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The Ghost of bps21

The return?...debut?...redebut? of Consequences Creed

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Video that LIVE Impact couldn't handle


Anyone who saw Bound For Glory in October will remember Consequences Creed. He's the guy who replaced PacMan Jones in the TNA Tag Title loss to AJ Styles and Tomko.


Upon his enterence I know I was scratching my head. Decked out like Apolo Creed circa Rocky 4 and dancing to the ring I thought we were in for another dose of patented TNA WrestleCrap.


Surprisingly, Creed went out and had a nice showing. So nice, in fact, that TNA signed him to a contract and is now ready to bring him to the active roster (previous videos listed the date of Lockdown as his return date...the new video just says "2 weeks")


So...it's a feel good story and a new wrestler who ISN'T a WWE castoff...which are both plusses.


Who knows what they'll do with him...or how good he'll be (although I'm pretty impressed with how he carried himself put in a pretty tough spot on TNA's biggest show to date) but anyway...


He highlights the problem that I've been having with TNA for a while. The lack of a midcard title.


Eric Young, Robert Roode, James Storm, Kaz (since they don't use him as an X division guy at this point) and now Creed all fit a mold of nowhere to go. They aren't going to be X champions. They aren't in tag teams. They aren't going to be World champion. What is the point?


Sure guys like Roode are billed as a future top guy...and hey...maybe. And he gets to work a long program with a big name...but they aren't going to be putting him in the title picture even if he were to win the feud.


I thought for a long time that TNA didn't need another title...but given their penchant for not always defending the ones they have on tv or ppv with any regularity...maybe it wouldn't hurt.


Think about this...If they decided to push Hernandez as a singles wrestler...they'd have no title for him to go after BUT the TNA title. Since they have trouble coming up with reasons for people to feud that make any sense as it is maybe just throwing a midcard title in the mix would take away some of the lunacy.


They could always throw guys like Booker and Abyss and Steiner and who although seen as above a midcard title...aren't in the main event scene into the slot too.


It could be a good way to seperate a guy that they want to move away from the X division too. Kaz would benefit alot by just having a goal other than sitting around waiting for another title shot that probably isn't coming.


I know that 5 titles would be a lot...but they don't really use them all the time anyway. It could actually look good for the title if (in one of the many 6 man ppv matches that the World and Tag titles seem to be stuck in) the card had a title defense other than the specialized woman's and cruisers...er...x division.



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I too am curious about how Creed will do as a singles wrestler. He did pretty well during Bound for Glory and he really impressed me.


Now to what I really wanna talk about. Personally, I think TNA desperately needs a midcard, IC/US type title for the mass of midcarders they have on the roster. Robert Roode is a perfect example. Roode is a guy who I think is very talented and a wonderful talent for TNA, however he is not a guy that needs to be ANYWHERE near the world title. He's the kind of guy I would give the IC title to and let him run with it. It's the same with a lot of guys on the TNA roster. Theyre all, for the most part, good talents, but they aren't guys who really need to be wrestling for the world title. At least not yet. James Storm, Hernandez, Kaz, they're guys I'd want to hold the midcard title for a while until I felt they were ready to move up. As is, IMO, Storm and maybe even Kaz are guys who are really close to being bonafide ME'ers, but just need some decisive, meaningful wins before they get thrust in there with the Stings, Christian Cages, Kurt Angles, and Samoa Joes; wins they would get from holding an upper to mid card title.

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I would 100% agree with a midcard title, to a point you could consider the X-Division title a midcard belt, I think they should drop the whole "X-Division" monkier and just go with somethin like the TNA North American or TNA International title and have guys like Shelley, Sabin, Petey on equal footing in the midcard placements with guys like Roode, Storm, Kaz

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I've always like the idea of a TV title if actually always and only defended on TV. It could change hands more often because it would be defended every week, wheras the others are only once a month. It also would get guys over just to see how long they could hold the thing.


I realize there are nearly a dozen flaws with the concept...but I've always wanted it...dammit.

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I've always like the idea of a TV title if actually always and only defended on TV. It could change hands more often because it would be defended every week, wheras the others are only once a month. It also would get guys over just to see how long they could hold the thing.


I realize there are nearly a dozen flaws with the concept...but I've always wanted it...dammit.


When I read, TNA needs a midcard title, the TV title popped right into my head. Slap a time limit on the matches have a cowardly heel last another week due to a time limit draw as the face hits his finisher for a sure win. It's instant heat, I remember how much I hated Regal in WCW doing that very thing on WCW Saturday Nights. I've always loved the concept of a title that is regularly defended and makes it something a little different than the other titles.



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See...I agree. That time limit gimmick could be perfect for someone like Roode or Storm.


Let's just say Storm chickenshit heels up the title for months and they build up Kaz as just barely missing out time and time again. When he finally pins him that's awesome. No stupid storyline...just a reason to watch a segment or 2 a week....with guys that aren't the "big" names. That's how you get some people over without even having to try.


If a million people are watching the TV and they're given a reason to care about something...


Gee...I don't know.

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Guest LuckyLopez

I completely agree about the midcard title thing and at this stage I doubt it would crowd up the roster at all but rather just give the feuds that are happening anyway and wrestlers who are being featured anyway a clear reason and motivation.


