast...of South Africa. Oops.


The ones that kill me are the cities in Russia. It's so freaking huge that it's easy to be off by thousands of miles if you guess wrong on which end of the country it's in.

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Guest Pizza Hut's Game Face

The system is broken when you're 191 kilometers from Beirut and "your map IQ is off the charts."

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You're such a liar.



You're just mad that you didn't get that far. All you have to do is get to Level 41, and see the question for yourself!

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I got to level 12 on my 3rd try. 10,000 away from winning, but if you thought the other levels were hard, you'll never get more than 15,000 points out of level 12.

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