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OAO 2007 Armageddon Thread

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Randy Orton vs. Chris Jericho (WWE Championship)

Orton retains title. Jericho moves onto something else, Orton moves onto someone else.


Triple Threat Match for the World Heavyweight Championship

Batista vs. Edge vs. Undertaker

The toughest match to call. It can go all three ways. I'm leaning with Batista retaining the title, and somehow it spins off onto an Edge/Undertaker NON TITLE feud.


Triple H vs. Jeff Hardy

Hardy will win by DQ or something. I think they will really push Hardy enough to let him get a title shot at the Rumble.


ECW Champion CM Punk & Kane vs. Big Daddy V & Mark Henry

Filler match pretty much since the title isn't on the line. Punk and Kane win.


Shawn Michaels vs. Mr. Kennedy

Michaels wins, superkick.


Finlay vs. The Great Khali

Khali will win using Finley's shaileigh on him.


Mickie James vs. Beth Phoenix

Beth wins.


MVP vs. Rey Mysterio (U.S. Championship)

I can see Rey winning the US title, but I really want them to save a title switch until Matt comes back and let MVP have an extended run.

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Randy Orton vs. Chris Jericho (WWE Championship)

I honestly see Orton retaining, most likely by DQ or count-out. I figure The E is thinking it'd be too soon for a title change. I do believe Jericho will eventually get the better of Orton, though.


Triple Threat Match for the World Heavyweight Championship

Batista vs. Edge vs. Undertaker

This is the toughest to call, but I'm going with an Edge victory. He'll find a way to turn Taker and Batista against each other, although I'm quite certain that they'll be taking turns kicking his ass early on.


Triple H vs. Jeff Hardy

I see Triple Haitch winning clean, but Jeff gives him "the match of his life" and gets a big rub from it and "respect" or whatever. I just think after putting over Cena big at WM 22, Trips isn't going to be doing the job clean again any time soon.


ECW Champion CM Punk & Kane vs. Big Daddy V & Mark Henry

This'll be one of those matches where the outcome really means nothing, so you'll definitely see the faces pick up the win. Henry will eat the chokeslam and Punk will most likely get the pin.


Shawn Michaels vs. Mr. Kennedy

Kennedy wins dirty and keeps the feud going.


Finlay vs. The Great Khali

Finlay will win, and hopefully end this retarded feud once and for all.


Mickie James vs. Beth Phoenix

Mickie wins by DQ, and so of course, Beth retains until Candice Michelle comes back.


MVP vs. Rey Mysterio (U.S. Championship)

MVP beat Benoit clean in their blow-off, so even though MVP is a heel, I can see him picking up this win clean. Wouldn't make much sense for MVP to lose to Rey anyway, given that his title loss will only steal thunder from Matt's big comeback.

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Randy Orton vs. Chris Jericho (WWE Championship)

Orton retains the title by DQ. If this was any other time of year, then Jericho might get a title run, but with Mania a few short months away, I really don't see him getting the belt yet.


Triple Threat Match for the World Heavyweight Championship

Batista vs. Edge vs. Undertaker

Either Edge or Taker are walking away with the belt. The winner will face Batista at the Rumble for the title and the odd man out will probably win the Rumble. I'll go with Taker winning the title.


Triple H vs. Jeff Hardy

Triple H will win and will flirt with turning heel a few times, but stay face and show Hardy "respect" when its all said and done.


ECW Champion CM Punk & Kane vs. Big Daddy V & Mark Henry

Who cares. Heels win by pinning Kane.


Shawn Michaels vs. Mr. Kennedy

Kennedy by some cheap way.


Finlay vs. The Great Khali

No Contest after some shennigans and a ref bump.


Mickie James vs. Beth Phoenix

I'd like to see Mickie winning, but I can see Beth pull a fast one over her for a quick pin out of nowhere.


MVP vs. Rey Mysterio (U.S. Championship)

MVP has to win, or at least keep the belt here. Makes no sense to give the US title to Rey and plus, it would kill off the fantastic MVP/Hardy fued.

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Jericho (by DQ or count-out)




Punk / Kane





This is the best card going in for a 2nd rate PPV that I've seen in a long time. Can't wait!