But is Creed really not a viable X guy? Wiki lists him at 5'9" and 202 lbs, which seems no bigger than a Kaz or Christopher Daniels. I think he could be a nice breath of fresh air in the X division and if he's playing the serious and focused character that he seems to be in that promo (and not the Apollo Creed one from BFG) I think he could be a nice foil for a guy like Lethal and a bit of legitimacy for an X division that's starting to look like a comedy division with all the ridiculous gimmicks. Curry Man, Black Machismo, Stone Cold Shark Boy. If they're working, great. But have a Creed and a Kaz in there to help make the division look serious can't hurt.


The first promo said April 13th, which is Lockdown. The 2nd said April 10th, which is the Impact before Lockdown in 2 weeks. Right now I'm actually thinking that Creed might win the final Xscape Qualifier on the 10th and come out of Lockdown as X Champ. Its not that often that TNA hypes a guy in this way, especially when he's not an existing name. If Dutt's gonna turn on Lethal then why not have him betray and eliminate Lethal in Xscape only for him to lose the match as well? Dutt and Lethal can happen without the X Title and Creed as X Champ could feel very different and fresh. And if you could maybe have him do a feud with Kaz I think that could help breath new life into the division and raise it a little bit (not that Kaz is a main eventer or anything, but a illegitimate guy who looks the part and has been working with the upper card for more than 6 months).

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You're right. He could be an X guy and I like the idea of having him in the XScape match as well.


I just naturally assumed that he wasn't going to be an X guy because they gave him hype videos wheras the division is pretty much ignored.

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Guest LuckyLopez

That's understandable. I'm probably just hoping he'll find his way in there because I keep hoping that TNA will book the tag and X divisions half as well as they have with the women's and bringing in a new guy as a star would be focus they haven't given the division in awhile.


Of course I'm also doing my damnedest to avoid spoilers so my hopes could be dashed already and I don't even know it.

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Wasn't Sonny Siaki a former X-Division Champion? Wasn't Joe? Why the hell can't Hernandez win it? He works well enough with smaller guys, doesn't he? I thought it had more to do with the style you work/can work than your size...

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Wasn't Sonny Siaki a former X-Division Champion? Wasn't Joe? Why the hell can't Hernandez win it? He works well enough with smaller guys, doesn't he? I thought it had more to do with the style you work/can work than your size...


"It's not about weight limits, it's about no limits." The catch phrase for the X-Division. Hernandez, if pushed in that direction, can pull it off. He can't be worse then Siaki as the X-Division champion.

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The problem that I have with the big guy winning the X title is that it really just makes the little guys seem ineffective. Joe dominated everyone...and then he never even lost the damn thing. I know they were going for his winning streak...but looking back on it...it would have been much cooler if an X guy finally toppled Joe for the title instead of Angle doing it.

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Guest LuckyLopez

Yeah, I have no real problem pushing the "its not about weight limits" thing and TNA has done it a number of times with Joe, Nash, X (Carl Ouellet), and Team 3D (and Siaki if you include him but he never seemed to be a size misfit to me as much as he was a style misfit). I like Hernandez and I've been very impressed and surprised by his performances but I'm not sure what there is to gain from an X Division run. As was said, Joe kinda squashed the division and left it broken and destroyed in a way it has yet to recover from. Hernandez would similarly dominate them you'd think, with a few of the more high profile ones fighting him like AJ and Daniels did Joe. Hernandez would hurl the little guys around in brutal ways and he'd make our jaws drop a few times with his leaps but after that I'm not sure what story there is to tell. And it doesn't seem like we're far enough away from Joe to do that basic story again, especially since we've had the big bullies assault the X division in Nash and the Dudleyz since then.


If the story made sense for Hernandez and TNA and I could be confident that at least one guy would beat him so the division wouldn't be left with no legitimate players afterwards, I'd be all for it. But I think its in everyone's best interests right now for LAX to be part of rebuilding the tag division and regaining the heat the momentum they once had and the X Division rebuilding itself with what brought it to the table in the first place.

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I really think that TNA needs to establish a set of rules for the X Division to separate it from everything else. "It's not about weight limits, it's about no limits" was thrown right the fuck out of the window the moment it became apparent (oh, Week 4 or so) that everybody involved in the X Division was going to be a high flyer, considering it's geared more towards fans of Cruiserweight/Junior Heavyweight action. That's why Siaki didn't work: he was a brawler with a few cool moves. That's why Michael Shane didn't work: he was an old-school wrestler that could bump big. But a simple addition of a set of rules, like things concerning pinfalls and no count-out's and maybe even take some of the rules from the RoH Pure matches, could differentiate it and allow ALL to compete so long as they can fit the rules.

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The ONLY way I can see Hernandez holding the X-Division title is if they decide to split up LAX. They can have Homicide hold the title and Hernandez is jealous that he has a singles title. He then slowing turns on Homicide setting up Homicide vs Hernandez in Ultimate X or a Steal Cage for the title. I wouldn't want that to happen as there are TOO MANY tag teams that don't like each other today, plus they are the best team going today.

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