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Lakers countered their pisspoor first half effort with a huge second half. Pulled away to win by double digits. Kobe's performance was the reason for that. Guy is the MVP.


The Luke Walton thing seems to have ended. After a really good year last year, he can't find the basket anymore. He got pulled about a minute into the third quarter for Vujacic, and didn't return. That'll be the end of him starting for however long Radmanovic will be out, which won't be long at all.


9 in a row is nice too, but even more nice is that this team is so far ahead of where I expected. I didn't think this team would've made the playoffs, but things certainly have changed. In all seasons that a Phil Jackson coached team has won 40 games before they've lost 20, they've gone on to win the NBA Title. And that just so happens to encompass all of Jackson's title winning seasons...a little food for thought.


He might be. He's one of three candidates at this point. I don't think you can throw out Chris Paul or Lebron James at this point, with the seasons they've been having. Kobe is absolutely sick, but is he having a bigger impact on his team than Lebron? If Kobe and Lebron switched places, would Cleveland be as good? Would the Lakers? I'm interested in opinions on this.


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Well, if the Pistons make it to the Finals, I sure hope they don't play the Jazz cuz they OWN Detroit right now.


6 straight now I believe.


Amen to that... I honestly believe that the Pistons would get swept by them.

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Lakers countered their pisspoor first half effort with a huge second half. Pulled away to win by double digits. Kobe's performance was the reason for that. Guy is the MVP.


The Luke Walton thing seems to have ended. After a really good year last year, he can't find the basket anymore. He got pulled about a minute into the third quarter for Vujacic, and didn't return. That'll be the end of him starting for however long Radmanovic will be out, which won't be long at all.


9 in a row is nice too, but even more nice is that this team is so far ahead of where I expected. I didn't think this team would've made the playoffs, but things certainly have changed. In all seasons that a Phil Jackson coached team has won 40 games before they've lost 20, they've gone on to win the NBA Title. And that just so happens to encompass all of Jackson's title winning seasons...a little food for thought.


He might be. He's one of three candidates at this point. I don't think you can throw out Chris Paul or Lebron James at this point, with the seasons they've been having. Kobe is absolutely sick, but is he having a bigger impact on his team than Lebron? If Kobe and Lebron switched places, would Cleveland be as good? Would the Lakers? I'm interested in opinions on this.

I'd have to lean towards Lebron at this point. I've seen the Cavs win more than their fair share of games this season SOLELY because of Lebron. I remember a game against Toronto where Lebron scored something ridiculous like 25 of 27 4th quarter Cleveland points. Plus, he wasn't just shooting, he was doing everything (passing, rebounding, playing good D). And that is an almost nightly occurrence with the team around him. Even his averages are mind-blowing, no one has had that good of a stat line since Jordan.


Kobe's been great and Paul has also been terrific but I think Lebron is definetely MVP this year.

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I have it ranked Paul, Lebron, Kobe right now, but it's close and I think it might shift around a bit as the season progresses. All three have a legitimate claim. Kevin Garnett probably deserves to be in the discussion as well (although personally, I feel his contributions are overrated).

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This team, even with all the other guys, would be in the shitter if Kobe was not here. Look no further than the Phoenix game. He took this team on his back and carried them to the win. The proof is in the pudding, and typically, when he leaves the game, the team struggles mightily. Taking all things into account, Paul and LeBron don't have the defensive impact that Kobe does. Kobe's playing with hurt ribs, a hurt foot, and a broken finger. And he's playing like THIS.


Even that said, it's hard to believe that Kobe's not going to win the MVP. He hasn't won one yet, which is a crock. What LeBron is doing right now, Kobe has been doing for years. I kinda look at it like this, as far as a Kobe/LeBron comparison goes. LeBron is the best athlete, Kobe is the best player, for now, anyway.


I think Garnett's injury totally takes him out of the picture. If I were to say no Kobe for MVP, you've gotta go with Chris Paul. Got to.

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Guest Vitamin X

I always said Kobe is MJ to Lebron's Magic Johnson. Which could hardly be misconstrued as an insult to either player. And I agree with King; Kobe does deserve an MVP, if anything because he's been doing this same thing for years and Lebron doesn't have the defensive ability that Kobe does (although I'm waiting for Ripper to come in here any time now and refute that as he usually does). Although I still think that if you don't vote Kobe for MVP, it should be Lebron. Chris Paul has been playing out of his mind, but I doubt he's going to get the love from voters that Kobe or Lebron would get, especially considering all three haven't won before (and will likely all have a chance to do it again in the future).