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The Rumble has a habit of giving non-main eventers title matches (Benoit, Holly, Henry, Test, Kennedy, etc.) so, while some thought that Rumble title shot stipulation makes HHH beating Jeff a "sure thing", I can totally see a Hardy/Orton title match at the Rumble.


That said, HHH will probably still win.

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I'd like to see a Edge win and push a fued between him and Taker up to Mania. Or perhaps Taker will win then loose the strap at Mania. Either way, I don't see a Batista win.


ECW tag match


Don't care, I predict a Punk/Kane win. But seriously, I don't care.


Women's match






MVP needs the win here and hold the belt untill Matt returns.




I see a Hardy win, that way HHH can win the rumble and be in the main event of Mania vs Randy Orton.




Really don't care for either man. But I imagine something hillarious will happen with Hornswoggle




Again, don't really care, but I imagine Kennedy will win cheaply to continue the fued.


Overall, the show has about 4 matches worth watching and a lot of filler. But I predict the Three-way, HHH/Hardy and Mysterio/MVP will be awesome.

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Chris Jericho Vs Randy Orton

-Talk about a heatless main event and it completely encapsulate the resounding bust that Jericho’s return has become. While Jericho’s shtick hasn’t changed the slightest bit from his previous tenure with the WWE, it has remained stale as it ever was. The time away has done very little favor to Jericho’s ability to sell a main event match that doesn’t involve The Rock giving everything he could in return. It’s not a matter of his hair, or his vests like some of the more petty members of this place will insist, it’s simply a matter of a heatless heel that lost every bit of momentum built over the summer leading to his title win. They might have a passable to solid wrestling match but to expect anything more then that would be wasted expectations. Jericho, with no momentum and very little support has no grounds to not only win the title but to get a non-finish here. It's time to get back to the drawing board, Jericho.


Batista Vs Undertaker Vs Edge

-I’ve been quite vocal about my thoughts on what should occur with Edge and Undertaker towards the build for WM. Regardless of what happens tonight, Undertaker needs to carry the title heading into Orlando for WM. ‘Taker could win the title here or at the Rumble, however, ‘Taker has to pin Batista to obtain that in either circumstance. In fact, I see Batista winning here by taking advantage and stealing a pin from the Dead Man on Edge, setting up the unfinished rivalry with those two at the Rumble. Edge would either win the Rumble or the EC match.


CM Punk and Kane Vs Henry and BDV

-The result has little to no importance here. I’ll say Kane eats a pin from one of the heels, while Punk is laid out by the other. I still endorse my hopes to see Umaga join Striker’s group (since he’s rendered worthless on Raw) and be the next hurdle for Punk by having Umaga be a “mystery” challenger for Punk at Rumble. Umaga dominates and wins the title, leading to Punk chasing him to WM.


Triple H Vs Jeff Hardy

-Earlier this year, HHH and Orton had been penciled in for WM and once again, it appears those plans have changed in favor of a Batista-HHH match. This wouldn’t be the first time that change occurred. This is a coin flip only because the idea of HHH actually doing the job to Jeff Hardy is jarring but the reality is, HHH isn’t as strong against doing a job, it’s just a matter of how it’s booked. Hardy will win and it’ll be by a dramatic fluke or perhaps by interference from whoever is going to be the winter adversary for Hunter.


MVP Vs Mysterio

-This is very likely to be the MOTN for tonight’s show as well as the opener. Mysterio has reason to win the title. This is a fine enough filler feud for MVP while Matt recovers. I’ll say we’ll either see a good long match to put over MVP or Mysterio gets a cheap DQ win.


Finlay Vs Great Khali

-It’ll be the usual comedy match but Finlay will probably be inspired to get something out of Khali. He won’t be successful in that endeavor. Finlay as a face is still bizarre. I’ll hope for Finlay turning on Hornswoggle and having him written off for good. That won’t happen. Khali will win regardless.


Mr. Kennedy Vs Shawn Michaels

-There was a time this would have been considered a must-see for a WM program and now it’s shuffled into a mid-card end of the year dump feud. Poor Kennedy, that’ll teach him to ruin plans. Kennedy isn’t the darling anymore and Shawn won’t lower himself. Michaels here for a easy win. The real intriguing spot of the night is if Shawn gets frustrated with Kennedy’s poor work.


