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I've been drinking

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I should be getting hold of some cocaine and salvia when I go to see Radiohead next week as well.

Why would anyone do cocaine at a Radiohead concert?


I don't plan to take cocaine at the concert itself Czech. I mean, I want to remember the experience entirely.

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Jesus, coke is not that bad. Pretty much all of us drink, right? Well a true gutter drunk is about the saddest sack of shit walking the earth, but that doesn't mean I call everyone who flirts with drunkenness an idiot.


Coke can fuck you up, but so can a lot of shit.


I've done pretty much every drug there is, and what fucked me up worse than anything and in fact made me clean up was DXM, straight up over the counter cough medicine.


It's a game of chance.


Touche. The people who abuse coke are not idiots. My friends who did so were, with a couple exceptions, pretty smart folks. but it still is a very stupid decision in my opinion. I've seen what it does to people. I'd rank it right below meth as one of the worst destroyers of lives from what I've seen.


I didn't ever use DXM much, but I must say that I think people who abuse alcohol aren't much better off than coke fiends. I've never heard stories about people stealing or sucking dick to get a fifth of Jack, but I'm sure it's been done. I was at the point a few years ago where I'd be highly irrational and unpleasant if I had to go one night without getting drunk. I know what that's like, and I wouldn't wish it upon anyone else. At least I don't verbally and physically abuse others like my dad does when he gets drunk.


And on a hopefully lighter note, happy birthday, Frogg.

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Thanks, homie.


I've done pretty much every drug there is, too. Multiple times. And the thing that got me the worst were prescription pills, that were actually prescribed to me.


So, over the counter and prescription drugs were what fucked up two professional druggies the most. I'm sure that means something, but my brain's too slow to figure out what it is.

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I should be getting hold of some cocaine and salvia when I go to see Radiohead next week as well.

Why would anyone do cocaine at a Radiohead concert?


Cuz the Karma Police might get ya

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So, over the counter and prescription drugs were what fucked up two professional druggies the most. I'm sure that means something, but my brain's too slow to figure out what it is.


it means a lot actually. a lot of prescription medication is more dangerous than 'street drugs'. this would be the perfect place for this rant i feel coming on, but it would be underappreciated and i don't feel like extending the energy for a bunch of people that either don't give a shit, or already know what i'm taling about.


i know how much everyone just loves wikipedia, but there's a good article about it there.


http://www.activism.net/wosd/ this is pretty good as well.

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You're all terrible, terrible people. Did they not offer a Values, Influences, and Peers program in your elementary school days to set you right?


When I was in school they told us smoking and doing drugs were bad. Thus, I've never smoked or done drugs.


And use a shift button, Taiga.

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bob gets it, man.


In our VIP Program they even had a fake student for a day act up and be all disruptive. It taught us a lesson about being disruptive, though may have encouraged lying to attain your goals. This was in grade 6, btw.

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Moderation is the treick people. I myself am drunk again now, but due to experience I am more able to type properly than I wos when i first started this thread.

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bob gets it, man.


In our VIP Program they even had a fake student for a day act up and be all disruptive. It taught us a lesson about being disruptive, though may have encouraged lying to attain your goals. This was in grade 6, btw.


Okay, we never had that. That's a bit much

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Anyone who says you shouldn't drink or do drugs is WRONG. With each drug, comes a different experience, comes a different part of your mind opening up, comes a different perception of life. You can evolve and learn through drugs (Especially mushrooms/LSD for me). You can learn about yourself AND the world around you. Sure, there's the danger of becoming a big abuser and ruining your life, but... I've managed to do all kinds of drugs a multiple number of times and not get hooked to any of them. I think the "Try so and so once and you'll be addicted" is bullshit. People who get addicted probably made the choice to take the drug every day anyways, and then after a period of time began to rely on it. It's the same with smoking, if you smoke once you aren't getting hooked... You have to make the choice to smoke regularly and you'll eventually become hooked.



My point is; If you aren't willing to try drugs and experience the different sensations that come with them, don't. But it's not all too dangerous if you ever wanted to.

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Anyone who says you shouldn't drink or do drugs is WRONG. With each drug, comes a different experience, comes a different part of your mind opening up, comes a different perception of life. You can evolve and learn through drugs (Especially mushrooms/LSD for me). You can learn about yourself AND the world around you.


I'd say the best argument against doing drugs is that if you do too many you might one day find yourself saying some stupid shit like this with a straight face.

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I've always said that the South Park where they drink cough syrup was one of the most accurate depictions of drug use I've ever seen.