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I don't see how it's not Kobe at this point. To me, the Lakers have actually looked stronger since Bynum went down (the one exception being the Kwame game against Phoenix), even before Gasol got there, and I think that's really attributable to Kobe's leadership skills, and the fact that I think he's finally gained full trust in his teammates this season.


I'm sure the main argument with LeBron is probably the same as it has been with Kobe the last two years: "well if you take him off that team, blahblahblah"...yeah, and when you put him on that team, they're barely over .500 in the Eastern Conference. That will never get my vote, I'm sorry. I think if you're going to put LeBron James in the argument, you have to give Dwight Howard a look, as well. Orlando has been far more consistent than Cleveland has all season, and he's been arguably the most dominant big man in the league.


If I had a ballot, this is what it would look like:


1. Kobe Bryant

2. Chris Paul

3. Kevin Garnett

4. LeBron James

5. either Howard, Duncan, or Nash here. You could go either way.

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The reason I think Kobe won't get it is because everyone's going to point to that nationally televised Lakers/Cavs game from a few weeks ago, where LeBron outplayed Kobe down the stretch, and say they can't put Kobe ahead of LeBron on that basis.


Which is bullshit, but there you go.

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Its a Lebron, Kobe, Paul toss up.


If the Hornets don't get it together(which I expect them to) I will say its between Kobe and Lebron.


I think Kobe is too good to go through his career without a MVP though. It would be pretty screwed up, but I would honestly go Lebron, Kobe, Paul right now.


That is the order of the talent level. I think that Lebron is doing the most with the least, Kobe has a decent team but they are not as good as their record. Most of that is KObe. I think Paul has the best all around team of the three with David West, Peja, Chandler, Mo Pete, and others.


And yes Vita, I still think that Lebron is a better defender than Kobe. Kobe could be, but consistantly, I think Lebron does a better job. Last year and the year before, they were both pretty bad, and clearly not giving effort. This year, Lebron has definately been playing some great defense.


And I can agree with Vita, I do think of Kobe as the MJ and Lebron as the Magic. I also think Magic Johnson is the greatest player ever to play the game.

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I don't see how it's not Kobe at this point. To me, the Lakers have actually looked stronger since Bynum went down (the one exception being the Kwame game against Phoenix), even before Gasol got there, and I think that's really attributable to Kobe's leadership skills, and the fact that I think he's finally gained full trust in his teammates this season.


I'm sure the main argument with LeBron is probably the same as it has been with Kobe the last two years: "well if you take him off that team, blahblahblah"...yeah, and when you put him on that team, they're barely over .500 in the Eastern Conference. That will never get my vote, I'm sorry. I think if you're going to put LeBron James in the argument, you have to give Dwight Howard a look, as well. Orlando has been far more consistent than Cleveland has all season, and he's been arguably the most dominant big man in the league.


If I had a ballot, this is what it would look like:


1. Kobe Bryant

2. Chris Paul

3. Kevin Garnett

4. LeBron James

5. either Howard, Duncan, or Nash here. You could go either way.


If Kobe wins, you wont hear a word of complaint out of me, but I really think LeBron deserves it thus far. His team is barely over .500 in the east, but if you replaced LeBron with, say, Gerald Wallace. Where are the Cavs? They're dead in the water. They're the Bobcats. If you replaced Kobe with Rip Hamilton, isn't that team still competing for a 7th or 8th spot in the West? This isn't how we should be picking MVPs, of course. Well, not the only way, but it's something to think about.


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I didn't think it was possible, but with the combination of Billy Knight having to fight for the Hawks to draft Horford instead of Yi, and that it has come out that he has tried to fire Mike Woodson at least 3 times but the ownership wouldn't let him, I have alot more respect for the guy. I might even get over the whole Chris Paul thing(when I threatened to kick him in the balls if he didn't draft him).

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If you guys get some time in the next few days, read the two latest articles that Bill Simmons put up on espn.com regarding the Sonics' move to Oklahoma City. It really is a travaesty what is being done to city and the fans of the team. If you care, and have some free time, maybe drop a quick line to NBA's feedback section regarding your displeasure with the way things are being handled.

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Gordon Giricek was waived by the Sixers today. It is expected he will sign with the Suns when he clears waivers.


I don't think I saw anything in this thread on Magloire signing with Dallas or Flip Murray signing with the Clippers, although the Flip Murray signing really means nothing.

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If you guys get some time in the next few days, read the two latest articles that Bill Simmons put up on espn.com regarding the Sonics' move to Oklahoma City. It really is a travaesty what is being done to city and the fans of the team. If you care, and have some free time, maybe drop a quick line to NBA's feedback section regarding your displeasure with the way things are being handled.

