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Patty O'Green

Booking 4 the 8/28 HeldDOWN~!

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I'm going to PM KC about this later tonight (I'm about to go to work right now), but for now I'd like to have the opening segment reserved.


EDIT: Actually, it doesn't really have to be the opening segment, just early in the show if there's something more important that needs to go first. But KC can still expect a PM later.

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PMs have been sent to KC and Ed.


Fallout with the DA from Alf's MITB loss, and a segment with the Burrough Boys, PATD and Tony Tourettes. Hopefully I can work these guys in some more comedy segments, sort of along the lines of Patty's COD segments (probably not as good, but I'll give it a shot :D)


No match this week, probably. Still haven't started on TLC yet.

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A live, in-ring 'Money In The Bank Debate', between Krista Isadora Duncan and Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix ahead of the MITB Final.


'The new and improved' Jade Rodez-Duncan's first match, vs. Holly-Wood/Holly Mann/Holly w/e


I'll try and throw another couple of matches together too if I can

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All of a sudden I don't feel too bad about having to write a bunch of segments for HD and a couple of matches for AS. I'm not alone. We all have tons of stuff to write this week!


What to expect for HD:


Baron Windels promo


Final AS Shill (if anybody wants something included for this, send it to me)

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