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Obi Chris Kenobi

Mercenaries 2: World In Flames

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Well there's a storyline, missions and what not...think GTA but in a war-like setting. There are 4 different factions that you can do different tasks for. Whenever you complete a task, said faction gives you clues on where to find the main bad guys of the game that you're hunting for. The crazy part is that those tasks are usually against a different faction which causes said faction to like you less and get to the point where they'll start shooting you on sight. You get back on their good side by completing a task for them. It's kind of a weird endless circle.


In the first one, you were hunting 52 top officers in the North Korean army...a deck of cards represented each officer (like that thing we did with Iraq a few years ago). The factions you worked for were the AN (based on the UN), the Russian Mafia, the Chinese Army and the South Korean Army. Ultimately they were all against the NKs, but they were against each other as well. I think this one uses that same card premise but in a different setting, some area in South America, I believe.


The premise is that you can shoot, drive, fly and blowup EVERYTHING. So yes, you certainly can have mindless fun destroying fucking everything, but there is an actual mission in there as well.


Just get it, trust me on this one.

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Thanks, Lushus, I've got it bookmarked now, thinking of pre-ordering it, but I'm already getting Spore, Infinite Undiscovery. So it would be a flip between this and Viva (or wait for them both on budget).

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I picked it up today. Plays very much like the original with a few refinements. You also recruit people like a helicopter pilot to ferry you around and send you supplies (there is no "Merchant of Menace" anymore). Plus, there isn't a "Deck of 52"; each faction has a group of High Value Targets (HVT) that they want you to take out.

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Yeah, people can drop into your game at any time to go through the story or just screw around. Kind of like the system from Crackdown. You can set it to only allow Friends or Invites so you won't have random assholes dropping in and pissing you off.

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The consensus I'm starting to get after people have played it for a while, and from watching streams of gameplay, is that it's a pretty good game, but not quite worth the 60 dollar price tag.


At least it seems to be a split decision, as a lot of things I've read, have people complaining about the game being glitchy, or not as polished as it could have been, but then there are those who say it's just nice, simple, sandbox fun. Plus I'm sure people get a kick out of blowing stuff up.


So I'm torn. I'll probably wait a few weeks, for it to go down to about 30-40 on ebay.

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Something I really like is that this game is definitely much lighter in tone than the first; there's a good dose of humor involved and Venezuela is a much brighter and prettier locale to travel around than dark, depressing, polluted North Korea was.

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Well, after further consideration and a good night's sleep, I have decided about getting this game just yet. Other games I want more, and a holiday hotel room to still pay for say 'I shall wait'. With the glitches mentioned above, by the time I buy it, it should be a patched working game of fun.

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anyone who has the game and wants to do some co-op, let me know.


I haven't gotten the jet yet as I've kinda just been dicking around and doing some of the UP HVT missions..

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Ok, I'm starting to get the glitches and game crashes that others are complaining about as well as discovering that this game is painfully repetitive. I still like it, but my enthusiasm has dipped a bit.

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Spread your wealth...of bullets.


And caribou Barbie for the "real Americans", too.


Cashing in on election fever, EA today announced that, as part of an upcoming update for Mercenaries 2, both Sarah Palin and Barack Obama will be made available as playable characters. Palin in her trademark red jacket and hair, Obama in his trademark...suit. Sounds a little nutty, but seeing Obama punch a swarthy Venezuelan in the face is a lot funnier than you can probably imagine.


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