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Guest Tzar Lysergic


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Did they think it was still preseason and this game didn't count? Way to lay down and die in the first frickin game of the season Washington.


I mean an inside hand-off on first and ten down by 9 with 3 minutes left. The hell kind of play calling is THAT?

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I missed the whole game except the final play where a 'Skins linemen tried to break Kiwanuka's ankle, but I did see the score was pretty lackluster. Were the Giants any good or did Washington just suck?

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New York started well enough, but they weren't so hot after the first quarter or so aside from Jacobs. Given that the Redskins were completely wretched, they should have easily had more than 16 points, but the Giants could have just been taking things easy by that point so it is really hard to tell how good they will be.

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ugly win but I'll take it.


Defense was stellar.


I can never hate Eli but he was the reason they didn't didn't score more points tonight. That pick was a play a rookie would make. He still makes those kind of plays but then he makes the big play that offsets it. He's just going to be a solid, slightly above average QB that you can win with.


Plax and Jacobs were great.


I was not impressed with Washington's offense at all. Campbell has not improved a bit the last 3 seasons.


Again nice win but they have to play better than this if they want to make noise in the NFC again

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It seemed like the Giants were playing down to the competition a little in the second half. I mean, holy shit, did Washington look awful or what? The writing was on the wall a little bit with how bad the first team offense looked in the preaseason, but I didn't expect them to be that inept. I don't see how that's going to get fixed any time soon. Jason Campbell is going to have to get hurt and another player is going to have to die for this team to make any kind of run at respectability.

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Didn't Washington really only make a playoff run last year due to the Taylor shooting and also Todd Collins stepping in for an injured Campbell at QB? They really were just a mediocre team that got some inspiration late in the season, and tonight showed that.

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It seems that Chad, LOOK AT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Johnson's "official" new last name will actually be on his jersey this Sunday.


Never thought I'd say this, but the NFL is about equal with the XFL if they let shit like this go on.



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While the NFL takes a lot of liberties with where exactly it's jurisdiction ends...I can't imagine it extends to forcing someone to legally change their name...even if it's to change it back.


It's not like he changed it to Chad FuckRogerGoodell.


And the NFL is a business. Chad Johnson sells jerseys. And now Chad Ocho Cinco will sell them to the same idiots all over again.

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Yeah, the NFL can't do anything. Someone should ask the state of Florida what the hell they were thinking approving it then because they started this mess.


Anyone remember when Chad first showed up and he was the guy studying film and just wanting to win? Now about three or four years later, he's the guy who has gone completely nuts changing his name to his number.

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Guest Tzar Lysergic

Brandon Jacobs is going to make a LOT of money this season if he stays healthy. Guy is a fucking ogre.

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While the NFL takes a lot of liberties with where exactly it's jurisdiction ends...I can't imagine it extends to forcing someone to legally change their name...even if it's to change it back.


It's not like he changed it to Chad FuckRogerGoodell.


And the NFL is a business. Chad Johnson sells jerseys. And now Chad Ocho Cinco will sell them to the same idiots all over again.



I heard that was his second choice.

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A couple things I noticed about the game..


The Redskins time management was horrendous. You need to spike the ball quickly, Campbell so what do you do? Stand at the line and wait 3-4 more seconds then snap and spike. I'm not even touching the 1st half finish.


Eli was making a lot of risky throws and just as easily could've had 2-3 INT on the night. I know Carlos Rogers dropped 2 INT. Seems like Eli is back to his last season form... big throws and picked off tosses that get overlooked when he throws his 30+ yard TD.

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The NFL could force him to wear the name "Ochocinco," which is what he actually had it changed to. But what's the point? It all seems fairly harmless to me, although I guess I understand the slippery slope argument that has the league full of Diviatron Thug Lifes and D'Qwell Pussy Wreckas in two or three years.

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Guest דניא&#15
The NFL can change the rule so that they have to approve jersey names.

IT'S HIS NAME. They can't do shit, and I hope someone tells the NFL they can't do shit, because it's so gratifying when the flaxen-haired autocrat gets smacked down by Arlen Specter or other people who wield actual power. The weird thing is that as far as Miami alumni and current Bengals go, Ocho Cinco doesn't really murder people, drive drunk, or anything else unsavory. He hasn't sired any high-profile bastards, either, unlike TOM TERRIFIC or Matt Leinart. He just acts like kind of a goof. We need more Ocho Cincos.

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Guest Tzar Lysergic

The suggested names and ideas being bantered about are no worse than "Dick Butkus" and he's in the friggin' hall of fame.

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Guest דניא&#15

Oh, well I suppose that's why he came out normal. I got confused because of that weird Miami threat he made a while back. My point stands, though; if this is the hill Goodell wants to die on, he's clueless.

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Everyone complains about the NFL restricting celebrations and all the rules they throw down on people and whatnot but then everyone gets upset when someone finds a way around it? I don't get people sometimes.

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So it looks like most of the country is getting the Jets-Dolphins game on CBS this week. Once the novelty of Brett Favre throwing meaningful passes in a Jets uni wears off, that game is going to suck. I don't have high hopes for Dallas-Cleveland, either. And then Indy-Chicago for the nightcap. The first Sunday might be a little rough this year.

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Tampa Bay/New Orleans

New York/Miami



Great. Watching Reggie Bush is nice, but I'll be waiting until Denver/Oakland to catch my first game this year, I think.

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I'm glad I don't live in Jets-Dolphins territory. We obviously get the Steelers here in Pittsburgh which should be a decent game since I think Houston should be a little better than most people expect this year. The best game of that group probably ends up being Jacksonville-Tennessee.


None of the Fox games this week look all that exciting. I guess Dallas-Cleveland might at least have some scoring.

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Guest Tzar Lysergic

I need to get that Sunday ticket shit. Lions/Falcons? Oh lord. Vasgergian Facts? Doesn't have the same ring to it. Maybe I'll spend that time making fun of Matt Millen.

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Chiefs-Pats on CBS, so I'm spared from Jet Fawve... the NFC options suck though


oh well, the game I really care about is on Monday anyway

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