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Devil Mountain Wrestling, Nightmare before X-mas on Saturday 12/15

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That's right, finally after two long years of training, I make my pro wrestling in-ring debut, but it's all for the wrong reasons. See I wanted to make my in-ring debut as a Pro Wrestler on a more happier note, but I can't. And I can't because for the past few months, three men have blantly attacked me and tried to hurt me.


It all started when Sheik Kahn Abodi attacked me after he lost the DMW XXX title to Kenny wyler (formerly Kenny K) a few months ago. After I declared Kenny the winner and new XXX Champion. Sheik grabbed me and started arguing with me. The next thing I knew he gave me a forearm, then stomped me, then bodyslammed me and then hit me with not just 1 frogsplash..but 2, 2 frogsplashes!


Then at the DMW show in Oct. Alexis Darevko was wrestling Chico Naverro when all of a sudden Alexis Darevko pulled me in front of Chico when Chico was trying to hit a flying shoulder tackle on Darevko. In my daze, my mind got all jumbled up and I DQ'ed Chico for giving me the shoulder tackle but after I got my barrings back together, I realized that it was Darevko who pulled me in front of chico causing Chico to hit me and lay me out.


Then last month, in November. It was Sheik Kahn Abodi and Alexis Darevko vs Kimo and Chico the F.A.G's and when it looked like the F.A.G's had Sheik and Darevko beat and I was making the 3 count, all of a sudden I was pulled out of the ring and thrown into a ring post by someone in Sheik clothing. After a few minues of laying on the cold hardwood floor, I was brought back into the ring only to get a Russian Edge (sorta like a razor's edge but I got popped into the air) by Alexis Darevko and then frogsplased AGAIN by Abodi. The person who pulled me out of the ring who was in the Sheik's clothes....Anton Vorhees. Anton had aligned himself with Darevko and Sheik.


After the show last month, I got on the horn with our Commish and asked him to please give me a match. I want it to be Alexis Darevko, Anton Vorhees, and Sheik Kahn Abodi vs Myself and The Fun Athletic Guys Kimo and Chico in a 6 man tag match! The Commish gave me the ok and now the match is set in stone! On Dec. 15th in Martinez CA, I will tag with Kimo and Chico and we will kick internataional ass!!!!!


Other matches schduled to take place.


A XXX title match as Kenny "Rot" Wyler will defend his DMW XXX Championship against 2 people schduled to be annouced later.


Joe Applebaumer vs one member of the Surburban Commandos DJ Rizz


and a very holiday season match, Santa Claus vs Mrs. Claus!!


Also schduled to appear; Maynard Skynard, Jason Vega, Sir Samurai, and Mike Hyashi.





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Use the shooting star press. It's Sheik's weakness. He'll never kick out.

dude, I can't even pull off a front flip without screwing it up....I'll end up killing myself on a shooting star. The camel clutch on the other hand...yes.

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It depends on the promotion really. I know he did it recently for the recent ICP tour. I guess he has 3 gimmicks, Joe Applebaumer, Pogo the Clown, and just "Pogo".

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Just a reminder that the show is tonight, if any TSM'er that lives in Nor-cal can make it out...Please come out and show your support for Pro Indy Wrestling here in Nor-cal!

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Here are the short/detailed results to the DMW show that took place on 12/15.


Match 1: Brandon Pinon vs The Wise Guy


Results: The Wise Guy beat Brandon Pinon via pinfall after The Wise Guy hit Pinon with a famasser off the 2nd rope.


Match 2: Jason Vega vs Mike Hayashi


Winner: jason Vega


Match 3: Joe Applebaumer w/ Eddie Corvin vs Dj Rizz vs Kenny "Rot" Wyler with his manager in a Non DMW XXX Title Match


Winner: Joe Applebaumer


Match 4: Sir Samurai vs Maynard Skynard


Winner: Maynard Skynard via pinfall. Maynard rolled Samurai up with a school boy while Samurai was being distracted by Helfyre, who ran out from the back.


After the match Helfyre challanged Sir Samurai to a 2 on 1 handicap at the next DMW show on Jan 26th, but before Samurai could answer, Commish Big Mo came out and made the match into a tag team match, but Mo never said who Helfyre's tag partner would be, So next month, it'll be The Honor Socitey Mr. Frost and Sir Samurai vs Helfyre and ???


Match 5: Dan Daniels vs Johnny Pilko


Winner: Dan Daniels


Match 6: Mrs. Claus (Aka: Kassie Summers) vs Santa Claus (Mutaciando Uno)


Winner: Mrs. Claus via pinfall after hitting a sitting senton from the top rope.


Match 7: The Main Event America's Most Hated Alexis Darevko/Anton Vorhees/and Sheik Kahn Abodi vs The Fun Atheltic Guys Kimo Kanola and Chico Navarro and Ref Toby (that's me!)


For the beginning of the match Kimo and Chico refused to tag Toby in as they wanted to protect him. At one point, Kimo and Chico got all three of Most Hated outside the ring. Kimo ahd Chico invited Toby to come celebrate with them in the ring, then picked Toby up and threw him on to the outside on top of America's Most Hated.


After a few more minutes, Chico was going to tag Kimo in when Toby cut Kimo off and tagged himself in. Toby started off hot with a snapmare and a kick to the back on Anton, but when Toby went to irish whip Anton, Anton cut Toby off with a Paley (AJ Styles jumping backflip kick) to the head. It went all down hill from there as America's Most Hated proceeded to beat on Ref. Toby for a good portion of the match.


Finally, when Toby got a chance, he ducked a clothesline from Sheik Kahn Abodi and then caught a kick. Toby spun Sheik around and caught Sheik with a stunner. During a double 10 count, Sheik made a tag and Toby was finally able to tag out and tag in Kimo! Kimo came in on fire with clothesline all around. When the match was in total chaos, Kimo and Chico grabbed Alexis Darevko and hit with a combo backstabber/double stomp move. Toby got back in the ring and clotheslined Anton Vorhees over the top rope. Toby climbed to the top rope and Kimo and Chico grabbed Toby and threw him on top of Alexis Darevko for a splash. Toby stayed on top of Darevko to make a pin attempt. Kimo and Chico then put their hands on Toby and the Ref made the 3 count.


The Winners of the Match: The Fun Atheltic Guys and Referee Toby vina Pinfall!


After the match, the DMW locker room came out and celebrated the Ref's Toby first match and win.


(And I honestly broke down because of it, greatest moment of my wrestling career, here are some pic's I got.)



Being thrown onto America's Most Hated by Kimo and Chico



After match Celebration..like I said I broke down, I got very emtional when I saw the boys come out from the back.



After Match celebration 2...I don't know why my head was down, and yeah I need a tan.


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