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I've never heard stories about people stealing or sucking dick to get a fifth of Jack, but I'm sure it's been done.


Also, in regards to this, just for curiosities sake: once you get to that level of alcohol dependence, a fifth might kill you. Basically your liver is so damaged that the alcohol goes pure unfiltered into your system. That's what they have those tiny little bottles in the liquor store for. I always wondered that, like "What are you going to buy a shot? The fuck?" but for a late stage alcoholic, that's all they need.


I wouldn't compare coke and booze, anyway, as far as that, because liquor is so much more easy to get, and pretty cheap.


That was the source of a lot of my alcohol abuse. Basically I just didn't want to be sober, and anything that'd fuck me up, I'd be cool with, but since alcohol was so cheap and available, I just drank all the time. I've been called an alcoholic plenty of times, but I really don't think I am. I just drank too much because I could.

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Anyone who says you shouldn't drink or do drugs is WRONG. With each drug, comes a different experience, comes a different part of your mind opening up, comes a different perception of life. You can evolve and learn through drugs (Especially mushrooms/LSD for me). You can learn about yourself AND the world around you.


I'd say the best argument against doing drugs is that if you do too many you might one day find yourself saying some stupid shit like this with a straight face.


I'd say the best arguement against being against doing drugs is you might be so narrow minded to say stupid shit as this.


Because the chemicals that are in drugs can't react with the chemicals in your brain to make you see the world with a new perception?


You know what alot of the greatest artists, inventors, and philosiphers were on when they came up with their ideas? Drugs!

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Yeah dude. I've done the drugs, and you're plain wrong. Plenty of people simply cannot handle the addictive properties. In the words of Jake Roberts: "If you don't want to become a drug addict, don't pick it up the first time, cuz you'll like it. Don't pick it up!"


Ditto on prescription pills being the most dangerous. I personally know two people who're dead and buried from scrip pill overdoses, and have seen many others get hooked on that shit hard. Alcohol is the other big bad boy, especially with its tendency to magnify the effects of any other drugs you're taking at the same time, in sometimes lethal ways. And of course heroin and coke can kill you, but fewer people use that stuff as opposed to pills and booze.


Brief libertarian soapbox moment: it is physically impossible to overdose on marijuana.

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Well as far as drugs altering your brain patterns to allow you to think of things you otherwise never would have, I fully believe that and won't be convinced otherwise, but whatever.


As for the addictiveness of drugs, I'm just talking from personal experience. It is of course best to never do drugs if you don't want to become an addict, but trying something once or twice doesn't make me need to continue to take the drug. Everybody's different, I guess.

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A lot of the best musicians were heroin addicts, but I don't think heroin was giving them any ideas. Perhaps the experience of being an addict was inspirational (John Frusciante has said this).


I'm actually fairly positive on hallucinogens, but they can alter/ruin your life.

Also, a good anecdote is that some of the best ideas I ever had I got while sniffing glue (something about multiple levels of existence and the density of light), but inhalants permanently damage you every time you do them. Fair trade? I dunno. I have confidence in my sober thought patterns.

Most of the drugs I was doing were being done to escape reality. We can all agree that's bad, I guess.


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You know what alot of the greatest artists, inventors, and philosphers were on when they came up with their ideas? Drugs!


Those people were creative and had the drive to see all their ideas through to begin with. Your average young, bored idiot anywhere in the world huffing fumes, swigging the last of the family cough syrup or taking acid at a party in a bid to get high who may or may not subscribe to what Twisted is saying as an excuse for his drug use is going to remain an idiot. Do drugs if you want, but don't make excuses like some of the 'opening up your mind' idealistic 60s inspired crap or 'all the great minds...' bullshit some users spout, because you and your other idiot buddies will never be among them.

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It's not an excuse to do drugs. I don't need an excuse to do drugs, and I don't do drugs all too often at all. My experience when I have taken drugs? They make me think differently than I did before I took them. Like I said, mostly with shrooms and LSD, but weed and things like coke also to a lesser extent.


I'm not claiming drugs are going to turn you into a genius, I'm just claiming they will make you think differently than you did before you took them.


That's all I said. What do drugs do if they don't effect your thoughts? But everyone is so hostile. Peace dudes.

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To some, it is an excuse. But no one ever said they didn't alter your thoughts and chemistry, but it sounds so stupid and ridiculous the way you put it. Which, like I said, comes across like idealistic 60s hippie bull or anything some kid would say while burned out on his friend's basement couch.

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I smoke weed for the same reasons I smoke cigarettes, eat the foods that i eat and drink what i drink. 'Cause I like it.


It's an essential part of my balanced diet.

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