Beth Phoenix Vs Mickie James

-They’re just biding time before Candice returns. Beth will score a win in a semi-competitive showing here.


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*Randy Orton vs. Chris Jericho for WWE title - An interesting question. If this show doesn't do well, will it be blamed on this main event? And if so, what does that say for Cyber Sunday (which stiffed on PPV)? And if it does well, what will be the credited reason? This is a huge match for Jericho, who hasn't had a serious main event match in well over two years. Anything can happen, but a Jericho win would be a big surprise. For whatever this is worth, on the pre-taped Tribute to the Troops show in Iraq, JBL attacked Jericho. This at least would set up a possibility of JBL being involved in tonight's finish. Onpaper, this should be a good match but this match is filled with questions.


*Batista vs. Edge vs. Undertaker for World title - Undertaker and Batista are coming off a strong series of matches. Edge is coming off a pec injury, and, like Jericho, this is his first PPV main event match since coming back. But he's done long Smackdown TV main events, and hasn't looked like the old Edge yet. To me, if there are plans for Undertaker to win the title, and down the road there are, I'd save it for Mania. Since Undertaker vs. Batista as a program is played out for now, it makes the most sense for Edge to be champion heading into Mania.


*HHH vs. Jeff Hardy - Winner gets the Orton-Jericho winner at the Royal Rumble. Most likely HHH sells his ass off to make Hardy look good, but wins clean at the end. At least that's what seems to make the most sense. There's no reason for this not to be a good match. It'll be very interesting how the Pittsburgh crowd reacts.


*Shawn Michaels vs. Mr. Kennedy - Whether he can move or not, Michaels almost always comes through on PPV. Still, if you remember a TV tag match a few months back, these two did have their problems. If anything goes wrong, it's on Kennedy's head so the pressure is on him to deliver. I suspect it will be a good mid-card match. Under normal circumstances I'd say Kennedy should go over, but something has been missing with Kennedy and I don't think the timing is right for it.


*Fit Finlay vs. Great Khali - A difficult night for Finlay. Finlay is getting over as a face while Khali is on the downslide. To me, having Khali win, the predictable finish, doesn't accomplish much. Perhaps they just do a DQ to get out of it. I have so much faith in Finlay that I'm going to predict this match isn't completely horrible. As for being good, hey, a Khali match and good are mutually exclusive properties.


*C.M. Punk & Kane vs. Mark Henry & Big Daddy V - Kane vs. V has probably been inside the ring, the worst feud of the year in any major promotion. They somehow manage to bring out the worst timing and most missed moves in each other. Kind of the antithesis of Undertaker and Batista. Punk has had terrible matches with both V and Henry. The only advantage of the tag is that Punk can sell most of the way and as long as it's power moves and running crunches, Henry and V are okay. When it's close in and trading, they're both disasters. Hopefully whatever the result is, they end this here.


*MVP vs Rey Mysterio for the U.S. title - I don't think MVP should lose the title before Matt Hardy returns. Hopefully they'll be given time because this should be a good match.


Overall, there is no reason that five of the seven matches shouldn't deliver. This is not a lineup to me that says it'll do well on PPV, but the Armageddon show has the advantage of it being the holiday season and the kids audience, which WWE is very strong with right now, can get parents to order this show easier than most. I'm thinking slightly above the usual "B" show average here.




By: Bryan Alvarez

The Fight Network


So let's look at Armageddon 2007, from the Mellon Arena in Pittsburgh, PA:


* Big Dave Batista vs. Edge vs. Undertaker for the World Heavyweight Title. I expect a title change. The storyline is that Dave is confident in his ability to beat both men, particularly Undertaker, and has been "taking opponents lightly" of late. For awhile, I presumed a heel turn was in his near future. It may not be, but that could happen in early 2008. The latest plan for WrestleMania, subject to change as they always are, is HHH defending the Raw title against Batista. This suggests Batista is winning the Royal Rumble, and unless they want a babyface vs. babyface match one guy has to turn heel. Could be Hunter. I'm seeing more signs with Dave. I could also be crazy. Of the three, my best guess for new champion would be Edge, since he's the hot new heel on Smackdown (it pains me quite a bit, but I think his act with Vickie Guerrero is great, and she's awesome in her role). Edge will likely steal the win from Taker, and those two will meet for the belt in a streak vs. streak title match at WrestleMania (Edge has never been pinned on that show).


