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Twisted Intestine

Bad ideas for a wrestling fed

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Has anyone ever checked out Kaiju Big Battel? worth a look if you want to see something interesting...this might be badass with some real production and budget.

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A fed based around the bible, and it could easily be turned into a musical.



Main Event


Satan w/ The Demon vs. Jesus w/Judas


Other matches include...


-David vs. Goliath


-Samson vs. Brutus Beefcake w/Delilah


-Peter and Paul vs. The Roman Soldiers


Special appearance by Moses!!


Edit: I think Ted Dibease is already doing this.

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Remember the old Batman show when the big "POW," "WHAM," "ZAP" screens would flash after every punch, etc? I'd like to see something like that, except listing the names of each move.


Ah, I remember the days when WCW used to air over here in England and because it was on in the evening they actually did cover up weapon shots with Batman effects.


And CHIKARA, it's moved away from character stuff a little more recently. You've still got plenty of it, like The Colony, Hydra, Los Ice Creams, but it's much more resembling of a 'straight' indy than it used to be say two years ago. Definately not on HUSTLE levels.


I'd say they have a nice balance of half of Chikara's roster being gimmicky and the other half being straight indy. It just happens that their non gimmicked guys all have a really flushed out character to begin with.

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