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Matt Young

Madden, NFL Head Coach, and NCAA Football 2009

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Just checking to see if you had what I have, because I didn't have a freeze so much as a "Disc unreadable" error that would pop up whenever I tried to load...anything.


I'm already on my second Madden CE, for god's sake, I'll probably bitch to EA for a third one while my 360's on its way to Houston for the end-of-warranty "Give me anything you'll give me while it's still under warranty" repair job.

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Guest Vitamin X

Nah it would go to the game and everything and start up, do the intros, coin toss, and then it usually froze up in the first few minutes of the game. I think the first time it froze on kickoff play-call, and another time while I was playing offense. It might be the play-calling screen, which according to the new patch details..


2. Stability issues in the play call / halftime highlights / postgame highlights screens (especially in Franchise mode after training games): This was a hard one to track down as not everyone was seeing it , we did find the issue however with some Instant Replay / cache corruption, and have a fix ready for patch 2.


Workaround until the patch: Save and re-boot after any point where you have entered the game. We learned that the likelihood of this issue appearing is magnified after multiple loads into and out of the game engine. From what we’ve seen so far, people that have tried playing only one game at a time (or even one Franchise training session at a time), and saving/rebooting afterwards, have had zero crashes.

And a couple other interesting ones...

13. Play call screen hitch: We found and fixed a bug that was causing a noticeable hitch when exiting the play call screen


14. Prevent Defense issue: We found and fixed an issue where defenders sharing a deep zone/prevent assignment would loosen their coverage (because they thought the other guy was covering for them), which allowed the receiver to get behind them even though they were in Prevent.


16. Defensive Preplay Mis-cue: We found and fixed an issue where defenders would leave their man wide open in a Cover 3.


From Pastapadre, the full details on Patch #2.


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Guest Vitamin X

Yeah I restarted my franchise since I wasn't that far into it in the first place and I wanted Tom Brady to be out for the year for fun.

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Worst thing in the world: Losing a game to Miami as Florida State on wide right from 35 yards out. It's like all of the old horrible memories of a kid resurfacing to kick me in the balls. Making it worse is he was one of the top guys I recruited so I would have insurance in case something like this happened. And so what does he do in his first clutch kick? Wide frickin right!

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Is it me or does Madden seem slower this year?


It feels like some guys just have no acceleration.


Maybe it's just me?

Felt kinda slow to me too, until I got a WR screen to Smith and he smoked the Chiefs defense. That was the first & only time it felt not slow to me, was in a dead sprint, everything else felt...realistic, I guess, you can't just barrel-ass at top speed for any length of time unless you happen to break one and breaking one is a bitch.

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Do CPU franchises sell sponsorships and change stadium names? Because I played week 1 of the 2009 season in my franchise at Pittsburgh, and the game was played at "Snickers Stadium".

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The more I play Madden and NCAA, the more I realize I want the subdivision to be an actually part of the future NCAA franchise and I still want a expansion mode in Madden.


I'm tired of playing as an established team, I want to be forced to build from scratch literally. Right now, every franchise has something to work with. I remember when the NBA series did that for the Raptors and...well I totally forgot who came in with the Raptors but that was a seriously fun mode. I sorta remember expansion mode existing in Madden 2002 when the Texans first showed up but I might be off on that.


I might still be the only one waiting for that boat but dammit, I'm going to stay with it til the end!

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I played the hell out of Madden 2002 just because of the expansion into the Texans, so I agree with you on that one.


And the Vancouver Grizzlies came in with the Raptors.

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I re-rented Madden again and I swear an update put Brett Favre on the Jets, but I was playing season mode and when I played the Jets, Pennington or whoever was the QB and not Favre. Wasn't there a update that updated the rosters?

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There have been several roster updates released. Favre was on the Jets in an update that was available the day the game came out. You have to enter into "Quick Play" for an online game (don't even have to play the game) to download the rosters.

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Hmm ok then I did download that update. Does it not affect Franchise mode then or do I have to start a new Franchise mode?

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I remember when the NBA series did that for the Raptors and...well I totally forgot who came in with the Raptors but that was a seriously fun mode.


That was the Grizzlies, and I remember that too.


I wouldn't mind an expansion mode either. Especially if it had an expansion draft to go with it.

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New 360, same old "Disc unreadable" error. I wish I hadn't gone Collector's Edition because now I have to make a swap and every store with stupid enough employees to overlook the lack of receipt for a product exchange doesn't stock the CE.


So I'm left either begging Amazon for an extension on exchange policy or (ugh) mailing it back to EA.

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Quick, somebody convince me not to buy NCAA 09. I've got the itch to make Syracuse not a laughingstock.


The game is almost exactly the same as Madden 08 but with a new coat of paint and online dynasty. Plus it freezes all the time.

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Must be an Xbox thing cause my PS3 version froze like once and that was after playing my sixth game of the day with no breaks. I love NCAA 09 a lot more than Madden.


Both are passing defense nightmares though. I played Madden 02 yesterday and it was honestly shocking to see the defense AND the offense was better 7 years ago than it is now. I really wish they would undo what they did in an effort to make it more fun for arcade style players. Cause a 56-52 game between Arizona and Dallas is ungodly unrealistic.

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*Casts Phoenix Down on thread*


I've been playing a little Madden due to the playoffs. In my 4th game of the 2009 season (first time back playing) Aaron Rodgers suffered a torn pec and is now out for 9 games.


In other new, I got Blitz: The League II. This is one fun ass game. I was ready to declare that the CPU is too hard/cheap after playing 3 exhibition games (difficulty is adjustable; I'm talking Normal) but apparently, in Campaign, the difficulty must be scaling.


After winning 2 of 3 exhibition games and completing the tutorials, I won my first Campaign game 54-14. It could have been more, had I not screwed up. So it must be that Division 3 teams are atrocious, and Division 1 teams will hopefully provide a tough challenge.


So far, I'm loving the game. For $20, it was a steal, but even for the full $40, I'd say it's worth it. Does anyone else have it?

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Fuck the prison game. I lost on a last second TD the first time, and then I've gotten injured, automatically ending the game, 7 straight times. That usually happens in the 4th quarter.

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