* Randy Orton vs. Chris Jericho for the Raw Title. Jericho's debut hasn't been what most people expected. The problem is, Orton is a super hot heel right now and I'm not sure anyone believes Jericho really has any chance of beating him. Realistically, he probably doesn't. It was pretty sad on Raw Monday when Jericho said he was going to be the next WWE Champion and got almost no reaction. It's funny the way things work in WWE. In real life, a guy like Chris Jericho returning and being put right into the World Title picture is how it should be done. He's new, he's fresh, and historically this works. Historically, though, it usually works in place other than WWE. In WWE, fans have been conditioned to new guys NOT getting pushed right to a World Title shot within a month of their debut, and when it happens it appears they get this feeling that someone is being pushed down their throat. At least, that's my interpretation. Jericho's new character is different. Some people love it, many people do not. I could be wrong, but within two weeks my impression was that he's turning heel, very, very soon.


* Shawn Michaels vs. Mr. Kennedy. This match will be great. Let me clarify. I can't wait for it. Mr. Kennedy is a very spotty worker. Whether it was nerves, an off-night, or whatever, his first in-ring encounter with Shawn about a month back was a complete and utter disaster. I've seen Michaels get upset with guys in matches in the past, most notably Vader over a decade ago at SummerSlam. This was the first time I've ever seen a guy screw up seemingly every single spot he did with him. Worse, he screwed up spots with Michaels' tag partner Jeff Hardy as well. I figured when the match was over that would be the end of Kennedy. He did go on a several week losing streak afterwards, but then they began not only building him back up, but building him back up to this match with Shawn. This may be a big test, and Kennedy's short-term and even long-term future could rest on it. I mean, if you can't have a good PPV match with Shawn Michaels, how much can WWE realistically invest in a guy? I think the "right" finish is Kennedy beating him, but I cannot even begin to imagine them doing it. I suspect it will either be a really, really good match, or a match we will still talk about occasionally years from now.


* Triple H vs. Intercontinental Champion Jeff Hardy in a non-title number-one contender's match. As soon as they said it was non-title, it was pretty clear Hunter was winning. The plan is for him to get the World Title at the Rumble, and the only reason I even entertain the idea of Jeff winning is that I have TNA on the Brain ™ and presume since it's so obvious they'll do something different. I do not recommend such booking, but it's 2007 and bad booking sometimes permeates this business. (Not so much in WWE, but elsewhere it's amazing how bookers can look back at an angle or storyline from the past, such as was done in WCW, and remember it fondly even though, at the time and every time thereafter, it was a complete failure. And yes, WWE is guilty of occasionally doing this as well.) Match should be fun. They seem to be doing a slow-burn with Jeff, and maybe around the summer of 2008 he will finally get that singles world title headline match on PPV.


* Beth Phoenix vs. Mickie James for the Women's Title. I think they're holding off the title change for when Candace Michelle returns. In fact, she may return after this match to set up a title match with Beth at Royal Rumble.


* Finlay vs. Great Khali. I CANNOT WAIT FOR THIS MATCH. Usually, when Khali has brief skirmishes with guys on TV to set up PPV matches, they're awful. Case in point, Hogan and Khali at the Raw XV show. However, Khali and Finlay had a little skirmish on Smackdown, though, and amazingly it was not horrible. Finlay will be competing with Shawn Michaels and John Cena to see who can get the best career match out of Khali. I'm saying it right here -- my money is on Fit Finlay.


* MVP vs. Rey Misterio for the US Title. Rey is replacing Matt Hardy, who was put out for several months when his appendix burst. Obviously, in the end, Matt is going to win the title from MVP. The question is whether Rey will get a brief run in between. My guess is no, but if Matt is out for 2-3 months it could happen. MVP did pin him clean on Smackdown recently, which made no sense unless Rey is getting the belt at the PPV. Either way, I think they're going to have a really good match.


