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Craig Th

Bigger, Stronger, Faster

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Quite the poster, I will say that much (Hogan's image projected on front and center).


I saw the preview for this on HDNet a few times and I am definately interested in checking this out. Seems to be in very limited release when it comes out, though, but thats to be expected.

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There's clips of Hogan leaving the court house from the steriod trials, and the artist's depicion of him in court in the trailor, along with the dude that shot up so much his arms fucking exploded. Also, Ah-nold is in there, and apperently it'll discuss performance enhancing drugs used by the U.S. Military as well.


I'll most def be checking this out. My brothers that were in the army told me about all kindsa fucked up shit they had to take while they were in the service.

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