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Guest cobainwasmurdered

my wife is really into The Real World and she's been bugging me to find seasons of it online but I haven't been able to find anything before the last several seasons. I doubt you guys would have any ideas though?

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I already like this season more than the past 5 together.

That's because the whole house seems to be batshit crazy.


Exaggeration of course, but at least the people they decide to focus on. (Aka Joey and Bri) And Greg seems to be weird in his own right. but some of the things we've seen so far, these people seem to be total headcases. And sadly, that's what they look for, so if I applied I'd probably never get on. :(


But, that doesn't stop the season from being fun. Definitely the best season since San Diego so far.

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my wife is really into The Real World and she's been bugging me to find seasons of it online but I haven't been able to find anything before the last several seasons. I doubt you guys would have any ideas though?

Yeah, get a divorce *rimshot*


Question: I've had an episode or two forced upon me this season, and I've seen enough to see Andy Dick. Is he involved at all? I didn't think anyone could have a bigger meltdown than some of this year's cast, but if they're putting Andy on TV...I just wanna know if I should keep watching.

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my wife is really into The Real World and she's been bugging me to find seasons of it online but I haven't been able to find anything before the last several seasons. I doubt you guys would have any ideas though?

Yeah, get a divorce *rimshot*


Question: I've had an episode or two forced upon me this season, and I've seen enough to see Andy Dick. Is he involved at all? I didn't think anyone could have a bigger meltdown than some of this year's cast, but if they're putting Andy on TV...I just wanna know if I should keep watching.

Not really. And the appearance he did make, wasn't him being over the top Andy Dick, he was just being a regular, or as regular as you can get being Andy dick, guy.


The whole thing is that this season, instead of having a job, the roomates are going to be taking an improv class. He was just there to introduce them to the studio, and the women who trained him, and other actors. So I don't expect to really see him again. Probably on the last episode when they do their final show or something, but that's about it.

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There all actor/musician/whatever's, this is so far and is sure to end up being the least real Real World ever, by a long shot. It's unbearable.

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Yep. Nothing real about anime-character looking guys wanting to be actors, girls claiming to be singers, guys saying they are music producers, or obnoxious egotistical internet types. Won't find any of THEM around...

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Well hey, at least the people on this season ADMIT that they came on the Real World to get famous, unlike the casts of the previous 10 or so seasons that pretended they were "there for the experience"

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I'll give it that, but Joey's "breakdown" was almost comical.


I did like the white chick telling the stripper to not act "like she was from blackville".

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I have to agree with that sentiment, this season has been awesome. It's been a while since I've seen a Real World episode, and really had that, 'damn! I really want to see/can't wait for the next episode' feeling. Just a lot of thoughts running in my head about the show, and that hasn't happened in a while.


In the case of tonight's episode, I really sort of feel for Greg. Don't really know what to think. Because even though he's a total asshole (I mean the doing pranks and denying it, isn't as bad, but the stealing the panties thing? Sort of weird dude.) But at the same time, Will's "revenge" is just the ultimate...fuck you. Having had that happen before myself where a supposed friends trying to hook up with a girl you're interested in, I know that feeling, and I wouldn't have been surprised if Greg had went off. (Even though the girl was just showing she was a slut). I've also been on the other end as well so I can't say to much, and I get what will was doing But still...pretty fucked up.


this season has definitely been great though.

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Eh the chick was a total whore/slut, but she liked Will (according to others in the house) as soon as she met him. Chances are the girl was just a trick who picked up on the fact that loser Greg was a part of the house she could get on TV through, and played to his "associate" bullshit, just to meet up with Will and the others in the house, and to just get a little TV exposure. Plus I think she didnt want to tell Greg what was up (after she got out of the room with him) at the insistence of Will telling her not to, as it would just create more drama than necessary. Plus it's making Greg have to think a little bit about how he likes be treated like that when he does the same to others.


If a guy I vouched and stood up for time and time again kept digging himself a deeper hole with others and outright would lie and BS me, he's not a friend so a girl who would be into me versus him is no real big deal. It's not like he forced her to go into the confessional with him, etc. He didn't steal shit from Greg, from the way it seemed that girl wasn't really even ever with Greg for the most part. She was just a random slut. I didnt see the big deal at all since Will made it clear to Greg he thought he was a piece of shit for treating the girls as he did, and Greg doesn't deserve an ounce of respect or loyalty anyway since he never even treats people like, well, people. Revenge is always never the greatest thing to do in any situation for the most part, but in this case, I didn't see the big deal. I think it was more a point Will was trying to make to Greg that if he wants to BUTT into other people's business (Greg was pulling David to hook up with the slut bigtime right after he was going to call it a night and hook up with the one blonde in the house, ie reverse cockblocking), pull really lame "pranks" on roomates for his own type of revenge, and generally just being a really ridiculous asshole to everyone, then he just gets to find out what it's like for it to happen to him. Maybe it will make Greg grow the fuck up a bit.


And Greg is the biggest idiot I've ever seen on these Real World shows, by far. He's more immature and insecure than the girls in the house, which is saying alot.