* CM Punk & Kane vs. Big Daddy V & Mark Henry. This has to be a joke on me personally, Bryan Alvarez. For weeks I ranted and raved about having to see Kane and V wrestle every week, and eventually, because of the ECW/Smackdown talent exchange, TWICE PER WEEK. It is, without question, the worst feud of the year, featuring two guys who manage to bring out the worst in each other every single time they touch. I threatened a boycott of their matches, and the next thing I know they sign this. So yes, we used to see them wrestle twice-weekly for free, but now the match has reached such a premium that we must PAY to see it. If I didn't think the rest of this show had such potential I'd follow through with my boycott threat.


Edge over Batista and Undertaker

Orton over Jericho

Michaels over Kennedy

Hunter over Hardy

Phoenix over James

Khali over Finlay

MVP over Rey

BDV and Henry over Punk and Kane when Henry pins Punk to set up a title match


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Randy Orton vs. Chris Jericho (WWE Championship)


Jericho being pinned here would totaly ruin any momentum he has but Orton won't drop the belt this soon. I expect Jericho wins by DQ


Triple Threat Match for the World Heavyweight Championship

Batista vs. Edge vs. Undertaker


I think edge wins the title here. Would expect some sort of screwy finish, possibly involving Vickie.


Triple H vs. Jeff Hardy


Hardy sort of reminds me of Chris Benoit. Everyone loves him and wanted to see him get the strap but he always came up just short until finally he did it. This could go two ways, one HHH wins and somehow Jeff Hardy makes his way into the title match later on in a 3 way. Or Hardy wins and HHH makes his way into it for a three way match. Last I heard, HHH was booked to be the one to win it but I think hardy gets the upset win.



ECW Champion CM Punk & Kane vs. Big Daddy V & Mark Henry


Honestly who gives a damn but I would say the two big black men win it.


Shawn Michaels vs. Mr. Kennedy


Micheal wins with maybe a post match attack by kennedy to keep the feud going.


Finlay vs. The Great Khali


Khali pins Finlay. The little runt will try to get involved but this time it won't make a difference.


Mickie James vs. Beth Phoenix


Beth pins the misused Mickie James.


MVP vs. Rey Mysterio (U.S. Championship)


Considering the long build up for MVP/Hardy for the U.S. title, it makes no sense for Rey to win it. MVP wins by pinfall or Mysterio wins by DQ so he retains the belt until Hardy's return.

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Randy Orton vs. Chris Jericho (WWE Championship)

Jericho wins. If he didn't win, we can't be saved.


Triple Threat Match for the World Heavyweight Championship

Batista vs. Edge vs. Undertaker

Batista pins the Undertaker after Edge hits the spear.


Triple H vs. Jeff Hardy

HHH wins.


ECW Champion CM Punk & Kane vs. Big Daddy V & Mark Henry

Kane wins.


Shawn Michaels vs. Mr. Kennedy

Mr. Kennedy wins by cheating. Match continues on at the Rumble.


Finlay vs. The Great Khali

Khali wins with the vice.


Mickie James vs. Beth Phoenix

Beth wins.


MVP vs. Rey Mysterio (U.S. Championship)

MVP cheats and wins.

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Semi spoilers.


Source: Wrestling Observer


- WWE put more tickets on sale this afternoon for the Armageddon pay-per-view.


- JBL could play a huge part in the Jericho vs. Orton match. JBL attacked Jericho at the Tribute to the Troops special last month so he could end up costing Jericho the match tonight.


- Edge is a probable winner in the Triple Threat match seeing as how the Batista vs. Undertaker program is a bit played out now.


- Look for Triple H to put Jeff Hardy over to make him look good, but get a clean win in the end.


- Kennedy going over Shawn Michaels is likely, but WWE may hold it off for a while. The Khali-Finlay contest could end up in DQ just to get out of the match.

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The Rumble has a habit of giving non-main eventers title matches (Benoit, Holly, Henry, Test, Kennedy, etc.) so, while some thought that Rumble title shot stipulation makes HHH beating Jeff a "sure thing", I can totally see a Hardy/Orton title match at the Rumble.


That said, HHH will probably still win.


Up until last week the advertised house show main event for Nashville, TN was Hardy vs. Orton for the WWE Title. Monday it was advertised as Jericho vs. Orton.

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Rey Mysterio defeated WWE United States Champion MVP via countout in 11:27 when MVP decided at the count of eight not to return to the ring, leaving Jim Korderas no choice but to complete the countout.

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