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Video Game Desert Island draft

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SMW would've been my next pick had it made it back. It's almost the equal of SMB3 in my eyes. Probably the fact that I'm nearly 34 and grew up with the NES instead of the SNES skewed it for me.

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lifted and improved upon, but that's just me...


and I'm only a year younger than you CC. To me, SMW is a more complete game over SMB3. It's what SMB3 could have been had technology allowed it to be...which is pretty standard when a new SM comes out on the next generation console.

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Aw, I was hoping SMW would last awhile longer. It's my favorite Mario game too. Yoshi alone makes it better than SMB3, heh. That and being able to save, lets you take your time and chill with it. SMB3 was too frustrating to try to get through in one sitting since you couldn't save. I'm a scrub, I like my games easy.

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Yoshi alone makes it better than SMB3, heh. That and being able to save, lets you take your time and chill with it.


Actually, I think that's exactly why I lean more towards SMB3; Super Mario World is very methodical at times (a point that was not lost on Sega when they started marketing Sonic the Hedgehog against it), as it integrates more puzzle-solving than pure platforming. And though that integration makes the game seem more well-rounded, it also introduces a little more tedium and, personally, makes the gameplay a little too easy, even without taking the save points into consideration; there's nothing in SMW that even scratches the surface of something like the nightmarish platforming of the Level 8 airship levels in SMB3.


And, all of that being said, I don't think either of them really compare to Super Mario 64.

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Of course, now that you've broached the topic of broken gameplay, it's probably worth mentioning that you can get through many of the "outdoor" levels in Super Mario World by using a cape, flying to the top of the level and gliding through to the end. :D

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thanks for the PM, really, I mean that


Blame foleyfan, it was his turn before yours.

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Of course, now that you've broached the topic of broken gameplay, it's probably worth mentioning that you can get through many of the "outdoor" levels in Super Mario World by using a cape, flying to the top of the level and gliding through to the end. :D





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Mario Galaxy is a severe reach. It wasn't even a first round level game.

Actually, I agree with you to a point - it's probably not worthy of being a first round game, but I took it in the first round because:


- I wanted to escape out of the opening rounds with a Mario and Zelda game (since they are flying off the board).

- Even though both of the Zelda games listed were probably superior, there were two of them and, thus, I could "float" them for four picks with favorable odds that at least one of them would come back to me.

- I felt that there was only one really top-flight Mario game left (once again, SMW is great, but I think Galaxy is significantly better).

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At least I mentioned that Phoenix Wright and Double Dash were worse picks, but yeah that's true. I can understand that line of thinking. Luke-o's reasoning is less defendable.


Fuck you, Phoenix Wright is awesome.


And it's my desert Island.

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In 1991, this game ruled it all. Whip enemies in all directions, swinging with the whip, the room is spinning! And the soundtrack. Oh lord the soundtrack! Yeah, I love Castlevania IV.

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With my next pick (jumping the gun and not even waiting for the go ahead email), I choose:




Star Fox 64-damn I loved this game...and no not because of the super cool rumble pack. I'm not a shooter fan at all but I sunk hours upon hours in to this one. I especially like the duel levels with Star Wolf and his team. I remember thinking I was hot shit when I discovered how to get to the underwater level. Nintendo did a real bang up job here and I sure hope they can follow that up with something special on the Wii. To me, the Wii's control scheme is perfect for this series.

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My second pick:






At my peak, I played this game for 10 hours straight. No cigarette, piss, or food breaks. The single player is fun, but the multiplayer is amazing. Keep in mind, my PS2 isn't connected to the internet, so it was just me vs. the CPU, and I STILL, to this day, play this game and get sucked into it for hours on end. It got to the point where I stole it off my Dad, then a week later, bought him a new copy because I couldn't deprive someone I love of playing this game. This WAS going to be my first round pick, but I had to snatch up FFVII as quick as I could.



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I'm gonna grab me some more Mario...I have only ever played on an SNES console once in my life (a week's rental, where I started and finished Super Mario World). I never touched it again until I discovered zSNES a few years ago, and I became absolutely addicted to this game:




Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (SNES, 1995)

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Final Fantasy II (IV)

Super Nintendo System, 1991


I need some Final Fantasy, so I'll go with my favorite after III and Tactics (bastards).





Sonic the Hedgehog 2

Sega Genesis, 1992


I think I like the Sonic games better than Mario for some reason. Well, the Genesis era ones, anyway. I chose II because it was the one I got the furthest in. I don't think I ever actually beat it, though.


So anyway, I was actually going to pick a different game with my second pick, but it had so many variations that I was scared that I would be basically wasting a pick. Like, say I picked Metal Gear Solid 2. Could somebody then pick MGS2: Substance and be all "haha dumbass"?

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Wright is awesome, and it's a game you could have picked fifth round (to Luke-o). I mean you were griping about most of the games you like being gone by your second pick. You wouldn't be complaining if you picked those games instead of Phoenix Wright.

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thanks for the PM, really, I mean that


Blame foleyfan, it was his turn before yours.


Oh, I do :D


I apologize man, though you shouldn't get too upset..I mean, it shouldn't be solely my responsibility to let you know when you're up. If you're on here to see a PM, then you're on here to quickly check how soon your turn is coming up. I assume you're not going to PM me now to get me back or something, but whatever.


EDIT: I still to this day cannot figure out why people didn't like Double Dash. I understand that those of you who grew up on the original probably hate the changes that were made (two to a cart especially), but I have more fun playing that version than any of the others (though Wii is quickly catching up).

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When you pm someone they get an email. The email will pop up and then they will come to the thread and do their business. Without the pms the whole draft concept falls apart and takes forever. Please witness the music draft.

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My Third Pick:




EA Skate.


Jerry Hsu. Mike Carroll. Chris Haslam. It's DIFFICULT. Jerry Hsu!


It really is the perfect skateboarding game. Even though I've only played it once, I'm gonna be buying an XBOX 360 SOLELY for this game. And maybe GTA IV. Mainly Skate, though.



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