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Wii Fit

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I think this deserves its own thread, simply due to how revolutionary it is.


IGN has a few nice features of this up. One of which I'll link now.




They say it's among the best scales money can buy. I believe it - because it's calculating your movements so it makes sense it can get your weight very precisely.


Some games on here besides yoga: skiing, running, dancing, football (!)


There are also personal trainers who actually shout encouragement at you while you're going through these exercises.


You can download the daily fitness test to your console so no need to pop the game in for your daily test.


I guess the question is: is this just an exercise tool or is it a game? Well, IGN says that it is fun and they in turn classify it as a video game.


I absolutely can't wait for this. Who's with me?

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It's pretty cool, the minigames are good. The tightrope walking is great.


You do look like a dick though doing the hula hoop challange.

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I'm not sure if I'm going to keep the game, but I'm definitely going to buy it when it comes out since it won't be out to rent. I'm about as lazy as can be when it comes to physical activity, but perhaps the video-game aspect of Wii Fit will get me to start actually improving my body and feeling better physically.

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It's pretty cool, the minigames are good. The tightrope walking is great.


You do look like a dick though doing the hula hoop challange.


Luke, you've played it already?


How would you describe the actual fitness tests? Fun? Hard?

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To be honest, I've not tried them. As I said, I bought it for my mum. But from what I can gather (by asking her) was that it's really good. She's on the damn thing all the time now. It eats into my Mario Kart and Mega Man II playing time.


I might try the test tonight and I'll post what I think.

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I had my sister put down $40 she owed me towards the game.


...and what's the big deal about having Mega Man 2 (on the VC, I'm guessing) ...then again, I have the Anniversary Collection, so...

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It sounds cool but the only problem I see is that it seems like a game that you should be playing daily if you are actually using it for fitness and not just entertainment, and between work, going to the gym, internet, all my other games I play, wife, activities outside the house, etc etc etc.....I dunno if I have time for a game that needs to be played daily in order to be effective.

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Not sure what promo DVD you got.


I just found out that I'm on the second shipment because I reserved late (a month ago almost!) so that sucks. Another week to wait.

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Oh yeah, you guys got Mega Man 2 like 5 months ago and WE DON'T HAVE IT WHAT THE FUCK


Yeah, but you guys are getting Earthbound. Quit complaining.

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Ok - I just spent about an hour with this.


I did all of the available strength, two of the yoga and some of the balance games.


The strength are what I expected: what I usually do was incredibly easy and things like side planks were hard for me. But the yoga DESTROYED me. The half moon pose, which is the second from beginner was tough for me to do and felt like it was working my obliques and transverse abdominal... I usually work my obliques but I sucked at this. I quit yoga after that.


I'm also terrible at the balance games. I over lean or don't lean enough. I need a lot of practice on this.


Awesome game, though.

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Some little punk kid got the last one, and I let him and his father in the door. Let that be a lesson on holding the door for kids.


He also traded in a PSP, 2 nintendo games and 2 Memory Sticks for the PSP and got a whopping $110 for it all. The sales guy then hosed him on the disc replacement thing ($3) and the Game Crazy MVP thing (Just $3.50 today only!!!) and he ended up with like $9 left over. Poor kid.



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After 5 days with this game, btw, it's easily worth the accolades.


It makes doing stuff that's sometimes difficult to do (situps, pushups) more fun and there are a ton of great exercises. Now I can finally do Yoga without having to go to a class and some of the balance games are really, really fun.


I wish there were more workout options but that's why there will probably be a Wii Fit 2.

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The Wii Balance Board has totally won me over. Wii Fit is great and all, I'll be using it for a long time to come, but the board itself is just oozing with potential. Can you imagine a boxing game where you use the remote and nunchuck to box while you stand on the board to duck and doge?


Or how about a Wii game like that one arcade game where you had to duck and sway for cover to dodge enemy gunfire? What was that arcade game called? Something like that could be a huge hit or the Wii if the right people developed it.


I can't wait to see what developers can come up with for this thing.

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After 5 days with this game, btw, it's easily worth the accolades.


It makes doing stuff that's sometimes difficult to do (situps, pushups) more fun and there are a ton of great exercises. Now I can finally do Yoga without having to go to a class and some of the balance games are really, really fun.


I wish there were more workout options but that's why there will probably be a Wii Fit 2.


What's the yoga like? Is it basic beginner stuff or would someone who's been doing it for a few years find any worth in it?

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I was at the Nintendo store in NYC on Wii Fit launch day, craziness in there! I liked randomly spotting people in the city carrying Wii Fit around throughout the day.

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After 5 days with this game, btw, it's easily worth the accolades.


It makes doing stuff that's sometimes difficult to do (situps, pushups) more fun and there are a ton of great exercises. Now I can finally do Yoga without having to go to a class and some of the balance games are really, really fun.


I wish there were more workout options but that's why there will probably be a Wii Fit 2.


What's the yoga like? Is it basic beginner stuff or would someone who's been doing it for a few years find any worth in it?


I'm a beginner to Yoga myself so I really can't say.

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The Wii Balance Board has totally won me over. Wii Fit is great and all, I'll be using it for a long time to come, but the board itself is just oozing with potential. Can you imagine a boxing game where you use the remote and nunchuck to box while you stand on the board to duck and doge?


Or how about a Wii game like that one arcade game where you had to duck and sway for cover to dodge enemy gunfire? What was that arcade game called? Something like that could be a huge hit or the Wii if the right people developed it.


I can't wait to see what developers can come up with for this thing.


Apperantly, there's a sking game coming out for use with the balance board. It calls for a Time Crisis port though.

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