As a Blazers fan I always considered the Sonics an afterthought or for a time that team Shawn Kemp plays for. I never felt sorry for them because I live in Portland and have met about 4 Sonics fans in my life. After reading Simmons it is apparent that there are actually Sonics fans out there and they actually care.


I still don't give a shit about them but I've been to Seattle numerous times and will visit many more in the future. Great city. I will however likely NEVER step foot in Oklahoma City. There is nothing about OKC that is even remotely interesting to me. Granted I've never been there, and as I previously stated hopefully never will go there, but how in the hell can David Stern rationalize having a team in a state so shitty the Indians were forced to live there. Oklahoma doesn't need a team. And if they did have to have one at least take one from somewhere else shitty like Sacramento.




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Also, Theo Ratliff to the Pistons, and not Dale Davis as was previously rumored.


The Kings will buy out Tyronn Lue. I've heard Phoenix as a possible destination.

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Fuck. You.

Who, me? What for? The knock on OKC? Indians? Fair weather Sonics fans?


Anyways. The key to Portland's early success was among other things James Jones and what he brought. In his first game back they take down LA. Hopefully this is the start of another run at the playoffs. They are still a terrible rebounding team though.


Travis Outlaw's one dribble and pull up jumper is just about unstoppable. He's a solid shooter but it's his freakish length and athleticism which make it impossible to defend.


*the officials certainly tried to hand this one to the Lakers.

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Fuck. You.

Who, me? What for? The knock on OKC? Indians? Fair weather Sonics fans?


Anyways. The key to Portland's early success was among other things James Jones and what he brought. In his first game back they take down LA. Hopefully this is the start of another run at the playoffs. They are still a terrible rebounding team though.


Travis Outlaw's one dribble and pull up jumper is just about unstoppable. He's a solid shooter but it's his freakish length and athleticism which make it impossible to defend.


*the officials certainly tried to hand this one to the Lakers.


Mr. Slim Citrus the Wildchild

Original East Coast Kings Fan


Right in the sig.

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Ohhhh. Sacramento is a shitty city though. The Maloofs want out. For some reason I thought that meant the Kings of the NHL.

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Sacramento is not a shitty city. It's exactly the kind of city I'd want to raise my son in... if I were willing to pack up my whole life and move across the country...


... and have a boring son who ends up selling meth out of his '98 Corolla behind an AM/PM. Sacramento smells like unholy cow mess.

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Guest Vitamin X

Having lived in Los Angeles and gone through Sacramento numerous times, I'm sorry, but IK Cool Jew nailed it on the head. Portland and San Francisco are better than both of those places, though.


By the way, exciting game last night eh, Blazer fans? (high-five) I believe that solidifies my betrayal enough.

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The recurring thing from both these games against Portland this week is...damn, LaMarcus Aldridge is good. Like, I knew he was really good, but not that good.


Can't win 'em all, and the Lakers record in Portland since 1992 during the regular season kinda shows that this was going to be the one to break the winning streak. I think they're 8-26 now. I didn't think the officials tried to hand us the game, but both teams got some favorable calls. We got a bit more. Biggest brightside is that Luke Walton finally played a good game.


LA as in the actual city is a shithole, but the surrounding areas, uh, no. I never want to leave the area I live in.

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Guest Vitamin X

I know I might have mentioned this before in Maff, but I met Aldridge and Roy at the Safeway across the street from my house at the beginning of the season, and got both their autographs. I also pleaded with Aldridge to do awesome on the boards since he was on my fantasy team, and he laughed. I'm glad to know he listened.


And LA is like any other big city- it's got its shitholes and its nice areas. Hollywood and Santa Monica, along with some parts of the valley like Encino and Burbank are pretty tight (or where I lived in Santa Clarita), but then you've got the usual suspects like East LA, Compton, etc. that suck. LA's especially odd because it's, as referred to in architectural/urban design circles, as a hundred suburbs looking for a downtown. Just a big sprawling mess that's really hard to characterize as a traditional city.


But anyways, I think James Jones might actually have a legit argument to being the Sixth Man of the Year, especially if the Blazers go on a run that gets them into the playoffs. I can't think of another player that brings as much off the bench as he does on the Blazers, or even on a lot of teams around the league. Manu doesn't count since he could/should be starting at the two, and there's a huge difference on the Blazers between when Jones is and isn't playing.

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Guest Michael Myers Resplendent
I know I might have mentioned this before in Maff, but I met Aldridge and Roy at the Safeway across the street from my house at the beginning of the season, and got both their autographs.

I presume that they were there for an autograph signing, but I preferred the mental picture of them going grocery shopping together, with you flagging them down somewhere between produce and the bakery.

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