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The blonde chick and the stripper chick are the biggest hypocrites on the show. The blonde girl roommate was hooking up with blonde guy roommate from the get-go because she thought he was cute, yet any OTHER woman he brings home is automatically a "skank" or a "whore" for basically doing the same thing. And then the stripper chick is doing the same thing with that night-club manager guy yet is out there making fun of women that other guys bring home.


The brown-haired chick(sarah?) is not as much of a hypocrite but she seems to do things based on "religious upbringing" which is fine, but at the same time she has to realize that going on a "reality" show with people that have different upbringings and backgrounds, they aren't going to see things the way she does in every instance, especially when it comes to sex and relationships. And also, I forgot the exact place, but she went to a pretty mainstream college so you'd think she'd have been exposed to this type of behavior a lot by now, unless she either still lived at home while attending, or was in some type of religious sorority. It just annoys me that anytime someone isn't behaving up to her "moral standards" she is on the phone with her parents bitching about other adults.


Everyone in this season has serious personality issues except that one guy with the dreads, but even he kind of turned me off at the beginning by pursuing Sarah(I think that is her name) although the editing made it seem like Sarah might have been interested at that time so maybe I am overreacting.


Oh and that girl that Will "stole" from Greg was not even hot to begin with, if anything Greg should THANK Will for getting her away...

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Greg is a joke of a human, I hope they get him to do every challenge show they ever make from here on out.


I thought it was hilarious to see the stripper making out with him in the hottub on a preview for another episode after she was just berating him 4 minutes prior. Oh alcohol and stupidity, like lover's intertwined making eachother more potent.


I hope Will gets kicked out for actually hitting Greg, otherwise that'd be one hell of a waste.

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Greg is a joke of a human, I hope they get him to do every challenge show they ever make from here on out.


I thought it was hilarious to see the stripper making out with him in the hottub on a preview for another episode after she was just berating him 4 minutes prior. Oh alcohol and stupidity, like lover's intertwined making eachother more potent.


I hope Will gets kicked out for actually hitting Greg, otherwise that'd be one hell of a waste.

Surprisingly I don't think he hits him.


I think I remember seeing in the first 'preview' show, he takes the swing, but just sort of near misses, and doesn't actually hit him. Then again they sort of cut away soon after so it was hard to tell.

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The blonde chick and the stripper chick are the biggest hypocrites on the show. The blonde girl roommate was hooking up with blonde guy roommate from the get-go because she thought he was cute, yet any OTHER woman he brings home is automatically a "skank" or a "whore" for basically doing the same thing. And then the stripper chick is doing the same thing with that night-club manager guy yet is out there making fun of women that other guys bring home.


The brown-haired chick(sarah?) is not as much of a hypocrite but she seems to do things based on "religious upbringing" which is fine, but at the same time she has to realize that going on a "reality" show with people that have different upbringings and backgrounds, they aren't going to see things the way she does in every instance, especially when it comes to sex and relationships. And also, I forgot the exact place, but she went to a pretty mainstream college so you'd think she'd have been exposed to this type of behavior a lot by now, unless she either still lived at home while attending, or was in some type of religious sorority. It just annoys me that anytime someone isn't behaving up to her "moral standards" she is on the phone with her parents bitching about other adults.


The girls are definately out there, there is no doubt.


Blonde chick (Rebecca? I cant remember her name) is just acting out at the other girls because she actually likes the blonde haired dude she's been sleeping with. Probably more than she cares to ever admit. Its a cliche case of girl, at first, doing the "I dont like you" act and think she can just fuck without emotional attachment, but she gets attached and then gets mad when the guy isn't feeling it the same way. So even though her behaviour is definately immature, its typical girl shit that I at least can understand why she's acting that way. If the blonde guy would have just stopped sleeping with her after the last back and forth hookup with her, then I don't think she would be still acting so possessive of him. She probably would have moved on, but she took the fact that the guy wanted to get back with her after he was taking steps back as a sign they are meant to be or some ridiculous shit like that. Honestly, I don't even get why the blonde haired guy would even bother trying to hook up with another chick anyway if you got her at the house already, she seems pretty hot by my book. If she would casually want me to take a shower with her after a night of drinking, I sure wouldn't mind.


The stripper chick is a ball full of hypocrisy though. She has no right to get in the middle of shit with this person hooking up with that person just because another girl "gives her attitude" which seemed conceieved in her own mind that it was even happening like that. She obviously doesn't get that she didn't like it when other roomates gave her attitude about her hooking up with the guy she's with, so she shouldn't go ahead and do the same thing she hates people do to her. Typical Real World symantics here though, she's clearly got some perspective issues beyond just trying to talk shit to other random "skanks", she seems to want to be involved in destructive and intense relationships and situations.


As far as Sarah goes, what I can see there more than anything is just that she's your normal case of a girl with religious values who, ironically, ends up being the most judgmental of the group in most cases, although she at least observes her faults after she goes there. She seems to be rather vengeful (as do all of the chicks here AND Greg) and getting on her bad side turns her into a real piece of work.

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Just show we get the names straight.




























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I'm kinda digging this new Real World season. Greg reminds me of myself a little.

