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Boom Era

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Does anyone think we will ever see another boom era in Pro Wrestling like we had from 1997-2001? Or do you think what has been going on the last several years,sadly, will be the best it will ever get? Discuss.

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It won't happen until WWE stops scripting the promos of all of their superstars down to the very syllable and allow the wrestlers to be more creative and involved in getting their characters over. Superstars that kickstarted the last boom would never have been allowed to develop the way they did in the current environment, and I personally believe that Cena would have been an even bigger star than he is now if the writers hadn't stepped in and cut the edge off his character in late 2003.

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It won't happen until WWE stops scripting the promos of all of their superstars down to the very syllable and allow the wrestlers to be more creative and involved in getting their characters over. Superstars that kickstarted the last boom would never have been allowed to develop the way they did in the current environment, and I personally believe that Cena would have been an even bigger star than he is now if the writers hadn't stepped in and cut the edge off his character in late 2003.


Agreed 100% You can't script things down to the letter because it allows no wiggle room if the angle/promo/whatever isn't getting over from the start.


The past two golden eras came on the backs of guys that became mega-stars: Hulk Hogan and Steve Austin. It'll take some time for a star of that caliber to come along again, but I'm guessing they are out there somewhere. The development, though, has to come naturally.

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Maybe if Vince McMahon retires or dies, and someone with fresh ideas is allowed to take over.


Well, Stephanie is next in line, and we all know how much of an amazing mind she has for the business.

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Does wrestling NEED another boom period at this point in time? Sure, they could always make more money and get more viewers, but it's not like the WWE is down in the dumps like they were back in 1995-1997.

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Does wrestling NEED another boom period at this point in time? Sure, they could always make more money and get more viewers, but it's not like the WWE is down in the dumps like they were back in 1995-1997.


No, it's more a question of the product quality and creative expectations. Financially, WWE is doing fine.

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Until there's another billionaire that's actually a wrestling fan (as opposed to one who sees the "marketing potential") and wants to buy into the business, I wouldn't bet on it.


Yeah... the last "boom" was dependent on the fierce competition between WCW/WWE. Without a steady second promotion that can actually threaten the WWE, we won't see another "boom" period like the late 90's for a long time.

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I don't think not having scripted promos, realistic matches, or having edgy characters will automatically ensure a boom. To me, all that really needs to happen for a wrestler to get over huge like Stone Cold and Hulk Hogan that hook people in to wrestling and keep them. Something or someone is going to catch on that will be totally different than the last boom periods.

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