Just to be clear, I meant the withdrawn, disinterested, aloof version of Greg we saw early on, not the asshole, arrogant, prankster type that's been more prominent lately.

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He doesn't hit him.


Greg leaves the show because he gets fired from the "job"


Didn't happen tonight (although the preview for the next week hints that it will).


Now everyone's gone off the deep end on this show, with Will (who took a major shot at Greg's deceased father) and Dave going off on Greg big time, doing everything but punching him right in his fucking grill. Good stuff.

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Dave was being kind of an idiot, Will kind of went over the line with his "I trusted you" blah blah....The girls of the show actually for once kind of came off as the rational ones.....


Next week it looks like Joey is about ready to already fall off the wagon....

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Which is why Joey leaves. He thinks the boozing is tooo much for him, so he has to get away from it. It's a smart move on his part.

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That last episode really made me think what the fuck Will was thinking with his behaviour. Sure, there's a breaking point for everyone, but was he just trying to bait Greg to hit him or something? As much of a tool Greg is, that was really just stepping to his level with what Will and Dave were doing to him. He lost alot of integrity pulling that shit, rubbing a guys dead father in the mix is just classless and really is shittier than anything Greg has said or done to anyone.


I dont know who's idea really it was for "anger management classes" for Will and Dave, but I thought that was a bunch of needless shit, IMO. They were just being immature and probably have drunk/hungover or some shit. They portrayed it that it was the girls who maybe pushed for it, but it could have just been the producers. And for all the shit one could say about Brianna, she actually was the only sane one of the bunch when all of that shit hit with Greg, Will, Dave, etc. That surprised me, given that she really always seems to be into situations and dynamics within the house selfishly.


Anyway it seemed after that, everyone in the house took a step back and got some perspective on the situation. Well, again except Greg, who thinks resolving conflict and "wiping the slate clean" with Will means he needs to trumpet that he's the "real victim" of everything (wow, talk about immature). So just when you think people on this show are, ya know, learning, growing up, etc.......then comes the end of the show.


It's really too bad that, at least through the way they directed this episode, it appeared that initially everyone in the house was supportive and understanding of anything Joey needs upon returning back home, but as soon as they got more feedback of what is possibly to be expected and whatnot regarding THEIR drinking patterns, we get deuchebag Greg rolling his eyes at the suggestions, Brianna being defiant (after initially getting emotional about Joey's sobriety) about not being able to go out EVERY NIGHT? (omg she can't "network!!!") and Dave and Kim kind of being wishy washy and naive to the real situation that will occur when Joey returns. I actually feel real bad for Joey at this point, as its clear upon the previews that more than likely, nobody except perhaps Sarah and maybe if he's lucky, Will, will even support his sobriety whatsoever, and that will either make him relapse or outright leave the show. It's just sad because they will probably take a look at this experience years later and wonder what the fuck were they thinking, first using the excuse that going out to parties everynight generates for them a huge amount of networking contacts to be noticed in Hollywood (which appears to not be working, not so shockingly) and secondly, not being understanding of a roomates' sobriety when they were the ones in the first place who really pushed for him to go into rehab.


I can't wait for the reunion special for this season to see what everyone has really gotten out of the show.

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Just a heads up to anyone who wants to watch there's a Real World marathon on right now. It's already about halfway over, there's still about 6 episodes left.


But it's in Coral Vision! Which I've found to be pretty funny, even funnier then the little cigarette baby comments, whatever those are.


But it's a good way to catch up on the last few episodes before the finale this Wednesday (which includes big roommate brawl in the streets of Hollywood!)

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Will and Dave's antics during and after that foursome they had on last week's episode were classic. Reminded me exactly of two of my college buddies.

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The final episode was alright...the fight was pretty amusing but it didn't amount to much in the end. The rest was pretty much the usual end-of season fluff.

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The fight seemed to be one of those deals where someone was just trying to instigate stuff with the RW people more than anything. That happened a few times in San Diego RW, IIRC. But yeah, otherwise, it was just a normal sendoff episode....I did think it was hilarious that Kim totally buried herself with the celebrity interview thing, but at least she knows now what is a pipe dream versus an attainable one. Seriously, I think her best bet might be to just go in porn, she has the ultimate valley girl personality, yet she isn't from California. Her brain capacity seems to be next to nothing.


On the flip side, Brianna appeared to have some odd comedian strong points during the last improv show, so it seems like, at the end here, she might be the one out of them all that has actually made the most of her connections and has excelled in both acting AND singing, surprisingly. Joey seemed to be putting himself out there for potential pro wrestling involvement with them all sitting around watching his backyard fed, too. Although he needs to work on those mic skills - "Tonight in this ring, a battle royal.....tonight"


Looking forward to the reunion followup show, which is actually going to be aired live this Saturday afternoon on MTV. I dont know how long its been since the show has ended, but considering pretty much everyone on the show got some connections to build a career of some capacity, it will be interesting to see how each of them have followed up on those. Plus I'm sure Greg will make an idiot out of himself one last time.


Did anyone catch that RR Challenge preview after the show? Basically its going to be Survivor meets RR Challenge next time around.

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